Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. (Thats not to rule it out though, coincidences happen every day). This would imply that Swanson had indeed fallen into the water but had managed to get out and continue walking. Donations are accepted but not expected; the site remains free-access to all. It is not plausible that he drowned, because they would have found his body somewhere downstream. . That makes me think that somebody knows what happened to him. Most bizarre thing ever. Did they locate his car? After the Lyon County Sheriffs department officially called off the search, the Swanson family continued to fund and organize volunteer searches on their own..They conducted multiple ground and water searches of the area, and also the nearby Yellow Medicine River.. So, maybe they cant look everywhere? Not to mention the fact that an animal attacking, fatally wounding and then dragging a person away would leave a huge amount of evidence behind. Why/How could the mom just go home? He was a loving father of four, but he stormed out of his house in a rage on the night of Aug. 8, 2013. I think the solution of this case is that he slipped away in a river bank. By all accounts, Brandon was a loving and attentive father. In this article, we will be discussing the case of a missing person Brandon Swanson and discuss the hidden mystery behind it. If this is true, whatever Brandon crossed paths with that morning was something horrible. Around 10:30 pm, he left the gathering to drive to Canby, which is 30 miles away . This theory is supported by the police search dogs used during the investigation as I mentioned earlier in the subsequent investigation section. After they killed Brandon, that person came to their senses and decided to dispose of Brandons body. They went looking for Brandon, but were unable to find . Brandon Swanson, 19, was last seen on 5/14/08 in Canby, Minnesota. And until more evidence/answers come to light, thats probably exactly how itll stay a mystery. Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. This boy is missed in an area of approximately 20/30 miles, that to me feels realy realy weird, and never i find such an odd missing case like that of Brandon. then yea he was kidnapped, murdered, disposed of in who knows what way. Its difficult to know I guess, as Im sure theres a lot of information that the police arent able to disclose. In 2008, in a rural area especially, its unlikely that pinging a cell phone would help. Thank you for taking the time to comment Sarah. (LogOut/ What do these messages mean and what has happened to them? 60 minutes/5km is 12. Facebook gives people the power. (And if he was drunk for instance, then its likely that his parents would have picked up on this over the phone). Where is your pride, mother fucker? before hanging up. I know this may sound far-fetched, but thats what I thought. This is the biggest red flag to me. If Swanson had exclaimed Oh shit! because he was falling into the water, then surely running water would have been heard by his parents on the other end of the phone? Im scared. Not long after this there was another text message that reversed this alarm and said, Never mind, Im okay. If it does, I havent come across it online anyway. And with difficult weather it must be hard to find a body in the mud after a while. The statistics are mainly from the FBIs website. A search was launched involving hundreds of people and trained dogs, which would go on for around 4 months meticulously going through a 100 square mile area without finding the missing man or even any trace whatsoever of where he had gone. This has included over thirty dog handlers from nine different states. Maybe there are multiple explanations? proof, but, given that we still have no clues or evidence indicating what did actually happen, that theory may well be as plausible as any other I guess. If someone was going to disappear, why make things seem mysterious by saying that? NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! At 3.10 am, Swanson exclaimed Oh shit! down the phone, and remained silent for the rest of the phone call. Indeed, what happened to him in the first place? Why doesnt he know the area better he grew up there? When Brookelyn did not show up for an appointment the next day and did not answer any calls or texts they contacted authorities. They stated that he didnt believe it would and instead would go straight to voicemail. Wondering what his actual tone was. Your email address will not be published. One finger on each of her hands is noticeably curved. (LogOut/ At around 12:30 AM he called Kyle to tell him that he had run out of gas out on the highway and needed fuel. I cant understand why Brandon wouldnt just shut his car door as hes walking to meet his parents, though Im sure theres a simple explanation its something I feel a little hung up on, something that gives me pause for thought. And thats not accounting for if the phone had fallen into the water would the call of continued or would it have cut off due to the water damage?The same theory is often mentioned in the disappearance ofTrevor Deely(Dublin, Ireland, 2000) and at the time a technology expert was consulted about if a phone would continue to call if it had fallen into the water. ), lost, you crashed your car (which in all honesty still seemed driveable) you dont know where you are and youve made your dad drive around hours in the wrong location, then you realize oh shi, this isnt where I thought I was LOL! so you hang up on your old man, decide to get home on your own/hitch while the booze wears off, and once you get there make up an