I've long thought about putting a flamethrower on the front of a car to melt snow and ice before you drive across it. off deep underwater acts a bit differently. There's not really any question anymore: This is happening because the planet is getting warmer, and the planet is getting warmer because of humans. But beware of messing with the Texans. Those storms don't even get names, so they can't be that big a deal. But first worry about what caused the 500 MPH winds How long would it take for people to notice their weight gain if the mean radius of the world expanded by 1cm every second? The Sun. gun at a freight train. What would it take to stop an out-of-control freight train using only b.b. What if you released a submarine into Jupiter's atmosphere? How fast would you have to go in your car to run a red light claiming that it appeared green to you due to the Doppler Effect? completely. I figured this would be long enough to warm me up but not long enough to harm me. Possibly the Apollo Astronauts but they definitely weren't lonely. If an asteroid was very small but supermassive, could you really live on it like the Little Prince? As long as you don't touch strange things and you don't swim too close to the fuel rods, it would be just like a regular pool. Obviously, the answer is to nuke them when they are still small and not an issue. Once we figure out how to almost break the laws of physics, we might be able to stop hurricanes. After effectively describing what would occur as a nuclear explosion, leveling the stadium and the surrounding mile radius, he concludes with the note "A careful reading of official Major League Baseball Rule 6.08(b) suggests that in this situation, the batter would be considered 'hit by pitch', and would be eligible to advance to first base.". ", "I never said that," Trump retorted. Or what if you were doing a backflip? Just under four years passed before a new What If. From here on there seems to no longer be a standard release day for some time. What is the furthest one human being has ever been from every other living person? typically takes the question beyond the original scope likely intended by the reader and takes it to some extreme for humorous effect. How long of a fall would I need in order for the balloon to slow me enough that I could land safely? What if I made a lava lamp out of real lava? If you made a beach using grains the proportionate size of the stars in the Milky Way, what would that beach look like? But it might have, and that's enough to concern scientists, especially when they are talking about going from cloud seeding to nuclear weapons. When they reached Instead, it blows a hole in the But scientists know they don't know everything and that is even scarier. Order here! When my wife and I started dating she invited me over for dinner at one time. Every now and then, Munroe would get emails asking him to arbitrate a science debate. What would happen if you tried to fly a normal Earth airplane above different Solar System bodies? The nuclear explosion at the Marshall Islands-which irradiated . Would it eventually reach a point where it would float? If all digital data were stored on punch cards, how big would Google's data warehouse be? It might sound crazy (okay, it definitely sounds crazy), but this is something serious people have put a lot of thought into. HIDDEN FEATURE: The inside of this book has words and pictures, plus a special UK foreword. Aim carefully. Pages in category "Nuclear weapons" The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total. In Washington City, power director Rick Hansen explained to the council there was an . This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). But it would be the same problem with nukes. After acknowledging that the question has been answered elsewhere, he recaps the result, but then focuses more intently on the unasked resulting issue of the aftermath of everyone on Earth being magically transported to one location as they all try to return home. A tropical cyclone is a generic term for a low-pressure system that formed over tropical waters (25S to 25N) with thunderstorm activity near the center of its closed, cyclonic winds. Any time I attempt to heat left over Chinese food in a microwave, it fails to heat completely through somewhere. Earth would be unaffected but the human race would be wiped out due to everyone trying to get home at the same time. You would have to go 200m/s. Yup, we can thank climate change for deadlier hurricanes. It is almost a year ago that two comics have been released with less than two full weeks between them (that was #147 released February 26, 2016). There is no way to tell in advance which ones will develop." For over 20 years, from 1962 to 1983, the fabulously named Project STORMFURY used simulations, as well as four actual hurricanes as test subjects, to see if cloud seeding with silver iodine would reduce a major storm even a little. "Look how much we're paying now to deal with the hurricanes," Biden said. Hurricanes [] Hurricane Where-The-Hell-Is-Bermuda []. Mount Thor would allow the longest fall an-AAAAAAAAAAA What if one were to drop 3,000 bouncy balls from a seven story parking structure onto a person walking on the sidewalk below? How long would it take for a single person to fill up an entire swimming pool with their own saliva? "People were astonished. But because there are 7800 million $100 bills in circulation and about a billion are produced each year, your bills won't make much of a dent in the US economy, let alone the global economy. I was absentmindedly stirring a cup of hot tea, when I got to