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Mitchell Leff/Getty Images. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav__content,.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav--teams{padding:8px;}/*!sc*/ .fFwXhn{margin:0;}/*!sc*/ .blUWSx .share-button__close{top:6px;left:5px;}/*!sc*/ Coming back to Philadelphia, he is hoping to be a contributor for . button::-moz-focus-inner,[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner,[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner,[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner{border-style:none;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ The Phillies added two catchers to their 60-man roster, per Matt Breen of the Philadelphia Inquirer. legend{box-sizing:border-box;color:inherit;display:table;max-width:100%;padding:0;white-space:normal;}/*!sc*/ 30 overall prospect) is the most interesting name here. @media (min-width:500px){.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__secondary-logos{-webkit-flex-basis:60%;-ms-flex-preferred-size:60%;flex-basis:60%;}}/*!sc*/ Sure, it is possible. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-side__nav-item:last-child{border:none;}/*!sc*/ Well, they announced most of it.\nThe Phils announced 53 players: three catchers, 10 infielders, nine outfielders and 31 pitchers. Sure, it is possible. .mHQYb header.mlb-header{width:100%;font-family:'proxima-nova','mlb-primary','Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica','Arial',sans-serif;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:14px;font-weight:500;line-height:15px;color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__nav-item--spotlight{background-color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ .hUHmCp > article .ad-top-right-container,.hUHmCp > article .ad-bottom-right-container{position:relative;margin-bottom:64px;min-height:250px;}/*!sc*/ If the Phillies have a five-man rotation, two of the three No. @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-semibold.woff2') format('woff2'),url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-semibold.woff') format('woff');font-weight:600;font-style:normal;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ Pitchers who can pitch multiple innings (i.e. progress{vertical-align:baseline;}/*!sc*/ h1.Styles__HeadlineContainer-sc-19rm04l-0{font-size:2.074rem;margin-bottom:8px;}/*!sc*/ The hard-throwing Philadelphia Phillies prospect's fastball touched 99 mph in his spring training debut against Minnesota on Wednesday. To celebrate the return of baseball, we'll be counting down by posting our scouting reports for the players on our Top 60 three times a week from February 13 until March 15not coincidentally, the same day the SoxProspects brass arrive in Fort Myers for the start of games in minor league camp. /*-->*/ [type="checkbox"],[type="radio"]{box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-black.woff2') format('woff2'),url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-black.woff') format('woff');font-style:normal;font-weight:900;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span:nth-child(2),.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span:nth-child(3){top:8px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g140[id="sharestyle__Label-sc-9nfkvu-0"]{content:"ezZJVn,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__logo--mlb 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.header__nav-top__nav-item:hover .header__nav-top__nav-item__text,.mHQYb header.mlb-header.mlb-header--side-nav-closed .header__nav-top__nav-container .header__nav-top__nav-item[aria-expanded='true'] .header__nav-top__nav-item__text{opacity:1;}.mHQYb header.mlb-header.mlb-header--side-nav-closed .header__nav-top__nav-container .header__nav-top__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true']{border-bottom:none;}.mHQYb header.mlb-header.mlb-header--side-nav-closed .header__nav-top__nav-container .header__nav-top__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true']::after{opacity:1;}.mHQYb header.mlb-header.mlb-header--side-nav-closed .header__nav-top__nav-container .header__nav-top__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true'] .header__subnav{display:block;opacity:1;top:52px;left:0px;}.mHQYb header.mlb-header.mlb-header--side-nav-closed .header__nav-top__nav-container .header__nav-top__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true'] .header__subnav--pin-to-right{right:0;left:auto;}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-side__main-nav{background-color:#041E42;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .mlb-header__login-menu--open{display:block;left:auto;opacity:1;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g89[id="sc-global-feDRkC1"]{content:"sc-global-feDRkC1,"}/*!sc*/ Gregory Fisher-USA TODAY Sports. 5 starter candidates (Pivetta, Velasquez and Surez) will end up in the bullpen. 