People like to use this phrase to show that theyve had a good time talking to you or have enjoyed learning about something from your emails. Be Polite. I have genuinely enjoyed the time working with you. Recognize customers who've gone out of their way to stick with you. Sign up for our blog digest and never miss an article. I feel the same. As such you might be tempted to want to explode in anger and say hurtful words as well to get back at the critic. Here are some responses you can use when your colleague asks you that common question: Responding to someone in an informal way means that you are close to the person you are talking to. Empathy can be defined simply as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. How are you doing is one of the most common greetings in the English language. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. 2. In response to Edward L. Glaeser's essay this morning about the astounding levels of entrepreneurship in Mumbai, some readers wrote in with questions about this line from the post: . "I like you so much, I respect you because you have been making efforts a lot." "I want to thank you" -> is this sentence correct? Im sorry that I wasnt able to be. I am currently continuing at SunAgri as an R&D engineer. I hope there is still some time for us to work through a couple of these issues. I look forward to seeing you. I hope well be able to do many things like this moving forward. You can be honest with your answers to close friends and relatives, but it should not be the case with strangers. Still, many customers are offended. 1 Thank you for all your hard work on this. I am currently continuing at SunAgri as an R&D engineer. It was a pleasure working alongside you again. Im sure there are times when your teacher had asked you this question. I appreciate your help. Im glad that we were able to sort this out. That means use of the free time for entertainment or something that you have been wanting to do for long. You can say Its a pleasure or My pleasure as a polite way of replying to someone who has just thanked you for doing something. While I might not share your sentiment, Im glad that we had a productive session. Is there anything youd like to run through. I appreciate your help doesnt directly reply to it was nice talking to you. Instead, it shows that you appreciated the last email that was sent to you. I had a good time working through this process with you." It lets them know that youve appreciated the formal conversations youve had via email. Let me know when youd like to do it again. No worries. Thank you. While not all support emails are created equally, we do think there are a few key tips for writing the best support emails. Take care of the legal side of forming a business. It was nice talking to you as well. Simultaneously, you dont want the person to feel sad when the person is happy. to have dealings with. Its going to help our team cohesion develop. Don't try to wiggle your way out. It is always a pleasure to offer extra help whenever I can. Despite these objections, there are those that refuse to accept the response of "no problem" as an issue. Instead of asking How are you? they may say instead: Hows it going?, Howve you been? or Whats up?. Become the Doctor. 0. Depending on your job or industry, you may work closely with customers. When your new contact's reputation precedes them (in a good way), it never hurts to let them know you're aware. '. People are attracted to people who keep their word. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. Learn how answering the question, Why should I do business with you? is one of the most important customer engagement tips in your marketing strategy. Read on to learn more about how to respond to how are you depending on the person asking the question. "It's a pleasure. Hope is used here to show that youre eager to do it again at some point in the future. Learn more about us here. 1 "I've heard great things about ___.". Here are a few examples you can look at in case you need any suggestions: Welcome! One way to respond to the question How are you? is replying with one or two positive words, thanking them for asking, and asking them the same question. I look forward to working with you too. "It's my pleasure." This goes a step further and lets the customer know that the employee is in a position to cheerfully assist. Fast forward to todaythere are precious few companies, or consultants, who bother to ask themselves this question. Some wonder why there would be a problem if the appreciated task is simply part of the employee's job? Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it. "It's going well.". If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. You can use this phrase in the middle of an email chain. Regardless of how the issue came about, they felt strongly enough to get in touch, so pay respect to this early in your email reply. For example, its common to hear people use this phrase after a successful date with someone. You have to respond formally when unsure how to respond to how are you? This action would ensure that you dont commit a faux pas. Whatever your response is, you must be sincere and mean what you say. It was a pleasure doing business with you is commonly heard in business and formal English. I love to write and share science related Stuff Here on my Website. You wouldnt want to regret later the things that you have said so be mindful of the things you say. Then direct the letter to the specific individual or group that you look forward to working with in the company. Thank you for inviting me along to have a discussion with you. In the 1600s, how are you? didnt exactly exist. Respond specifically to the issues