excuse as to what happened, for all we know he could have been INSIDE THE CAR/TRUCK of the good samaritan the whole time on his (or so he thought) way home.. Wikimedia Commons Brandon Swanson disappeared in the wee hours of May 14, 2008, and his final words to his parents on the phone were a chilling, "Oh s-t!" He did mention that indeed Brookelyn had been saying she would go to a party in Rockcastle County, but this didnt turn up any clues and that party could not even be located. Change). Yes, its definitely a very sad case. He had his oh shit exclaimation at 2:00AM. At 11 AM things got even odder, when Melissa received a series of very strange text messages from Matthew. The Oh shit could have been for a number of reasons, being attacked, fallingmaybe the location they thought he was at, wasnt where he really was? The beeping can only be disabled by putting the phone in silent mode, vibrate, switching it off, or plugging it in for battery recharging. Perhaps this paragraph was with the wrong story OR theyre bad at math OR this line doesnt go with this paragraph OR theyre talking about something Im unaware of. Required fields are marked *. The map below shows the main geographical locations in the timeline outlined. (LogOut/ Paul McCartney. This entry was posted in conspiracy theory, missing person, the skeptical folklorist, unsolved mysteries and tagged brandon swanson, conspiracy theories, missing persons, unsolved mysteries on September 8, 2015 by roianna. Brandon Swanson would never be seen again. This mysterious disappearance hinges on the fact that Mr. Parfitt, who went missing in the 1760s, was unable to walk or get around on his own. It has been named Brandons Law. Generally speaking, one doesnt go missing from a road with no signs of struggle without eventually being found unless there is an actual intention of keeping that person hidden. Swanson stayed on the phone to his parents whilst they were on the way to collect him, with Swanson flashing his lights on and off and Brian and Annette doing the same in hopes of locating each other quicker. The one pond search parties had failed to search because it was not on any map. I would imagine that they wouldve attempted that. What happened to Brookelyn Farthing? The idea that the lights he saw were a drug deal isnt likely. Just as with the case of Elisa Lam in Los Angeles, there seem to be more questions than answers. A lot of theories have been proposed as to what became of Brandon, such as that he fell into a river and was washed away or that he met with some sort of foul play, but one interesting factor to consider is that in his last moments on that phone the call seems to have ended because the phone was deliberately hung up. Unable to move it himself and get back onto the road, he called home at some time after midnight and asked his parents to pick him up near Lynd, a small town Southwest of Marshall. Yet again, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the big fat lack of it. Brandon s parents, Brian and . His dad tried calling back a number of times, but Brandon never picked up his phone. Im not being funny, Im just trying to come up with an explanation. On May 14, 2008, nineteen year old Brandon Swanson disappeared from Marshall, Minnesota, approximately at 2:00 a.m. It was posted 12 days ago While his friends observed him consume a few alcholic drinks, they said it was not eough to mae him appear intoxicated. Another strange thing thats never mentioned due to the fact Im sure most people dont know, Brandon was legally blind in his left eye I believe, (been years forgive me if it was his right) and in the SAR report, Brandons glasses where left in the front passenger seat. A few hours later at around 6.30am they notified the police. There is NO WAY he can defend himself from an attack with that height and body weight. The case of Brandon Victor Swanson is one of them. If he just noticed it was about to die, that might be why he said oh shit and didnt call back. Police were called and they quickly ascertained that he had left the club on foot and that his phone was last pinged at a MacDonalds on East Hollis Street, just a few blocks away. Submit a Tip: Its definitely a very odd, and sad, case. This was the last known contact from Swanson. He told Brian and Annette to collect him from the car park of Lyndwood Tavern, a small bar in Lynd. Most of the stories are rumors, the most likely of the stories is the river explanation. Aleister Crowley. His car was found abandoned in a ditch with the car doors open and keys missing. Forty-seven minutes into the phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed, Oh shit! and the line went dead. we all need to realize one thing, brandon is 55 and around 130 pounds. From my research, I have seen that theory posited as an explanation a couple of times, and I suppose to be fair theres no evidence that would contradict that idea. The amount of alcohol hed drank that night isnt 100% confirmed (possibly one beer and one shot of whiskey) but its not thought to have been enough to have caused disorientation. Also that authorities search in the wrong direction, and his missing probably is a staged and a false flag. At some point during the night there was a physical altercation between two young women at the club, which ended up spilling outside. While there is no clear evidence linking him to any specific crime, some people think he's been kidnapped by the mafia. But its not the same case at all. I dont feel that Brandon slipped into the river or fell into a well, instead someone may have knocked him out, taken him back to their farm; killed him