WebAll the line of DI SER smells very very natural, and when I say natural I mean Botanical. You have on at least 3 occasions accused him of false advertising. Great balanceto it. The Aquilaria tree grows up to 40 meters high and 60 centimeters in diameter and bears sweetly-scented, snow-white flowers. It resembled the most unearthly fragrance I had ever smelled in my life Edited by Scents of Earth. Sounds good. WebThe scent is kind of like an earthy scent like regular copal, but where youd smell the sweet top notes and complex woodsy smell, its more of a one note earthy scent mixed with some charcoal. From this evolution in kinam appreciation came two schools of thought: the Japanese and the Chinese. Seriously, how far will this get you? Enkuu or Ranjatai). Others believe that. That people arent sure what it smells like; that to them kinam doesnt really stand out from the crowd. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They may not have checked after shipping as regularly as a buyer may. Their scents will be tattooed into your olfactory memory for life. Dunk the blackest Nha Trang logs you can get your hands on into the thickest copper cauldron you can forge, and it wont smell like this. The next generation said, wow, do you smell that? you dont get this note in that batch. Thats how you get white kinam and purple kinam, and Papuan oud oil. It gets more tricky when you hear that kinam doesnt even need to be agarwood! Same with kyara. Not that its a conglomeration or collage, rather its an ordered universe of the finest molecules in balance, and it is shatteringly awesome to experience. Thats what I find so fascinating about discussions about kinam: the uncertainty. Kinam is hard to find if you dont know where to look, and its expensivewhereverits found. This is a scent years in the making. The Japanese hold that kinam only originates in Vietnam, Hainan and parts of Cambodia while the Chinese have identified kinam in various other agarwood-growing regions. Kinam is hard to find if you dont know where. Scent is their main form of A dark green bitter smoke. Now you have sedans, SUVs and coupes. Thats what I learned from my teacher. The Aloeswood is excellent for what it is and it's really the 'afterscent' that gets this one for me. To me, and especially these guys, its crystal clear what kinam is, is not, or ought to be. Try for as long as you can to stay clear of it. It is firing on all cylinders. Dogs can be trained to smell several types of cancers, including melanoma, breast and gastrointestinal cancers and some infectious diseases in humans, including malaria and Parkinsons disease. I encourage oud heads to secure .3 grams of this oil for it is unlike anything else. Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Edited: Certainly, from my very broad forays into trying everything that comes my way, expense does dictate the rarity and grade of materials, but if there's something I try to keep in mind when the siren's call strikes, is that I can fully enjoy 'cheaper' ingredients if they are blended expertly, and sometimes there's beauty in enjoying the straightforward stuff and burning with more abandon. But thenext comparison takes a different view: Anyagarwood tree, whether of the Aquilaria or Gyrinops genus, be it Aquilaria Crassna or Agallocha or Malaccensis or Sinensis, or Gyrinops Decipiens, Caudata, Walla, etchas the potential to produceKyara. Despite how hungry some fakesters are to make a buck, they know theres too much Borneo wood around to compare his Borneo kinam to and get exposed. Scents of Earth The generation who first discovered kyara only knew it as one thing. He didnt warn me that it came with a side of knafeh fresh out the oven. It quickly becomes a big ole clean white floral. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This evening this oil opens with more Cambodi notes on the top and mid while the base is all medicinal dark red Vietnam. While everyone is unsure about its origin and how exactly it gets produced, theres no mystery about what kyara smells like. But this same tree is harvested at only 85 years, before the resin has hardened. WebRectovaginal fistula: A rare condition where the opening between your rectum and vagina allows feces to leak into your vagina. An aromatic aldehyde is defined as an amalgam containing the CHO radical, such as benzaldehyde, which has an odor profile reminiscent of almonds. Nor does Brunei kinam smell like any other strand of Brunei agarwood, much like Borneo kinam stands above any other local agarwood species. There was once only one kind of car. Ryugen was the first kyara stick I bought, it was the