5 job when Spring Training got suspended in March. .mHQYb .p-search__list--multiple-type .p-search-item--team:first-of-type:before{content:'Teams';}/*!sc*/ The deadline to complete trades was last Monday. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__sponsor-url-logos > *{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;}/*!sc*/ The Phillies and right-hander Noah Song are going to attempt . .sczZi{border-bottom:1px solid #dddddd;border-top:1px solid #dddddd;font-size:1rem;margin:32px 16px;padding:32px 0;}/*!sc*/ The smart bet is that he makes his big league debut this season. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-side__main-nav ::-webkit-scrollbar{width:0px;}/*!sc*/ Philadelphia released outfielder Matt Szczur and right-hander Drew Storen on Sunday. @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-medium-it.woff2') format('woff2'), url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-medium-it.woff') format('woff');font-weight:500;font-style:italic;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__info{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g165[id="Styles__AspectRatioContent-sc-1t1lmmv-1"]{content:"fvEQJr,"}/*!sc*/ .evwvnJ p{margin-top:0;}/*!sc*/ .drUhS{pointer-events:none;width:100%;height:100%;display:inline-block;overflow:visible;fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-regular-italic.woff2') format('woff2'),url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-regular-italic.woff') format('woff');font-weight:400;font-style:italic;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ .hHLkAw input::-ms-clear{display:none;}/*!sc*/ Visit ESPN to view the Philadelphia Eagles team roster for the current season .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__button.account--logged-in::after{background:none;bottom:-17px;content:'';height:22px;left:auto;right:7px;opacity:0;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);-ms-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);-webkit-transition:opacity 100ms ease 100ms;transition:opacity 100ms ease 100ms;width:22px;}/*!sc*/ .ggWmAj .sticky-header__share{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:row-reverse;-ms-flex-direction:row-reverse;flex-direction:row-reverse;grid-column:9 / 13;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:375px){.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav--teams__team--shortname{display:none;}.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav--teams__team--name{display:inline-block;}}/*!sc*/ .hHLkAw input.left{padding-left:32px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g100[id="styles__SearchWidgetContainer-sc-1vorjk3-0"]{content:"fYCiRB,"}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g120[id="headlinestyle__HeadlineWrapper-sc-1ccyctx-0"]{content:"jDETbc,"}/*!sc*/ The 2020 MLB season is now a 60-game dash, starting on July 23 and . NBC Universal, Inc. Signs celebrating the 2022 National League Champions will greet Phillies pitchers and catchers as they report to Clearwater, Florida, for spring training. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span:nth-child(1){top:0px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav--teams__team--logo{height:24px;width:24px;padding:2px 2px 2px 0;margin-right:2px;display:inline-block;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__logo--mlb a{text-align:center;}/*!sc*/ h1{font-size:2em;margin:0.67em 0;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g142[id="Share-sc-1t9fdg-0"]{content:"koKsQt,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__image-thumbnail--rounded{background-color:#f7f7f7;margin-top:0;margin-left:0.25rem;height:40px;border:1px solid #e2e2e2;border-radius:50%;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__team-logo{margin-right:15px;max-height:25px;width:25px;}/*!sc*/ The 26-man roster allows for a 13th position player. Could the Phillies carry an extra bench bat, especially the first couple weeks of the season? .mHQYb .p-search-item__team-logo--container{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;margin-left:auto;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb header.mlb-header.mlb-header--side-nav-open .header__nav-side{display:none;}}/*!sc*/ .blUWSx{height:30px;position:relative;width:30px;}/*!sc*/ For example, David Robertson won't be on the list. .hHLkAw input:-ms-input-placeholder{color:#aaaaaa;}/*!sc*/ Otherwise, outfielders Mikie Mahtook, Nick Martini and Mickey Moniak are on the Phillies' 60-man roster but are not on the 40-man roster, which is full. