Which, of course, means that you should head downstairs and open it. Count Crowroost: On the Shadow plane side of the beach here, a small imp stands guard over a coffin. Ammon Jerro lies, soulless, in the corner of the same room as Bebtu. If you buff yourself properly before the fight and summon helpers, they should go down quickly. Check around for these dirt mounds by holding down the Z button. Use Turn Undead and summoning spells to defeat the foes. Bring Safiya to the receptacle and have her speak to the image to receive the Incomplete Soul. The character places the item to be enchanted, along with all Essences, gems, and other reagents required, into the magical workbench's inventory . Dont promise the gargoyles anything; you can goad them into attacking you by trying to bluff them into the third door, then kill them and take the magical items and essences that they drop. There's really no reason to craft weapon early game, unless you find Duskwood Longbow is too wonderful to miss, hm? The consequences of taking more than your alloted souls out of the repository can bedrastic. You cant control him at all, to make matters worse, although he does respond to orders telling him to wait in a certain spot, and so on. Giving Kaelyn a Tower Shield proficiency will help her wield the heavy armor needed to stack her AC up to unhittable levels. If Okku is in your party, hell hear his name on the wind; it would appear that his relatives are in the area, calling out for him. You'll be able to see a lot of the groups of enemies before they see you here, so take advantage of it. Note that the Intimidate option will cause a large decrease in influence with Okku if hes in your party. You can use the Sacred Pouch back in the middle room of this level as an offering to the spirits, who will then let you pass upwards. Baldur's Gate with Use Any Item, 3.5/Pathfinder with UMD. 4. Take down Juraj first; shes a spellcaster and thus the weakest of the bunch. Doing so will net you Myrkuls Essence, which will presumably be used in crafting a powerful weapon, although we confess we never found the tainted weapon that the essence refers to. If you do so, you can head to the red-robed merchant just inside the town gates, spend 10,000 gold for the cart, then walk outside and speak to the Shous again. That will start the Fragments of a Mask quest, which will last for quite a while. The last lever will be found near the Sleeper; ask Geiard about it, and hell point you out to a gnoll nearby. If you managed to cast Mind Blank, though, everyone should be able to safely ignore the aura and attack away. If you do so, youll enter. When the enemies are dead, youll find a number of high-level scrolls for Safiya to scribe, as well as a Ring of Regeneration and Amulet of Natural Armor +4 that might be useful for Okku, if you have him in your party. Using Devour Spirit on the elemental when its in the "near death" stage of things will net you a Pristine Spirit Essence, so thats definitely something you want to take advantage of. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Odesya is already mostly leaning towards Nadajs side. Eventually, you'll be able to devour the spirits of multiple enemies at one time. Rammaq has designs on the tomes in Eternitys End: he plans to become a god, somehow. So longswords are plenty and powerful. However, if you go through with it, Inarus will give you a set of skeleton keys that will apparently open a good number of doors within the academy. Even though we were evil, keeping Safiya on our good side was well worth the thought of having the Founder running around in a tomb. Since Gann had accompanied us, we immediately had him cast Epic Gate to summon in an extra bit of help for the fight. If you save this quest for last, Seyryu will be under attackfrom a total of three soldiers. Keep in mind that you can also position your characters so that Safiya and Gann are out of harms way before your main character runs in to start the fight. You can pick the locks on the doors here; they dont require a special key or anything. Doing so will cause your spirit energy to reduce at a rate of six points per five minutes of gameplay or so, which may not sound bad, but can definitely add up. He cant cast spells or use many activated abilities, so basically all you need to do is point him at your enemies and let him loose. In combat, Safiya is your basic wizard. THX. This makes a walkthrough relatively difficult to write, but luckily all you really need to do is just lose and watch Durler walk out of the tavern to move on. Bracers +10 ac. Beyond his spellcasting, though, Ganns combat feats mostly revolve around the shortbow. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The following recipes may be crafted using the NWN2 crafting system. If youre interested in following the Ceremonies of the Hunt books instructions, this will be a necessary item. Kill them, loot all the bodies, then head into the Ashenwood in pursuit of Nadaj. You have two clerics, so you should be able to cast spells like Flamestrike or Sun Beam by now. One of them will drop Nentyarchs Band, a very nice ring for Gann. To open up the enchanting UI, you need to use the Enchantment Focus near an enchanting bench. You may see a large room in the middle of the map here; explore it if you like. Killing them will yield the usual essences, while Sarduris will also drop the Deea pouch, which will hurt your Wisdom and Diplomacy scores and match them with equal contributions to your Strength and Intimidate scores. In addition, scimitars are always worse than longswords in terms of what you have access to. If youre particularly good at logic games, you can perservere here, but doing so will take a while, and the rewards, as mentioned, are fairly spartan. In order to retrieve it, youll need to speak to the two Pit Fiends on this floor. If you manage to defeat him (which is possible, with a very good enchanted weapon and a large number of attacks per round), youll earn the Transcendent Edge, a large falchion that appears to mostly be normal, save for the bonus feat "Spirits Ruin". Ivin Borsk is holed up here along with a group of rowdies. Bring that soul back to the pit fiends and trade them for the soul you need to unlock Nefris door. If the character you selected was level 18 or more, then you . Djafi will give you a nice set of bracers for Safiya, and you can find a Lyonsbane Ring in a vase in the entry hall; give it to your most powerful character and use it to Resurrect fallen party members if anything goes wrong. He can take two souls and attempt to fuse them together, and will do so for you if you pressure him enough. Now, when you manage to make it to the Red Tree, you have two options: you can use the Bark Cinders and the Blighted Leaves on the Pure Sanctuary Water or on the Legendary Blood (simply right-click on the former in your inventory and apply them to the latter). First of all, you will require an item called Enchantment Focus which is sold within the Laboratory in the Lower Ward. In Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, players are transported back to the Forgotten Realms shortly after the events detailed in the original Neverwinter Nights 2. Monk smashes most everything to tiny, bloody chunks with their fists and feet. With helpers in tow, talk to one of the death knights to start the fight. If you didnt before, return to the Furnace now and deal with the spirits there to find the Silver Sword Replica that unlocks the door leading to the lower levels. This is a side quest that will tie into the main storyline. NOTE: Even in the final game release available on Steam, this enhancement does not get applied in combat. This is considered a Lawful Good action. Recall Spirit is a resurrection spell that will work well if any of your members accidentally dies. Again, use your summoning spells to cause some havoc, take down the wizards first, and deal with the Erinyes last. Lena: Lena puts you in the ring with a few of her berserkers. Theres a portal here, guarded by Shadow Umber Hulks, that will lead to an inaccessible portion of Mulsantir. Safiyas Spiderskin spell will offer the same bonus as well as bonuses to poison resistance and Hide checks, but in most cases Barkskin will effectively be the same spell, so just have Gann cast it on all the party members and save yourself some buffing time after each rest. You can spot the spirit army from a good distance away, allowing you to set yourself up for battle. Again, we never used One of Many outside of a very short playtest, so we can't speak much about his abilities. When the situation stabilizes a bit, head back into the room and get to work. If you want to buy any extra equipment, do so before exporting them, and they should keep most of it when you start Mask of the Betrayer. If you pressure him for a reward, hell give you a pretty lame Ring of Holiness, which grants extra Cleric spell slots for levels one through four. They probably wont believe you. In terms of combat spellcasting, Kaelyn has a full suite of summoning spells at her disposal (including her racial spell Summon Planetar), and is probably a better healer than Gann, since she can cast spells like Mass Heal and Greater Restoration that he cant, although shell need to keep her Concentration score up if she intends to cast in combat. Crafted Ammo, Thrown Weapons, and Enchanted Bows v1.20. When youre ready to face her, save your game and try to get as many of your characters as possible protected from Fear effects. If you make your way to the southwestern corner of the map here, youll come to the area where the earth elemental that Fentomy wishes to destroy is located. The other two options will have you facing off against either the two Death Knights in the room, or the Death Knights and a resurrected Heilari. (We got Vampiric Feast and Epic Gate and were pretty happy with those.). ), so unless you can counteract the small alignment shifts you get from using it, stick to a one-soul-per-day diet if your character is evil. He rarely manages to land critical hits, but hell output a remarkable amount of steady damage in combat. That will cause ghosts to appear. These three items are listed in the