short box of mini sticks. Anyways, special oil and as far as I see it a must for any and all oud lovers. It's like an oud oil that is sweetish, otherworldly floral-fruity, with a shimmering twang that's not camphoric. It induces a state of trance. I dont buy the claim that kinam is a modern marketing tool, but I do get why people say this. Some believe kinam is purely a marketing gimmick. Its you and I benefitting from generations of refinement. Press J to jump to the feed. You must log in or register to reply here. I hope everyone who smells these oils will give them the admiration they deserve, and I hope those who cannot do that dont get to smell them at all (i.e. As Wright tells us, in Japanese culture, its actually considered offensive to wear strong aromas, so light, understated scents are much more in demand. It is far from clear, given the amount of conflicting definitions ofKyaraamong artisans, hobbyists, incense manufacturers, agarwood hunters, million-dollarKyaracollection owners, and other enthusiastsjust what exactlyKyarais, where it originates, what triggers its formation, how it can be accurately identified. Its pieces like these that Irecognise as kyaratheir smellwhen burned, their taste when chewed, themouth numbingsharpness of their GREEN. Kyara was the 2400th most popular girls name. But if someone with more experience and a deeper appreciation for nuance identifies differences, that doesnt mean he makes things up. Harvested at only 85 years, the resin has not hardened to the degree of being identified as incense grade agarwood, let alonekyara. It starts off kinamic then slowly morphs to almost like Royal Guallam. Rather than guessing games with vague charts and descriptions, these are the smells they use as benchmarks and identifiers. This and Royal Kynam are simply the finest oud oils Ive ever smelled. But if you insist on Vietnamese kinam being the only kinam out there, youll still be left in awe at how these Brunei, Borneo, and Chinese palettes smell so out of this world compared to regular varieties from the same regions. It also has that oud/aloeswood dirty edge to it, but remarkably understated while rising up in plumes of smoke here and there to surprise you with a very intense resinous note. Go to Hong Kong, Tokyo or Taipei to meet a kinam collector and smell what he calls kinam. And youll pay more. woke up with the scent of the oil on my upper lips and wrist smelling like it was applied an hour before, whereas it was more like 10 hours since worn! All he says is: That is Kinam.. Also, maybe it only hits the kyara here or there and I just haven't hit any or noticed when I did. The Japanese hold that kinam only originates in Vietnam, Hainan and parts of Cambodia while the Chinese have identified kinam invarious other agarwood-growing regions. The damp note it would seem to indicate that akyaratree could qualify as akyaratree no matter whether it contained anykyaraor even any degree of infection. It's probably a bit more accessible, but still has many layers. Think of it as the oud of oud. If you havent, and you got your kinam from Facebook vendors or online circles swapping little splinters of kyara then chances are youre still in the dark about what kinam is all about. A spring breeze across the Japanese countryside. Kyara is normally heated gently over ash and mica plates as incense; due to its rarity and scarcity, it is never used for distilling oud oil. Generally when I buy on eBay I get one. To claim you know anything about kinam, you should at least have smelled the varieties offered by established Japanese houses. Just take a whiff of each and youll know! Vanilla can elevate your mood. The truth is, while kyara is made out to be a mystery, its not. The kyara note joins the party and takes center stage 30 minutes or so after application. The cherry tree will not produce apples, as it is its genetic disposition that only allows the tree to yield cherries. Now if they are totally unrsponsive to inquiries post sale, say after 72 hours without any reply, that's when I'd say it's a bit unnerving -. Its been prized in their olfactory cultures for centuries. The words alone evoke a deep sense of a meditative mood . Its not marketing. If whatever-piece-of-wood fulfills certain scent characteristics, it gets the label. Most authentic kyara pieces were sold to private collectors in Japan, which is how Di Ser came into possession of its own small collection of the precious wood. This is one of them. Her candle, made in collaboration with Rewined, features notes of orange, grapefruit, pink peppercorn, neroli, and orange blossom. It may not display this or other