brought up by the customer. Were glad to do business with you. It comes off like a script. There wasnt much else for you to say, so there wasnt much of a point in you continuing the conversation. Im glad you feel that way. ; It's a pleasure doing business with someone who sets the bar so high. Some other common responses to how are you? are as follows: There are hundreds of responses to How are you? This is because its also a greeting like saying Hi or Hello. Your response depends on your relationship with the person. Recent economic movements like the Great Resignation and quiet quitting, a new approach for setting professional boundaries, have been spurred by employees seeking better treatment. Manage Settings Why does hyperkalemia raise resting membrane potential? Hello Mr. Emmanuel, I'm writing on behalf of XYZ Industries concerning the meeting that was held on Skype on the 17th June 2021 concerning the business proposal your company presented. Let's explore each in more detail. Updated: Im glad that youve had such a nice time talking to me. Before you know it, you learn that her partner is away on business, her children do not currently have after-school care, and she has loved ones close to a war zone in another country. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. I feel the same. I knew it was going to be fruitful to ask you about this. A simple "I understand how <the customer's feeling> that must be." That was a genuine pleasure is a great formal alternative you can use. In these conversations, you can use an informal way of answering your colleagues, especially if you are close to them and have the same standing at work. All of these statements are appropriate responses to my pleasure when a conversation has ended and both parties need to be elsewhere. This simple response to "looking forward to working with you," matches the initial statement in its phrasing. 4. : to do something enjoyable that is related to ones work Playing golf with clients is one way to mix business with pleasure. I have a bad day, thats all. Free and premium plans. Start it with a professional greeting, such as Hello or Dear. When you joined a new job and your team leader or boss asked you about how you're doing, this is your honest answer and a way to show your enthusiasm. How does the underground economy affect GDP? 8. If someone helped you with something, this phrase could work really well to show that you enjoyed your conversation. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Is there any way we can stay in contact to make sure we keep up with these meetings? One of the most important and common questions a vendor hears, and the one that every vendor dreads, is that of why someone should do business with you. Today we usually express this as how are you? or maybe how are you doing? all these were created from the first half of the 1900s. We are really disappointed to hear that and . How about you?, Im okay, and how are grandma and grandpa?, Im doing great. How about you?, Im alright at the moment, thanks for asking. I look forward to more business with you. Read more about Martin here. Now that youve managed to talk about the issues, youre glad that you were able to talk about them. If you say this out loud though, it could be considered rude depending on the tone of voice and body language you use. Im glad we could come to some kind of arrangement before you had to leave again. A partnership is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities. Working with you has been a great professional experience for me. It was nice talking to you as well. This will determine whether you can respond informally or formally. I'm glad you feel that way. You too might look simple, but its very effective in formal writing. It shows that you want to take the pleasure because you feel like you learned a lot more from the emails than the other party might have done. When a travel operator or an airlines asks for the purpose of the trip from the passengers, its because they want to know how their revenue is segmented. The pleasure was all mine is a great closing comment in an email. Use this when the team itself is new and you have faith in your team leader. You can say 'It's a pleasure' or 'My pleasure' as a polite way of replying to someone who has just thanked you for doing something. It uses doing to show that youre thoroughly enjoying the meeting at the time rather than waiting for it to end. Closing email phrases (business letter closing phrases) Closing email phrases can be easily typed with help of Type Pilot. Thank you for asking. They are stating that it was enjoyable and not a problem to help you. While most salespeople swear theyre a solution to everything for everyone, youll show that you take a prescriptive approach. Pleasure is a noun that means something that gives you happiness. Im glad we could discuss these matters. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. For example, Mr. and Ms. are common titles for professionals. Welcome to Grammarhow!We are on a mission to help you become better at English. My pleasure is an idiomatic response to Thank you. As an email answer that is fine. How to Respond to Condolences? We are eager to continue serving you to the best of our ability. It's worth the effort to drop the "no problem" habit. 7. There is no "one size fits all" solution. 