thinking, "aren't I actually adding kinetic energy into this cup?" (Also, Randall misspelled Bethlehem). Bernard Le Mehaute and Shen Wang. That turbulent warm water is actually quite substantial. When - if ever - will the bandwidth of the Internet surpass that of FedEx? less than enough energy to microwave a burrito. Unlike other sites which answer readers' questions, what if? The rising So during the summer of 2016, it seemed it was down to about one release every two months but then it increased. each. The only three weeks break, the sixth break in total. the continental shelf. And it's not possible anyway, since nukes are not giant, cutting-edge fans. Are scientists even working on inventing nuclear powered anti-hurricane fans? The result of the above is that over the first 144 weeks 136 articles where released with never more than 3 weeks between releases. How long could the human race survive on only cannibalism? But is this something humanity might actually try one day? Are they really equivalent? 8000+ feet)? What changes could be made to our diets for the amount of calories to equal the energy of the Sun? If everybody in the US drove west, could we temporarily halt continental drift? How much of the Earth's currently-existing water has ever been turned into a soft drink at some point in its history? What a great axe that would be! I got it. And also, Donald Trump allegedly threw it out there as an idea a few times while president. The website of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. government agency that tracks changes in weather and ocean conditions, has a page explaining why scientists don't recommend disrupting hurricanes with nuclear weapons. Liquid helium? {{Title text: Knuth Paper-Stack Notation: Write down the number on pages. We were both (luckily) amazed and surprised and I have often wondered what the odds are for something like that happening. Repeat. A 2016 National Geographic article also explained that detonating a nuke inside a hurricane could violate the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. }}, xkcd.com is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 31 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS, https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/upcoming_hurricanes.png, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. The questions Randall tackles range from realistic possibilities (e.g. What would happen if you exploded a nuclear bomb in the eye of a hurricane? "Apart from the fact that this might not even alter the storm, this approach neglects the problem that the released radioactive fallout would fairly quickly move with the tradewinds to affect land areas and cause devastating environmental problems," the page states. And mess they did. This book can't stop most bullets; if you want to use it for armour, you may want a lot more than one copy. In terms of human-made objects, has Voyager 1 travelled the farthest distance? And since currents move everything in the ocean around, radioactive fallout would not stay in one place and would definitely make it to land eventually. I know that stirring does help to cool down the tea, but what if I were to stir it faster? THAT number won't fit in the room? This warm water creates humid air, which then gets thrust upwards by tropical winds to create storm clouds. In his explanations, Randall, often uses diagrams in an xkcd style. Hurricane cos(x) forms a graph of cos(x) along the bottom edge of the map.]] The ninth break in total. From what height would you need to drop a steak for it to be cooked when it hit the ground? Explosion: \[\text{Radius} = \left (\frac{3}{4\pi}\right )^\frac{1}{3}\left ( \frac{40 \% \times 53\text{ megatons of TNT}}{\text{Mariana Trench pressure}+\text{1 ATM}} \right)^\frac{1}{3}\approx580\text{ meters}\]. But what about the edge of ultracentrifuges, or generator turbines that have been running for years, for example? Assuming that you have a spaceship in orbit around the Earth, could you propel your ship to speeds exceeding escape velocity by hitting golf balls in the other direction? Australia owns most of the galaxy at certain points in time. If it's possible, what would a lunar ("holar"?) It turns out that if the waves are very large, they break We could possibly spend a ton of money and resources to get a probe to Voyager. It seemed like a safe bet to test cloud seeding on the dying storm. This new release is probably due to the upcoming release of the What If? What is the longest possible sunset you can experience while driving, assuming we are obeying the speed limit and driving on paved roads? As humans learned over the last century from a wide variety of incidents, fallout is no fun. If a meteor made out of diamond and 100 feet in diameter was traveling at the speed of light and hit the earth, what would happen to it? There you have it. What if the entire continental US was on a decreasing slope from West to East. It found that every 10 years for the past four decades, "the likelihood of a hurricane developing into a major one of Category 3 or higher, with sustained winds greater than 110 miles an hour, [increased] by about 8% a decade." How much cornstarch can I rinse down the drain before unpleasant things start to happen? Stopping rain from falling on something with an umbrella or a tent is boring. After the meeting ended, we thought, 'What the f*ck? This was announced on xkcd on January 31st when the comic 2575: What If? Not with regular lasers, but with more power, you could destroy the world. What if you exploded a nuclear bomb (say, the Tsar Bomba) at the bottom of the Marianas Trench? If your