websites correctly. This stands in stark contrast to the Baieido official stance on the subject, which I have discussed at length way back in the day with David Oller. Just like using those old charts outlining the traits of different kinds of agarwood is effectively useless today sasora is sour while kyara is bitteror smells like an aristocrat in its elegance and gracefulness. Humbly speaking, if I was Ensar I would limit the purchase of an oil like this to .5 gr per customer. Game over oil. NEW YORK I never knew I could like a smell called cheesy vomit until I visited the Museum of Food and Drink.. How does the grading work? Thats why kyara discussions often read like philosophy lectures, and why it makes for a great marketing hook to cash in on the confusion. Kyara is directly translated from Japanese , (which may or may not be the same as what is known as in Chinese), probably one of the most prestigious oud in the East. Many people report a particular scent appearing around this time of year; some describe it as melancholy, while others associate it with more pleasant harvest-type smells. It took me over a year before I could actually smell pure Agarwood incense. I think Royal Kynam had a slightly more medicinal effect, but I do think overall Kyara takes first place. than the Ryugen, which I will go into below, so I consider it like an Aloeswood Extreme. But theres no mystery about its smell. A teeny tiny toothpick dot size will be enough. Certainly not as the enviromental factors will be different according to the specific jungle. Its energy. So hope that helps. Yet, its still peppery and green while being a virginal white floral. WebThe sea where you can smell the clean salty seabreeze, listen to the sounds of rushing water and feel the sun on your skin. Its good to also burn one stick at a time and maintain a steady burn routine so your nose learns to work around that acrid smell. I have never smelled Kyara the wood, not into burning wood anyway. He maintained thatKyaracould only originate in trees of the Aquilaria Sinensis species that grew in Vietnam. Scent of such grade of wood on low heat is prettier and more easy to understand but there is a case for its high heat smoking scent too. Their scents will be tattooed into your olfactory memory for life. However it remains to this day the most sought-after oud oil that has ever been released. Papuan is just different spelling for Guallam.. Thats why getting oud is so dangerous. On the surface, it looks like nobody has a clue. In my opinion, until somebody distil an oil from actual Kyara wood than you can actually know what is that smell you can compare it. I agree, communicaton establishes a good relationship between buyer and seller. I tried Kyara for first time today. So do all agarwood trees have the potential to become akyaratree, if only allowed to mature for 135 years? Am so glad I waited, and that Kyara was waiting for me, and I am simply astonished.Jennifer / USA, While top notes were enthralling, I will never forget the first moment I experienced the mid notes and dry down. Hot -- Resembles the smell of peppers on a fire. Its scent. How long does the smell linger for most of the Minorien incense sticks? Its length of projection an insanely awesome oil, oud lovers need to figure out a way to have a tiny bit in their scent library. I am grateful there is a guy crazy enough to make these truly beautiful oils. I wonder if I will try them and think, "yeah, that's great, but not that much better than other high quality agarwood", OR will their scents blow my mind? WebKyara is a particular odor described as "A gentle and dignified smell with a touch of bitterness. Its equally rare to find Brunei Kinam for sale, and even the offers ones you do find are soilkinam not kinam from living trees. Though nobody seems to have a clue, most agree that kyara is a mystery. Im not offering you a mystery: This is kyara as identified by kyara experts in Japan and China, and sold as kyara by the most respected authorities in the field. Just like using those old charts outlining the traits of different kinds of agarwood is effectively useless today sasora is sour while kyara is bitter or smells like an aristocrat in its elegance and gracefulness. Lol, For me even without smelling Kyara i know i would prefer say high quality woods mainly due to the cost! I felt a sense of calm and peace that is so pure. Oller moreover posits thatKyarahas a unique chemical profile which is not found in other types of jinko. Thats what makes thescent of Borneo Kinam such an eye-opener. Upon smelling it, one of my brothers in the craft said: Wanna know the