toolset under "Special Edition". Second Door: A defective Imaskari golem will attack you when you open this door. One way or another, you're going to be fighting your way out of here. After you get the information about Lienna and Nefris from the hags, you can inquire more about different subjects of import to you, such as what happened to your companions at the end of NWN2, the location of the Sword of Gith, and so on. Unlike some other fights in these games, the rest of your teammates will not get warped to your position during the conversation with Okku; they should still be back near the town gates. (If you didnt obtain the latter, feel free to head there now and do so. Gann can cast Recall Spirit, so thats taken care of. The ones to look out for are Stoneskin, Premonition for Safiya herself, the Mass Buff spells at level 6 (with Mass Bears Endurance arguably being the most important), and, perhaps most importantly, a Persistant Haste spell. You seem to retain whatever buffs you enter with, so cast a bunch of them on yourself and go to town on the berserkers as they arrive. However, speaking to Darovik will still not allow you to talk to the High Priest. Middle game, you have Grobnar, Middlelate, Sand and Zhaeve. You can always right-click on an essence itself to find out what spells you need to cast on it in the Enchanters Satchel to enchant an object. Repeat the process until Hunger is dead, then focus all your fire on Akachi to finish him off. After a bit of talking, hell reveal that you need to wait until dark in order to pass into the sunken city nearby. If you choose to fight, your other teammates will rejoin you and youll have to wade through the Coven. There are also a bunch of dirt mounds in the city, so feel free to loot those as well. Along the way through the game, you'll be able to earn new feats related to your spirit-eating abilities that will make you more flexible in how you approach your addiction. The conversation that ensues will be significantly lengthy; you can expect to spend a goodly amount of minutes in dialogue. Killing the elemental will unlock the door leading to her chamber; completing the water-draining quest will open a shortcut around the door. And this time, I wanted to release my inner munchkin and see just how OP I could get with crafting. After he joins, equip his armor and his weapons, and take a good long look at the feats that he has available, as theyll come in handy. When youre ready to move on, return to Mulsantir and sell the huge number of magical clubs you have at the merchants, and stock up on new ammo for Gann and Safiya, if necessary. I did a few things different, like going with the Watch and sparing Okku, so I won't be as op as you. Okku is one of the two optional characters that become available to you near the end of Act I or the beginning of Act II. There is also a set of matching 40x40 pixel icons for use in game. The people at Obsidian have about as storied a history of creating computer RPGs as any company can lay claim to. To the southwest, near the exit to the Burning Grove, you can find the entrance to the Predator Den. Head inside to find Heilaris house. You have two options here: you can either attempt to complete Fentomys quest with a minimum of delay, which will allow you to bypass some of the line that prevents you from reaching the Coven quickly, or you can shuffle your way through the line, which will net you some optional encounters, fights, and experience. Kill him and move on. One of Many is a creepy character that's really only suitable for evil parties. Gann doesnt come stocked with any kind of crafting abilities, but if you give him Craft Magic Arms and Armor, hell be able to do most of the same functions as Safiya. Certain item base properties are considered enchantments. Dont forget that you can always sleep a couple of times to shift yourself back to nighttime if you dont want to walk to the Sloop. Most of the stuff he nabs are well worthwhile, though, as hell keep loading himself up with epic feats revolving around increasing his attack and critical strike ratio, as well as the Epic Toughness feat. If your main character doesnt have a lot of armor and health, then itll be difficult to survive this fight, but if you can split your enemys attention, you can have Safiya and Gann pelt the spellcaster with their bows and spells until it dies, then focus on the rest of the enemies until they go down too. This may be a bug.) I also plan on going through Motb, so i guess it's the same deal right? The Ice Lodge is where the berserkers of the town congregate. The wall will counterattack with golems and laser beams, of all things. Don't spoil me, but you could set me on the right path to enjoy the best dialogue / plot outcomes. When all of the ice is melted (tap Z to ensure that youve found all of it), you can head to Imsha and Tamlith and attempt to bluff them into thinking that the hag is gone. Inside, youll find an activation orb, an obelisk, a focusing site, and the first of the series of mirrors that dominates this floor. Hell tag along on your party as a fifth member (i.e. Take the Blighted Leaves, the Bark Cinders, and the Pure Sanctuary Water to the Immil Vale, which is on your world map (theres an exit from the Burning Grove, incidentally). Head into Janiiks house and interrogate Anya. Email news@gamespot.com. Ok then i'll go with Longswords since at the end the base damage difference between a Longsword and a Bastard swrod is negligible. If you possess an Enchanter's Satchel, you can place weapons and armor into it, along with Spirit Essences, then use these feats on the Satchel to enchant the items. If you have a main character from Neverwinter Nights 2, youll need to load up the last saved game that you made with that character, hit Escape, and select Export Character. In order to escape from the Skein, youll probably need to find some way to lower the water levels in here. Before starting the fights, be sure to try and talk to the golem. Kaji can pretty easily pick the locks leading on through here, but be careful. It worked, for a time, until the Founder connived to place you into the barrow and absorb the curse yourself. If you nab the spirit core, you can place that and a Brilliant Spirit Essence into an Enchanters Satchel, then use your Mold Spirits feat on it to obtain a Shining Spirit Core. If you enter the Burning Grove here, youll encounter a strange entity called the Shape of Fire, which will give you this quest. The second round of challenges is a bit tougher than the first. I am playing through MOTB again, with a Fighter/Bard/RDD/WM build using falchions. Rammaq also promises to send a useful ally to you when you locate your soul. Since there arent really any benefits or alignment shifts involved when you dont retrieve the tomes, you may as well give them both over and reap the rewards that he offers. Mask Fragments: If you managed to find all of the mask fragments in the various dreamscapes throughout the game, Kelemvor will tell you of an option that now becomes available to you: if you can somehow manage to return the mask fragments to Akachi, he may yet be reminded of what he once was, and be freed of his curse. Dont forget that Gann has his Chastise Spirits and Weaken Spirits powers; he can harm large groups of foes with them. Mask of the Betrayer will continue the story that began in Neverwinter Nights 2, and you can expect many high-level adventures because you have the option of carrying over an existing. Head back to the shadow portal near the bazaar and head through. Thatll give you a big bonus to your spirit energy, but note that devouring more than one spirit per day will greatly increase your craving. If, on the other hand, you didnt manage to retrieve all three fragments, this conversation simply wont occur. Doing so will cause you to partake in a sequence of battles with the frost giants; the crown will be placed on the ground, and theyll come at you in groups of one or two giants in an attempt to pick it up and place it on their heads. We waited until Act III to complete this quest, but didnt notice any actual difference in Okkus stats, so if youre attached to the Spirit Essences, you may simply want to hold onto them. The Scrivener is inside. Requires: Caster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above, Requires: Caster level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Requires: Caster level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Requires: Caster level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. You can find the Wall on the southern side of the map when you enter the map screen. Funny! In order to power up the machine, grab the Imaskari Globe from it. If you bash the stones here, youll find the Periapt of the Lost Witch, which grants the wearer Immunity to Critical Hits, Spell Resistance 30, and a couple of spell uses per days for Avasculate and Bestow Curse. ), so I'm a bit lost. The ability to use items, scrolls, and armor/weapons that you couldn't normally use is GREAT! Theyll attack as soon as you talk to them, so you can choose your moment to strike. The following mods are for the first expansion for Mask of the Betrayer. Unfortunately, we werent able to enter either of the rooms at the end of the hallway. If you can find any way to grant yourself a Freedom of Action status, then you might want to use it. After thats done, speak to the High Priest. In order to defeat Okku, youll have to defeat a certain number of his spirit army. If you have Gann in your party, then feel free to go crazy with Sunburst spells; Kaelyn will obviously want to go ahead and use Turn Undead to try and make a dent in these guys. If you do, and loot the urn, a spirit will appear. Youll spot the Vault ahead, but dont go in yet; feel free to explore this area, kill the enemies, gain some experience, and loot the dirt mounds and unmarked graves. Then, start a new Mask of the Betrayer campaign, hit Select Character, then browse to the name of the character that you just exported. Pretty handy. Kill all of the treants here, then speak to Gnarlthorn. Luckily for you, your map is marked with some notable areas. Obviously someone wanted to free it. With a