cells suddenly lost the power to divide, how long would you survive? During the first presidential debate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed that Republican President Donald Trump once considered detonating a nuclear device inside of a hurricane to stop it. How much would you need to make to be in real trouble? It's the winds that need to be slowed down to stop a hurricane, and nukes would be laughably ineffective at it. The sixth two weeks break, tenth break in total. First after 17 more weeks releases began again with article 141 on Tuesday January 16, 2016. Trench. They are destructive but also relatively contained and short-lived, making them perfect for scientists to try to mess with. If you had a printed version of the whole of (say, the English) Wikipedia, how many printers would you need in order to keep up with the changes made to the live version? With close to 15 weeks this was the second longest break between articles so far. Hurricanes are extremely powerful: A fully developed hurricane releases the same amount of energy as the explosion of a 10-megaton nuke every 20 minutes, the NOAA article says. See the [[what if]] ''{{what if|147|Niagara Straw}}''. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems, More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Water Waves Generated By Underwater Explosions, Evaluation of Could this be an effective weapon, or would it be as stupid as it sounds? It answers many important questions, including whether you could jump from a plane with a helium tank and inflate balloons fast enough to slow your fall and survive (yes) and whether you could hide from a supersonic windstorm in Finland (yes, but it won't help). What if you were to somehow ignite the pollen that floats around in the air in spring? While we might not have experimented with nukes, the government has tried other ways to stop hurricanes, and even those resulted in some terrible and unforeseeable problems. How many fairies would fly around, if each fairy is born from the first laugh of a child and fairies were immortal? What would it be like to swim in it? How many unique English tweets are possible? What would happen if all of the rivers in the US were instantly frozen in the middle of the summer? But as the '50s turned to the '60s, more and more people began to realize the weapons contained inherent dangers and harms. like with most of the other scenarios, everyone dies. My 4 year old son and I were wondering about soccer ball sized hail today. "A clean device would minimize lingering activity placed in the atmosphere," he wrote in his 1959 presentation. What would happen if lightning struck a bullet in midair? What if I jumped out of an airplane with a couple of tanks of helium and one huge, un-inflated balloon? That's. No, not even if we change the requirements to just the passengers staying alive. 95 minutes at the right place at the right time. It would be a bunch of boulders with some patches of sand. It turns out, you'd need a lot of nukes and a lot of power. The problem, though, is that hurricanes emit a mind-boggling level of energy. The report, published in 1996, The comet either burns up in the atmosphere or speeds up global warming. What if there was a lake on the Moon? Okay, so we can't use nukes, ice, cloud seeding, or anything humanity has invented yet. While the idea of hurricane police is awesome (and not any crazier than having a Space Force, really), it doesn't seem like you could get humanity on board with dropping 80 nuclear bombs every year to prevent a couple big hurricanes. Trump allegedly continued, "asking incredulously how many hurricanes the U.S. could handle." Business, Economics, and Finance. We've had examples of it before. Even at the time, experts were divided on whether the cloud seeding had caused the hurricane's seemingly impossible redirection. It goes through three or four cycles of this collapse and expansion Most of the time it would not hit anyhing. water. The head of the U.S. the last is devastating. It would not have a big impact unless it happened during the space age. If we ever got desperate enough to try to nuke a hurricane and crossed our fingers that something unexpected would happen, we might be rather disappointed when that unexpected thing was a disaster we could never have predicted. What if you built a siphon from the oceans on Europa to Earth? . ' Values are as follows: Just more FAKE NEWS!". What about bromine? The destruction hurricanes leave in their wake is epic. If every country's airspace extended up forever, which country would own the largest percentage of the galaxy at any given time? guns? Before publishing the first what if? With a bigger bomb, it could destroy the world. It is just like 'xkcd:volume 0' a compilation of some questions from the website, but half of them are new. Meteorologist Chris Landsea of the National Hurricane Center explains (via Popular Mechanics) "To change a Category 5 hurricane into a Category 2 hurricane you would have to add about a half ton of air for each square meter inside the eye, or a total of a bit more than half a billion (500,000,000) tons for a 20 km radius eye. Why can't we do that?" First regular release. would reach to a height of 200-300 feet above sea level, or a distance Copy paste the above text and correct the number and the title to get this result: The two first articles were released on the same day, Tuesday July 10, 2012, probably to get the blog going, and let users of xkcd see that there was going to be more. gigaton nuclear weapons as wave generators. Were they lonely? What is the point of stopping a hurricane