first thing I said to Ensarwhen I smelled Kyara? Borneo Kinam is on sale for a short while only. The next generation said, wow, do you smell that? you dont get this note in that batch. That peppery note kept drawing me in and showing me new things. All he says is: That is Kinam.. Regardless of their differences, what is clear is that kinam is a scent apart. How do you identify black kyara? What a remarkable scent. Connoisseurs refine their senses and appreciation because thats how you evolve. For those who deal in kinam, collect kinam, or routinely indulge in kinam, there is no confusion. Something folks who havent juiced this kind of oud dont know yet is that for ouds of this caliber, age is everything. But one will be a brain surgeon, the next one an opthalmologist, yet another a psychiatrist. How can anyone in his right mind, upon harvesting akyaratree, proceed to distill oil from it? Is kyara the most beautiful fragrance ever? Smell the crme de la crme of theoud world and discover an olfactory journey like no other: Kyara |Kinam |Qinan. JavaScript is disabled. Its like not being able to tell the difference between goat yogurt or cows, or the difference between Thai oud and Maroke. It's scientific name is Aquilara Malaccensis Lam. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA. Very balanced and instead of smacking you on the head it instead gently grabs you by the collar and pulls you in. Words cannot describe these two oils. Sholayer Sugar Lychee Sholayer Body Spray. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Just like a kid in a candy store. The Kyara Kit is a testament to this legacy. We gave our guests a Japanese kyara pellet to chew on. If you can acquire some of that, IMO you will own one of the top ouds ever distilled. WebHighly resinous Agarwood will have that acrid effect BUT with more experience your nose will learn to bypass those notes altogether. So glad you are able to experience it. Kinam is massively hyped and marketed Ive gotten slack for this myself (I guess people dont read my blog enough) and the result is a cloud of confusion. Regardless of their differences, what is clear is that kinam is a scent apart. To not only capture its multi-layered charm in a drop of oud but to go beyond that. Thank you. Compared to other ouds Ive tried, the beauty of Kyara lies in its less is more philosophy. With time the Cambodi-like notes strengthen and kyara enju incense notes take over. If the Holy Grail is to capture the scent of gently heated agarwood, why not just gently heat the agarwood? No doubt. Needed an oil to calm me down and help ground me to a sound nights sleep. Say the tree is 85 years when harvested. And the moment you realize theres more going on. that it constitutes the apex of that oud family. Not sure which other oil beats it in its longevity and beautiful evolution. **Five associations used to classify aloes wood aromas in ancient Japan. Same with kyara. For those who deal in kinam, collect kinam, or routinely indulge in kinam, there is no confusion. Sit with a Chinese agarwood collector as he shows you his collection. I said, why does any other vendor bother to stay in business when you have oils like these? If whatever-piece-of-wood fulfills certain scent characteristics, it gets the label. If theothertheory is true, andKyarais indeed the fruit of a unique combination of events which may take place in any type of Aquilaria or Gyrinops tree, then my original question still remains unanswered. Larry / USA. You can spend ten years reading charts that compare Borneo oud to Cambodian oud, and still be none the wiser. If that process is already in motion and we harvest the tree before theKyaraoleoresin has solidified, is not the essential oil currently amassing inside the trunk and slowly thickening and hardening into that oleoresin,Kyaraessential oil?If you say not, does that not entail thatKyarais only a type of wood, which is made up of undistillable hard resin that is chemically completely unrelated to the essential oil that collected and amassed into that resin over a period of many decades? If left to grow for another 50 years, it would yield identifiablegreenkyara. Specifically, I'm struggling with Shunkohdo's Kyara Aioi No Matsu which has gotten good reviews from lots of people. Kyara might have been cheaper, as was all agarwood, back in the day when there was more of it. They are expensive and they should be. Throw together random batches from Hong Kong, Vietnam and Cambodia, and you wont get this smell. You know its nonsense, but hereally believed this and taught it as truth. Thats how you get white kinam and purple kinam, and Papuan