1. In general, when someone asks you "how are you doing", you can reply with any of the following responses: "I'm great, thank you for asking. But seriously, not everyone is in a hotel for fun. What is the pressure of nitrous oxide cylinder? It can be used in many different situations. Also, a business owner does not receive personal liability protection from a DBA. For cold calling or prospecting calls: "I'm not interested". This critical question flips the entire interaction on its head. If they are, send something cheeky to invite them over or start a sexting session if getting together isn't practical. After all, you dont know anything about them, so you dont know that your company is right for them straight out of the gate. All tutors are evaluated by Course Hero as an expert in their subject area. 101 Questions to Ask Contacts When Qualifying, Closing, Negotiating, and Upselling. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Your immediate response is to latch onto things like experience, great service, quality and the like. Or, you can answer with fine thanks or fine thank you. Youre welcome. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. Microsoft is cranking up its availability by bringing the new chatbot to the new Bing mobile app, available on both iOS and Android. That would be nice to have." You're not a new TV. after determining the best way to show support. Let me know if theres anything else you might need from me. It is more polite or formal to say thanks or thank you after your response. I had a lovely time with you. "Although I'm leaving, I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was being your colleague." 7. I hope we can do this again shows that you really enjoyed your business with someone. I would like to pick your brain further. Use this customer service phrase often and thoughtfully, but read the customer's mood and relate with how they feel. "it's a pleasure to do business with you". How to Respond to Thank You [With Examples], How to Respond to a Compliment? I look forward to more business with you is a great way to close a letter or email. What is the mechanism action of H. pylori? 6. It was nice talking to you is fairly common in emails. After all, no doctor claims to have the answer until they fully understand the problem at hand. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it. Its been eye-opening for me, and I know there are a few things that I would still like to talk about. If not, then answer politely that youre okay. He has established himself as the alternative. You offer timeline extensions, and emphasize that its more than fine if her children need her attention at various times when they get home from school. You are a team leader, and youve recently been noticing that one of your team members isnt as energetic and engaged as she usually is in group discussions. , 4 Im so thankful for everything you bring to the table. We certainly understand each other on a level that few can match. For more information, check out our, How to Effectively Answer, "Why Should I Do Business With You?". . To get more insight into improving your sales approach, take this free one-minute sales strengths-finder quiz. Search It was a pleasure doing business with you and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. ' (quite informal) or 'It's lovely to meet you too. If you are, here are responses you can use: When you respond to the question How are you? you should also consider the persons feeling of asking you. But if it's a letter of resignation, what you've been doing is working for this person. Thanks very much anyhow. Its a good response because it shows youre appreciative of someone saying, it was nice talking to you.. Subscribe to the Sales Blog below. Find out our free prevent customer cancellation sample replies: Thank you for your feedback. I hope this will open up a new venture for both of us. Sometimes you'd like to express just how much you really, really want to do something.In other words, you'd like to express your enthusiasm. The pleasure was all mine. How about you?". My thesis aimed to study dynamic agrivoltaic systems, in my case in arboriculture. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Because you are going to work on another project with other people. That was a pleasant business exchange. You could say: Thanks. Understand the marketplace and define clear KPIs. I hope this email finds you well. How to Respond to Thank You (In Any Situation). Im glad that you were able to come to me with some of your concerns. That was a pleasant business exchange keeps things very formal and professional. Smiling is a great way to show your colleagues and managers how you feel about a compliment or recognition. A recent EY survey found that 58% of employees have previously left a job because they didnt feel valued by their boss, and 48% have left a job because they didnt feel like they belonged. Hopefully, there will be plenty more times when we can discuss these things. We have truly managed to come up with something impressive here. Again, your prospects are expecting a tap dance, so this response will completely catch them off guard. Etiquette Expert and Modern Manners Authority; Owner, The Protocol School of Texas, Two simple words, "no problem," in response to a "thank you," may be chipping away at your customers' goodwill. Thanks very much anyhow. You too. There are three kinds of empathy: Cognitive empathy: a desire to understand. (It was) My pleasure. Its a beautiful day., Thanks for asking mom/dad. Email Sample for Accepting the Business Proposal Sample Six. 11. It differs from sympathy, which involves being moved by, or responding in tune with another person. I feel the same shows that you share the sentiment. This becomes even more important . Educate your employees. It is more polite or formal to say thanks or thank you after your response. I have learned a great deal from you. Id be interested in learning more from you. Before you gulp, you can take some comfort in knowing that this generally includes both your state and federal returns. In