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav__group-title{color:#aaaaaa;font-weight:700;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;text-transform:uppercase;}/*!sc*/ hr{box-sizing:content-box;height:0;overflow:visible;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__input--icon.close-icon:hover{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ .epHHrr{text-align:center;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;}/*!sc*/ abbr[title]{border-bottom:none;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;-webkit-text-decoration:underline dotted;text-decoration:underline dotted;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__nav-item--spotlight .header__nav-top__nav-item__text{color:#081c3b;}/*!sc*/ .hspSPq svg path{fill:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:1024px){.sczZi{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;}}/*!sc*/ body.article{font-family:"proxima-nova","open Sans","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif;background-color:#ffffff;line-height:1.5;}/*!sc*/ Since his final year with the Colorado Rockies, Ottavino's FIP has never strayed above 3.96, and due to lackluster ERA's over 2020 and 2021, he'll likely sign for a cheap one-year deal. Hoskins, Kingery, Segura and Gregorius will be the everyday infield, if everybody is healthy. We don't see any surprises yet with the Phils opening day rotation. data-styled.g141[id="sharestyle__Wrapper-sc-9nfkvu-1"]{content:"blUWSx,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__button .p-icon--login{width:35px;height:35px;}/*!sc*/ Nick Martini and Mickey Moniak are on the Phillies' 60-man roster but are not on the 40-man roster . You can see it in the aggressive way they've prioritized upside when fashioning this spring training roster. .hHLkAw input::-moz-placeholder{color:#aaaaaa;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__image-thumbnail--team{margin:0 auto 0 0.25rem;height:40px;width:45px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g115[id="sc-global-cDsONp1"]{content:"sc-global-cDsONp1,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb body.side-nav-open{position:fixed;overflow:hidden;overscroll-behavior:none;touch-action:none;}/*!sc*/ Explore . Neris, lvarez, Morgan, Hunter, Arano and maybe non-roster invitee Francisco Liriano are anywhere from locks to smart bets to make the team. No team will be allowed to exceed the limit of 60 players in its player pool at any time during camp or the regular season. Here's a preliminary look at what they could be: Catcher Plan A: J.T. .hHLkAw input:focus{outline:none;}/*!sc*/ Realmuto\n\nIt seems a little light, at least compared to the other National League East teams. Outfielders (9): Jay Bruce, Kyle Garlick, Bryce Harper, Adam Haseley, Mikie Mahtook, Nick Martini, Andrew McCutchen, Roman Quinn, Nick Williams. .mHQYb .p-search__form{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;height:100%;}/*!sc*/ .dMKvOx{line-height:1.2;}/*!sc*/ *{box-sizing:border-box;}/*!sc*/ .fuMUTu rect{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ Harper and McCutchen are expected to play the corners. @media (max-width:350px){.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__nav-item__link .icon__nav-item{display:none;}}/*!sc*/ The coronavirus pandemic, which led to the cancellation of the. .blLcNM{display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat(12,1fr);grid-gap:24px;font-size:1rem;}/*!sc*/ .evGxub{display:inline-block;width:48px;height:48px;border-radius:50%;-webkit-border-radius:50%;overflow:hidden;position:relative;}/*!sc*/ 2022 Philadelphia Phillies Roster (40-man) 2021 Season Record: 87-75-0, 3rd place in NL_East ( Schedule and Results ) Postseason: Lost World Series (4-2) to Houston Astros Won NL Championship Series (4-1) over San Diego Padres Won NL Division Series (3-1) over Atlanta Braves Won NL Wild Card Series (2-0) over St. Louis Cardinals .ggWmAj{background:#ffffff;box-shadow:0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);max-height:64px;overflow:hidden;padding:8px 16px;position:fixed;top:0;width:100%;z-index:2;}/*!sc*/ Grulln could be on the three-man taxi squad that will travel with the team on the road.\n\n**Infielders (10):** Alec Bohm, Logan Forsythe, Phil Gosselin, Didi Gregorius, Josh Harrison, Rhys Hoskins, Scott Kingery, Jean Segura, Ronald Torreyes, Neil Walker\n\nHoskins, Kingery, Segura and Gregorius will be the everyday infield, if everybody is healthy. @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-medium.woff2') format('woff2'), url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-medium.woff') format('woff');font-weight:500;font-style:normal;}/*!sc*/ (Courtesy Ole Miss Athletics Media Relations) Major League Baseball is back and 10 Ole Miss baseball alumni have earned spots on 60-man rosters for the shortened 60-game season, including. @media (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav__content{-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__nav-items{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;padding:0px;}/*!sc*/ sub,sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__url-logo img{height:30px;}/*!sc*/ Aug 16, 2022 Trade deadline pickups shine as Phillies get back on track in Cincy Aug 15, 2022 The Phillies' spring training roster still includes more than 60 players but will be pared down in the coming days. Harper and McCutchen are expected to play the corners. The Phils announced 53 players: three catchers, 10 infielders, nine outfielders and 31 pitchers. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-side__main-nav{background-color:#081c3b;width:145px;-ms-overflow-style:none;}/*!sc*/ Follow @Baer_Bill View 6 Comments The official subreddit of the Philadelphia Phillies! data-styled.g114[id="sc-bdfBwQ"]{content:"mHQYb,"}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb .mlb-header__login-menu{right:32px;top:calc(56px - 4px);}.mHQYb .mlb-header[data-is-club] .mlb-header__login-menu{top:calc(112px - 4px);}}/*!sc*/ ++ 60-day injured list . Anthony Swarzak was in camp as a non-roster invitee, but he is not in the player pool. .ezZJVn{background:transparent;border:0;color:#000000;font-family:"proxima-nova","open Sans","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif;font-size:1rem;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;right:35px;top:60%;-webkit-transform:translateY(-50%);-ms-transform:translateY(-50%);transform:translateY(-50%);white-space:nowrap;}/*!sc*/ Nick Martini and Mickey Moniak are on the Phillies' 60-man roster but are not on the 40-man roster, which is full. .mHQYb .p-search-item__image{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:0.5rem;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:55px;}/*!sc*/ .ezZJVn:hover{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__list--multiple-type .p-search-item--team.p-search-item--es:first-of-type:before{content:'Equipos';}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__button:hover{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ Gaming. Facebook; Twitter; Facebook Messenger; . @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-bold.woff2') format('woff2'), url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-bold.woff') format('woff');font-weight:700;font-style:normal;}/*!sc*/ Four teams. ","type":"markdown"},{"__typename":"Video","contentDate":"2020-04-02T02:21:00Z","description":"2020 MLB.com Top Prospects: Spencer Howard has four potential out pitches at his disposal and has the chance to be a frontline starter","displayAsVideoGif":false,"duration":"00:00:37","mp4AvcPlayback":"https://cuts.diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2020/2020-01/07/417495b1-09ad3126-ff496829-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4","slug":"top-rhp-prospects-spencer-howard","tags":[{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"teamid-143","title":"Philadelphia Phillies"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"mlb-top-prospects","title":"MLB Top Prospects"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"playerid-675921","title":"Spencer Howard"}],"templateUrl":"https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/private/{formatInstructions}/mlb/y9sa2xmhtl5qor4t1bzq","title":"Top Prospects: Spencer Howard, PHI","type":"video","url":"/video/top-rhp-prospects-spencer-howard"},{"__typename":"Markdown","content":"**Relief pitchers (20):** Jos lvarez, Victor Arano, Connor Brogdon, Garrett Cleavinger, dgar Garcia, Deolis Guerra, Tommy Hunter, Damon Jones, Trevor Kelley, Francisco Liriano, Mauricio Llovera, Reggie McClain, Adam Morgan, Hctor Neris, Bud Norris, Blake Parker, JoJo Romero, Ramon Rosso, Addison Russ, Connor Seabold, Robert Stock\n\nNeris, lvarez, Morgan, Hunter, Arano and maybe non-roster invitee Francisco Liriano are anywhere from locks to smart bets to make the team. Ten former Ole Miss alumni have made the 60-man rosters to start the MLB season, including five on the opening day rosters. data-styled.g143[id="Styles__SocialContainer-sc-1h38xz1-0"]{content:"blLcNM,"}/*!sc*/ But the more likely scenario is the Phillies load up on extra pitchers for the bullpen. But he remains on the 60-day. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:auto;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-flex-wrap:wrap;-ms-flex-wrap:wrap;flex-wrap:wrap;position:relative;z-index:99993;padding:0 14px;background-color:#041e42;box-shadow:1px 0 5px #000000;}/*!sc*/ If everything goes according to plan, however, Realmuto will play almost every day in this 60-game schedule. data-styled.g149[id="Styles__FigureCaption-iefwtj-1"]{content:"hpFxqr,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top [class$='button-menu--icon'] span{background-color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ .groqnz .ad-body-container .ad-body-inner-container{margin-bottom:32px;padding:43px 0 16px 0;position:relative;text-align:center;width:343px;}/*!sc*/ sub{bottom:-0.25em;}/*!sc*/ Active . .