or something. Im still going with Occams Razor that he did end up lost or in the river. As well as trying to call their son, Brian and Annette Swanson continued to look for any sign of Brandon or his car. Confessions of a Hitman (Confessions) Luc Picard. Greetings from the Netherlands. He walked according to the average walking speed/hour. His parents left the house and began driving to pick up Brandon, at the same time speaking with him on his mobile phone to determine exactly where he was. This brings me to another theory that I want to keep under this category as theyre both similar. Thats an interesting scenario, and one I dont think Ive come across before. What about alien abduction? Brandon Swanson would never be seen again. thats my theory, he was murdered/kidnapped at a unfortunately perfect area/timing for the kidnapper. Later that same evening, he and his friends were celebrating at a home in Canby, where they were also having a send-off party for one of their classmates. Unfortunately, it doesnt look like any additional investigating around the parents will be done, and so the mothers prediction will probably come true. Theories Some have theorized that Brandon may have gotten horribly lost walking through the wilderness near Porter, and could have fallen into a nearby river, where he would have almost certainly drowned. I came across with this reddit post. He was returning from a party when he crashed his car in a ditch and called his parents for help. Thats crazy!!! Thanks for your comments, and also for the link. Here in NC we have them, property owners dont know they are out there due to over growth, but why do I also think this? When I got lost it was because I turned 1 light too early, but its a route I have taken many, many times. When I first heard about this story within the last year, it was tied in with other cases that had a supernatural aura around it (e.g., Elisa Lam). I know what you mean, I tend to think that the expletive would imply that there was some kind of foul play involved, and there definitely could be a lot of twists and turns concerning just what actually happened. Eventually, Brian and Annette hung up the call and tried to call their son back the phone would ring but nobody answered, sending the calls to voicemail. At the time of her disappearance, Dail was 23 years old, 5 feet tall (152 centimetres), and weighed 96 pounds (44 kilograms). I honestly hope and trust his father is not involved in any way shape or form, but as I said, this case should be approached from all angles and I havent read this angle concerning the father anywhere (and I have read quite a few articles on this case). Its definitely possible based on the information we have. Or did they? A number of other theories have been considered, including the idea that Brandon might have hidden in an abandoned structure to escape the cold and then succumbed to hypothermia, or that he was attacked by an animal and taken away. Could it be possible that a police officer pulled up to him ,and turned on his lights, and perhaps Brandon had been drinking a little or possibly had some illegal substance on him, so he comments oh shit and hangs up on his father, becouse he doesnt want the father to hear witness to the exchange between himself and the police, and i know the odds are one in a million but history shows us it has happened before, what if Brandon encountered a bad cop, with bad and deadly intentions. A massive search of the area would find his car keys in some brush around 25 feet away from the car, as well as a baseball cap and a torn, bloodstained t-shirt believed to have possibly belonged to Matthew, but that is it. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Brandon Swanson accidentally fell into the river. Hello from NC usa, If it phone battery died that says a lot. There was no sign of Brandon Lawson, but the truck seemed to be in good condition, with no signs of having been in an accident. The runaway theory has been posited before I think, although the main objection to it would be the oh shit. I think this particular scenario would generally indicate more of an opportunistic crime than a planned one, so it would mean that the police officer would have then needed to go back to the scene and remove any evidence/trace of him/herself, of Brandon Swanson and of whatever actually happened. Heres another report on the net. In some areas in Lincoln County, the water had been 10 feet (3.0 m) deep on the morning of the . Yet more theories are that Brandon was either hit by a car or picked up by an apparently helpful driver who turned out to have a malicious intent. Really looking forward to an explanation and hoping beyond the odds that the guy is somehow okay. The theory Id like to mention is the possibility that Swanson did fall into the water, exited the water and couldnt find his phone, walked away, and ultimately died of hypothermia. . Matthew then left at around 4:30 AM, and this is where things get weird. Since he was unable to get the car out by himself and had no transportation, he called his parents at around midnight asking for them to come pick him up. It is not known why he went there, and he had not mentioned it to Melissa or anyone else. The law requires authorities to conduct a preliminary investigation without delay when a missing persons report is received. 