little jawing, youll discover that hes actually a genie, although he seems to wish you no harm. Is it that dwarf fighter guy? Presumably finding one tome but not the other has a somewhat intermediate reward. When youre ready to move on, head west into the scriptorium. So they're more unique/better Long Swords than Bastard Swords? Begin by exploring the northern room here. I'm making a Fighter/Clerc type character and i'm still debating wehter to go Blackguard or Paladin. Youll be able to loot all of the bloated corpses that were previously floating in the water, and they have some decent stuff on them, which will certainly enrich your coffers when you manage to find someplace to sell all the loot. Do your best to wend your way through the conversation, but eventually youll have to fight off a pair of devils that attack you. These vampire monks are tough combatants, so try to keep your weaker spellcasters away from the center of the room before spawning them; you may want to keep them in the hallway leading to the Archives. Mistress: When you defeat the undead, speak to the guard and head through to talk to the Mistress. If your appetites get the better of you, or you simply prefer to devour all the spirits that you see, you can maximize your craving meter. Added Vorpal. You can earn some Chaotic points if you attempt to do so, though. Loot the Letter from Ivin Borsk off of Ivins body when he dies, then head back to the Sloop and rest up. First therell be Remorseless Instinct, then Infinite Despair, then Unrelenting Fury, and then Insatiable Hunger. Only by refracting the light through Safiya will you be able to complete this puzzle. But in the end it doesn't really matter since you can enchant and make a better weapon than any you can find in game, correct? None of this influences your alignment, so feel free to butter her up. The dryads will get some spells in on you, but if youre lucky, only Okku and some of the Telthor wolves and snow leopards will follow you. Keep clicking on the door lever until all the mephits are dead, then pick up and drop the bodies so that all of the red mephits are in one room, and all the white mephits are in the other. The ash tree loci will take a lot of damage, so hit it with all youve got until it explodes. When you Suppress, you'll reduce your craving and gain a bit of spirit energy, with a bigger reduction in craving being effected for each spirit around you; use it in a large crowd of spirits for the biggest gain. If you speak to Darovik about the book you found, hell give you a lengthy story about a former death priest who traveled to the City of Judgment and attempted to destroy the Wall of the Faithless that surrounded it. Fourth Door: The fourth door is the one that youll be returning to this area for in the future. To extinguish it, youll need to head to the Immil Vale and encounter the hag in the cave there (see the Hidden Hag quest for more information). Shell give you the Shadow Mulsantir quest, but if youve already discovered or passed through a shadow portal, youve probably already completed it. Undead: Ankhriva the lich and his minions are first in line. - George Carlin. If you didnt complete Fentomys quest, then hell summon a couple of his earth elementals and attempt to take you down, as well. Wells of Lurue Bear Bugfix & Ice Troll Lodge Bugfix. The shelves here will have some new spells for you, such as Avasculate, Power Word Petrify, and Extract Water Elemental. Youll be told that there are two ways to escape from the barrow: you can either bash the bear skeleton bones in the middle of this room to anger the spirits, then defeat them; or head to the northeastern corner of the barrow to reach the Pool of Offerings. Pump him for info, then ask him to rejoin you. Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above, Requires: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. They want to fight, but theyre easy enough to kill. Can replace the 4 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. Head inside and speak to the inhabitants after quicksaving. You have one choice to make here: accept the siblings offer to help you fight against the army of spirits (which nets you 2,000 XP and a loss of influence with Kaelyn) or letting them free of their promise, which gets you a 6 point influence gain, 2,000 experience, and no helpers during the fight against the spirits; Efrem will also give you his stag helmet, which has some very nice stats on it: +4 AC (Deflection), +4 Constitution, Freedom of Movement, and Divine Resistance 10/-. Reminder: debugmode 1, giveitem [item code], debugmode 0. If you need to, rest and rebuff. The enemies within are quite tough for level 20 characters, so youll probably want to come back a bit later before tackling the challenges within. Question mark to learn the rest of the death knights to start the fight and summon helpers, they go. Playtest, so thats taken care of either of the beach here, a spirit appear... Blank, though, everyone should be able to enter either of the repository can bedrastic recall is. 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