addition to helping you grow as an individual, developing empathy helps others feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to work, and as a result, helps you retain top talent and boost individual and organizational success. What is another word for its a pleasure? In Western countries, this is generally considered to be Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time and excludes weekends and public holidays. In your next one-on-one meeting with your teammate, after determining the best way to show support, you ask how things are goingallowing her to choose what to share and how to share it. Because you liked the person that you are leaving. Your response always depends on whether your classmate is a close friend or someone you are not familiar with. Another way to put this is to say that you're pumped and you want tell to tell the world just how stoked you are about something. Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. 3 n-count A pleasure is an activity, experience or aspect of something that you find very enjoyable or satisfying. In this kind of situation, you can either say: If you want, you can ask the teacher the same question to appear respectful and keep the conversation formal. While different situations call for different kinds of empathy, sometimes all three are necessary for healthy working relationships and psychologically safe team environments. Definition. Of course takes the feelings for granted, showing that it didnt need to be said, but you appreciate the fact that it was. The phrase has a lot of meanings depending on the context in which it is said. Thank you for what you said. To learn more about this approach, check out the video below: This shows prospects it isnt a lack of confidence making you unsure whether they should do business with you. Manage Settings The service person who replies with this response almost certainly means to acknowledge the "thank you" and is essentially saying "you're welcome." While different situations call for different kinds of empathy, sometimes all three are necessary for healthy working relationships and psychologically safe team environments. I was just thinking the same thing. First, you should always consider the other person, whether they are older than you or someone who has a higher position than you have. The sale depends on the expenditure, complexity, and the need for other people to be involved in the process. It helps that we have a strong connection like this when doing business. What you do will depend on the other signals that they're giving to you. Thank you!And you too, is the best way to respond to it was a pleasure talking with you. Simply we all have our own tricks of the trade. Also say, "It's always nice to work with you," or "I appreciate helping customers as good as you.". Your response to this question depends on whether you . The first consideration in responding to someone asking "How you are doing" is the source of the question. You may experience a range of emotions "stress, embarrassment, defensiveness, and your heart rate may even go up . To answer this question correctly, you can respond according to your existing situation. 4 If you meet someone for the first time, you can say, as a way of being polite, that it is a pleasure to meet them. Thank you, and you?, My day isnt exactly going the way I wanted, but thanks for asking. Kenneth Beare is an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and course developer with over three decades of teaching experience. We value your thoughts and we strive to provide you with the best customer experience. From the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, to economic woes and doomscrolling, there are enough factors in todays world to bring any of us down, and conveying empathy is an important part of the role we each have in creating a workplace that honors the realities of every individual. Give Xibit Solutions a call for the best in trade show logistics, custom designs and graphics, installation and dismantling services today! The GlobeSmart Learning Platform and related web tools are certifiedto ISO 27001:2013 and the privacy extension ISO 27701:2019. When someone says the pleasure is all mine it is usually a comment made after they have helped you in some way and you say thank you. This would only clog up the inbox of the recipient anyway. Members of todays workforce increasingly care more about being part of an empathetic and compassionate organization. This is what entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk responded to criticism of his book: But sometimes, getting a response from the business owner isn't realistic. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. I hope we can do this again. Thank you very much Glad to work with you. If you make a suggestion, you have created a recommendation. Businesses can be for-profit entities or they can be non-profit organizations that operate to fulfill a charitable mission or further a social cause. or Im Sorry for Your Loss. Of course, to get this question at all, you need to take your trade show presence to the next level. Because you are hoping to work with the same person in the future. Let me know if theres anything else I can do for you moving forward. I hope we can continue this close. Ill be here if you need anything else from me relating to our discussions. [Chuckles] And I know you won't take offense when I say, "It's a pleasure doing business with you"On behalf of the lapd, I'd like to say it's a . You might want to bear that in mind before using this one in a formal email. You too. General partnership. In general, use make with something that you physically make, and do with activities. No worries. This relieves any pressure to pitch your product or service, instead letting you focus on fully understanding whether theres a fit. Its been a really eye-opening experience for me. It was a pleasure doing business with you and I hope we can be of service to you again in the future. Thanks for asking. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. 13. You have great. I appreciate that this project can be quite difficult. Answer & Explanation. Method 1 Thanking You inInformalSituations Response with a "you're welcome" This is one of the most obvious and widely used responses to the phrase . There are times when you would meet someone older than you or be introduced to a person informally. "As much as I'd love to help ". This has always been my dream project, and I was very grateful to have you assist me on this. Im happy doing business with you. Just type a "key" and Type Pilot will substitute it with an appropriate phrase. See pricing, Marketing automation software. Nevertheless, it still works well when you want to let the recipient know that you enjoyed whatever you might have talked about. Below are examples are of how to respond to how are you doing, when asked by different types of people. Now you are able to help. 1. to engage in commerce with. What about you?, Im fine, thank you, and what about you?, Oh, good morning, sir. I really appreciate your help. The bottom line is that words matter. The 8 steps of building an online business: DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. It's a pleasure doing you a favor. Conveyancing Date: 10/11/14 Name: Anonymous "Thank you very much for the service youprovided to us for our recent house sale and purchase. When you acknowledge the other person's experience and skills, you validate them and start the conversation off in a positive way. Spanish - Spain. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. (8 Better Alternatives), 6 Steps To Politely Remind Someone To Reply To Your Email, 12 Best Replies To Nice Meeting You On Email (Business Context), 10 Best Replies When Someone Says Happy Holidays, 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. I suspect that [the high rate of self-employment] reflects both good things about the country, like energy and intelligence, and bad things, like a maze of regulations that make it difficult to build large . I was worried that you wouldn't respond positively to the new changes. Happy to help. 4. I was just thinking the same thing. You can also use the responses I gave above. How about you?, Im doing alright, thanks for asking, and you?, Yeah! Imagine a CEO saying, "Well, It was a pleasure talking to you," with a straight, bossy face versus a date telling you, "It was a pleasure speaking with you," with all the nonchalance. You should only reply to it was nice talking to you if you have something extra to say. to have dealings with. If you dont want to hurt their feelings, you should not say you are doing great. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it. They are stating that it was enjoyable and not a problem to help you. Thank you. It is similar to Youre welcome, but more polite and more emphatic. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Provide a specific apology that acknowledges any mistakes on your end. While most of the other phrases work best toward the end of communicating with someone, this one works in the middle. Here are a few alternatives: Regardless of the words chosen, three other factors go into a successful exchange of appreciation. If you sound neutral or upbeat and eager, it is fine. Im glad that we were able to discuss things so openly. A business day is a popular unit of time measure that typically refers to any day in which normal business operations are conducted. You don't want to them to think, "That's cool. Read world-renowned marketing content to help grow your audience, Read best practices and examples of how to sell smarter, Read expert tips on how to build a customer-first organization, Read tips and tutorials on how to build better websites, Get the latest business and tech news in five minutes or less, Learn everything you need to know about HubSpot and our products, Stay on top of the latest marketing trends and tips, Join us as we brainstorm new business ideas based on current market trends. We truly appreciate your business and the trust you have placed in our company. If its in the beginning of the conversation, you may say, Thanks, Nice to meet you too. Similar to "It was lovely seeing you," "I had a lovely time with you" also bears a warm and intimate connotation. Im glad we could discuss these matters. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You can change some of it depending on how good or bad your relationship is with your ex. . Mind your own business is a common English saying which asks for a respect of other peoples privacy. As well is a simple addition to the end of the sentence which allows you to turn any message and tone back on the person who sent it. One or two positive words, thanking them for asking, and your heart rate may even go up you. May say instead: Hows it going?, Im alright at the rather. Further a social cause would only clog up the inbox of the conversation mean what you do will on. Your prospects are expecting a tap dance, so this response will completely catch them off guard examples... Not, then answer politely that youre thoroughly enjoying the meeting at the moment, for. And say hurtful words as well to show that youre thoroughly enjoying the meeting at the critic are! Best support emails responses you can change some of your concerns relatives, but thanks for asking mom/dad your rate... 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