2.30 am (approx) 47 minutes into this particular phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed Oh shit! and went silent for the rest of the call. I have a very hard time believing this due to the very little FACTS we do know! It remains unknown what happened to Matthew Weaver, why he had gone to that area, or what his final messages mean, and he has never been found dead or alive. I do feel that the evidence maybe suggests the solution might not be as cut and dry as that, but as Ive said previously, at this point there is so little to go on that one theory is probably as valid as another. Thanks for commenting, and Im glad you found it interesting. Assuming his phone was on and operational the police couldve called his carrier and started a trace. The authorities received over seventy-five tips about Brandon, but none have borne any information that has led anywhere near to finding him. Swanson got his car stuck in a ditch and called his parents to ask if they could pick him up from somewhere between Marshall and Lynd, where he believed himself to be. But it still interesting, he hasnt shown up at all. Brandon Lawson was a 26 years old young man at the time of missing on August 9, 2013. Would love to see what the police unofficially thought happened. The 47 min. Dont worry, what youve written doesnt come across as rude or offensive. Why would they just disappear like this and who is responsible? The last official search was conducted in October 2011, and age-progressed photos have also been distributed in the hope that somebody may recognise him. Although I suppose there would still be a lot of unanswered questions surrounding the phone call and Brandons exclamation before the line cuts out. Brandon could have possibly been drunk which would explain why he crashed his car and why he didnt know where he was. He lived with his sister, who cared for him (a job that included moving him around the house, to the toilet, outside for fresh air, etc). Either they killed the kid for some reason and made up this story.or the kid thought the whole thing out made his parents believe he was looking for them and said oh shit hung up the phone and just took of on his own . Very odd no matter what happened. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). He added, I think time favors the search, Hasse said. This requires police in Minnesota to begin immediate searches for missing adults under the age of 21, as well as any older adults who have been reported missing where there are suspicious circumstances. It doesnt sound like it. Considering all of the searches that have been done..I tend to believe that he may have been abducted and taken away from the area..For the family, I would never give up hope that someday he will be found..May God bless.. And I completely agree with you for the family, I sincerely hope that someday there will be some kind of answer to all this. Im a big horror movie buff and this real storyline just leaves you wondering where it would continue to if it was a horror (or sci-fi) movie playing out. Source: Like i said i dont want to make my judgement by being offensive, but the only evidence whe have is the 47 min phone call with Brian Swanson the fatherbut i find it hard to judge suspects, but in this case it seems everybody in that area (including the parents) is a suspect to my calculation by now. The parents went out to go get him like he had requested, but soon found that his car was not where he had said it was, near a small town called Lynd. He was travelling from Canby to Marshall and for some reason thought he was all the way down in Lynd.WTF?!?!?!?? There was rumors of his involvement in drugs and the Mexican cartel, who knows what they could have done to himsome towns people say theyve heard of the cartel disposing of bodies in the pig farms, several of which we have in the surrounding area,,, very sad, hope some day there will be answers. Pingback: Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day Geeks Facts, Pingback: The Smalls Lighthouse Tragedy | angelomarcos. According to official statistics, in the US alone 2,300 people go missing every day. Yet more theories are that Brandon was either hit by a car or picked up by an apparently helpful driver who turned out to have a malicious intent. On May 14, 2008, Brandon was driving home from a party and drove into a ditch. Just before the Oh Shit, Brandon said Not another fence, his Dad heard him climb a fence then seconds Oh Shit the sound of him slipping on rocks was at the same time. There are a lot of unanswered questions unfortunately, and this seems to be another one of them. If you believe you have important information regarding Brandon Swansons disappearance or his whereabouts, I urge you to contact Lincoln Countys Sheriffs Department on (507) 694-1664. 1.15 am (approx) Swanson gets his vehicle stuck in a ditch. There are a huge amount of statistics on there regarding missing persons cases and as you can imagine the sheer volume of information is both fascinating and horrifying. But let me back up. Not sure, it may well be in a report though. [] so often I come across a case (such as the disappearance of Brandon Swanson) that I absolutely cannot get out of my head sometimes because of the how, sometimes []. These are questions that taunt us, without any answers and their ultimate solutions just as murky as these last calls and messages. Now multiply 4km from the car in all directions. Brandon died of hypothermia after falling into the Yellow Medicine River. Stay a mystery son, Brian and Annette Swanson continued to look for any sign of Brandon his. The idea that the lights he saw were a drug deal isnt.. Not plausible that he slipped away in a rural area especially, unlikely! Carrier and started a trace brandon swanson missing theories a number of times, but none have borne information. 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