oud oil. On the surface, it looks like nobody has a clue. I find that to be just a tad implausible. Bottomless oil that comes across to me and base yanked to the top note. Kinam? The resin created as a natural immune response makes the most sacred oil on the planet. As an example, Qi Nam Khmer did not smell likekyara, but it was the rarest Cambodian profile I have experienced to date. Period.Rasoul / Canada. WebYes, it is possible to smell mold behind drywall. It gets more tricky when you hear that kinam doesnt even need to be agarwood! Enough with the charts and ancient descriptions. This oud is long lasting, maintaining excellent consistency/ quality of fragrance giving hours of enjoyment. WebDogs can be trained to smell several types of cancers, including melanoma, breast and gastrointestinal cancers and some infectious diseases in humans, including malaria and On the surface, it looks like nobody has a clue. The distinctive element of Middle Eastern perfumery is oud, or agarwood, a precious resin with an opulent aroma of tobacco, leather and honey. So I didnt say anything about what I was burning. What I aim to accomplish in naming an oil Kinam or Kyarais one of two things. Yours, now. I wont blame you if you disagreeour skin chemistries are different. Theres agarwood and then theres KINAM. Hell point to different batches of wood and tell you: This is Yunnan, that ones Maluku; over here youve got sinking Port Moresby But ask him about those nuggets way at the top and he doesnt tell you where its from. You are using an out of date browser. We could use yet another image to help clarify the issue: ALL students of the medical profression have the potential to become a doctor. Also - sometimes vendors ship but it's out of their control at that point. But if you insist on Vietnamese kinam being the only kinam out there, youll still be left in awe at how these Brunei, Borneo, and Chinese palettes smell SO out of this world compared to regular varieties from the same regions. When you want to learn about samurai swords, who do you seek out a guy in Iowa or a master in Osaka? Wow! There's something else going on in their blend, and it's also dark, sultry, smoky, a bit husky and gritty. At first, I thought it was a pot smell and something young oils show. This oil is not a scent but a portal. Kinam is hyped up so much because few know what theyre talking about. The fact that the Kinam does not measured well against the wild Kyara (in my own opinion) is NOT an indication of its inferiority. Some even get hung up about the sinensis distinction, without having smelled either kinam OR sinensis. Borneo Kinam orBrunei Kinamlets you smell for yourself why the Chinese have a strong case for saying kinam isnt limited to Vietnam alone. If youve heard the term kyara a million times, butnothing comes to mind, take a look at the pictures in this post. Thats the real challenge of distillation. Lisa smells like new books. But historically, its accurate. I understand, but how about suspending listings, or advising at purchase time that shipping will be delayed. This is the most comprehensive kinam kit I know of. Fantastic write up, I enjoyed reading. Sit with a Chinese agarwood collector as he shows you his collection. Either to denote that it somehow displays a scent facet ofkyarachips when burned; or that it stands, in comparison to other oils in its category, askyaradoes to other woodi.e. So, thingscanget puzzling. Miu Miu has staged shows in Milan, New York, and London, showing in Paris since 2006. !Nazif/ USA. WebOne thing you do learn from ancient descriptions of kyara is the simplicity: kinam is bitter or smells like a monk. Once the Oriscent aesthetic grabs hold of agarwood, it doesnt matter where it comes from anymore. You might think, but the Japenese and Chinese differ themselves, so why should I care about what you and your sifus think? True. Which other oil beats it in its less is more philosophy try as... Unique chemical profile which is not a scent apart the agarwood and youll know is. At that point votes can not be cast, upon harvesting akyaratree, proceed to distill from. Opens with more experience and a deeper appreciation for nuance identifies differences, what is clear is that kinam a... Or Taipei to meet a kinam collector and smell what he calls kinam you must log or! Kinamlets you smell that agarwood, it gets more tricky when you hear kinam... Was a pot smell and something young oils show I had ever smelled my. Otherworldly floral-fruity, with a Chinese agarwood collector as he shows you his collection agarwood species just a... 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