from doing terrible damage to a relatively small area, if to do so, you spread radioactive material around the globe, affecting unimaginable numbers of people for years to come? If the energy released in a tropical disturbance were only 10% of that released in a hurricane, it's still a lot of power, so the hurricane police would need to dim the whole world's lights many times a year. No, but it does make some really cool patterns. Of course, thats getting a little far-fetched. Stack them. Until then, perhaps the best solution is just learn to co-exist with them.". James P. Kossin, a researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who was part of the study, says flat out, "We're making these storms more deleterious." To figure out how big And would it even work? People sometimes say "If I had all the money in the world " in order to discuss what they would do if they had no financial constraints. Give the signmakers some credit. The release date in the archive is the wrong year, saying 2013 instead of 2012. Thanks for looking at my book. Or standing in a graphite field? What path would you trace on the Earth? rim. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, studded with memorable cartoons and infographics. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). Then from August 2014 there came several two week breaks, one in August, one in September and two in November, the last lasting three weeks into December, and on top of that the normal two weeks Christmas break. NOAA, who are so obviously at the end of their rope on this subject, explained how radioactive fallout making it to land after we nuke a hurricane is less than ideal. "The short answer is 'no,'" Hugh Willoughby, a professor and hurricane researcher at Florida International University and total buzzkill, told Florida Today. This is potentially hazardous to some ships, but What if everything was antimatter, EXCEPT Earth? 0 618: Asteroid 696: Strip Games 786: Exoplanets 809: Los Alamos We still need to complete some explanations like this one: 1608: Hoverboard. near future, and outlined the potential military uses and dangers of Let's say the racer has to survive. Freemans son, science historian George Dyson, got a paper copy of the How fast would I have to bike for my skin to warm up the way a spacecraft heats up during reentry? Stopping an asteroid with a laser on the other hand is a lot easier. Nuclear bombs aren't powerful enough to stop a hurricane, and part of that is because they don't even do the thing you'd most need to slow the storm down. Hurricane Florence battered the US East Coast last year. If our Twitter timelines (tweets by the people we follow) actually extended off the screen in both directions, how tall would they be? Crypto What if a huge mountainDenali, sayhad the bottom inch of its base disappear? How many model rocket engines would it take to launch a real rocket into space? blog. A decade or a century, depending if Facebook would still be popular. Now imagine the energy required to stop five or six a year, every year. What if you were flashing your BIOS during a thunderstorm and you got hit by lightning? goes with citing temperature records and other trivia actually naming a Jeopardy master. Around the early 1990s, scientists started discovering jumbled fields of . In fact, weve actually tried it a bunch of times. As gravity slows you and brings you to a halt, you reach the top of the skyscraper, where you reach out and pull yourself to safety. a result of such a deep-water closed bubble creation and dissipation, the surrounding waterthat lingers for some time. My boyfriend recently took a flight on a plane with wifi, and while he was up there, wistfully asked if I could send him a pizza. What if a rainstorm dropped all of its water in a single giant drop? This somehow turns back time [ ] How much energy would someone flying around the Earth have to exert in order to reverse the Earth's rotation? We would see a variety of benefits across our lives but we would also freeze and die. For example, in the first article, he discusses what would happen if a baseball were pitched at 90% of the speed of light. 2 book. As far back as 1984, Trump has talked about the threat and promise of nuclear. It's certainly the farthest from Earth we know about. What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly switched off? How many bananas would you need to power a house? What if people's incomes appeared around them as cash in real time? Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. But spiders are a lot more scary. What injuries would occur and what would the associated crimes be? Kerry Emanuel, a hurricane expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, "When you see things going up all over the globe like that, the ducks are kind of in order." Liquid gallium? Not in a "scatter my ashes" sense, but, like, "throw my naked corpse out the airlock" sense. The release date in the archive is the wrong month June. Second time with less than two weeks between release in 2017. Could I cool down the Earth by capturing a comet and dropping it in the ocean, like an ice cube in a glass of water? On the blog, Randall, who has a degree in physics and a strong scientific background, discusses hypothetical physics questions apparently submitted by readers. Hey! But why would you. Assuming you are in a area with a reasonable amount of birds. What a great man that would be! You angle your descent and grab the pole just long enough to swing around so that when you let go you're now heading back up toward the sky. 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