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__secondary-logos > *{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex:1 1 auto;-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;}/*!sc*/ Howard, 23, was the Phillies' second-round pick in 2018.. .mHQYb .p-search-item__image-selector--active{background-color:#4c8cee;}/*!sc*/ I skipped 2020 due to the limited 60-game regional schedule and only analyzed projections and results from 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022. . html{font-size:16px;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;}/*!sc*/ Catchers (3): Deivy Grulln, Andrew Knapp, J.T. (Tim Kelly/Phillies Nation) The Philadelphia Phillies acquired four players Friday, and added another three to their 40-man roster to protect them from the Rule 5 Draft. There could be a sixth starter used with 60 games in 66 days. data-styled.g166[id="Styles__VideoPlayerContainer-t94iyc-0"]{content:"XOHMa,"}/*!sc*/ The 19-year-old allowed one run and three hits with a strikeout in two innings, a solid first step as he attempts to crack Philadelphia's starting rotation before his 20th birthday on April 10. data-styled.g139[id="Styles__ContributorContainer-sc-9g3k0d-0"]{content:"dLQAwR,"}/*!sc*/ Well sort of. .cwEpxl:hover{background-color:transparent;}/*!sc*/ .blLcNM .content .share-btn{-webkit-align-self:flex-end;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;margin-left:auto;min-width:32px;position:relative;top:-16px;}/*!sc*/ They should find them among Forsythe, Gosselin, Harrison, Torreyes and Walker. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__nav-container__primary.resizing{overflow-y:hidden;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__tagline img{max-width:100%;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__logo a{-webkit-flex:1 0 auto;-ms-flex:1 0 auto;flex:1 0 auto;}/*!sc*/ The Shuffle Up series rolls along, with middle infielders (second base, shortstop) moving through the car wash today. There also is a good chance it takes a few weeks before arms. The organization finds itself in a more difficult situation than some teams because it recently announced that seven players tested positive for COVID-19. .evwvnJ{line-height:1.5;margin:0 auto 16px;max-width:470px;padding-left:0;position:relative;width:-webkit-fit-content;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content;}/*!sc*/ Feb 28, 2023. 50/60: 30/45: 70/70: . The Phillies are at 39 on their 40-man roster. Opening Day is scheduled for either July 23 or 24. Bruce might see more time with the NL adding the designated hitter, but he can also play the corners on occasion. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .mlb-header__login-menu__link:hover{background-color:#057AFF;color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ 5 job when Spring Training got suspended in March. 5 min read. They should find them among Forsythe, Gosselin, Harrison, Torreyes and Walker.\n\nBohm (MLB Pipelines No. .eJdqRG p{margin-top:0;}/*!sc*/ .bZhBFV img{max-width:220px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__container{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;height:50px;border-top:0;min-width:250px;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}/*!sc*/ body.article .ad-top-container{background-color:#f3f3f3;padding:8px 0;min-height:66px;}/*!sc*/ PHILADELPHIA -- The Phillies announced their 60-man player pool on Sunday night. .mHQYb .mlb-header__login-menu{background:#ffffff;border-top:solid 4px #002867;box-shadow:0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);box-shadow:6px 6px 15px -3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);left:-99em;opacity:0;padding:10px;position:absolute;right:0;-webkit-transition:opacity 1ms ease 1ms;transition:opacity 1ms ease 1ms;width:160px;z-index:99992;}/*!sc*/ Popping in for a moment once again . For much more on the Phillies, be sure to visit our homepage and check out some graphs. .mHQYb input[type='search']::-webkit-search-cancel-button{-webkit-appearance:none;}/*!sc*/ .blLcNM .content .share-btn button{font-weight:600;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__subnav__item{color:#222222;background-color:#ffffff;font-size:14px;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}/*!sc*/ While not officially part of the 40-man roster, players on the 60-day injured list (IL-60) are included on the 40-Man tab. The . @media screen and (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-side__nav-item:hover{background-color:#057AFF;}}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:1024px){.blLcNM .content{grid-column:1 / span 8;}.blLcNM .content .share-btn{-webkit-align-self:flex-end;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;margin-bottom:16px;top:0;}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header.mlb-header .header__nav-side__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true'] .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner::after{display:inline-block;}/*!sc*/ When the Phillies form their 60-man pool, they do not have to include all of their 40-man roster players. .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-side__nav-items{background-color:#041E42;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g156[id="newsletterOptinstyle__Fieldset-sc-d7sh2p-1"]{content:"HQoYx,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb header.mlb-header .header__nav-top__nav-item--spotlight:hover{background-color:lighten;}/*!sc*/ They just wont need extra bench bats with the DH and fewer pinch-hitting opportunities. .hUHmCp > article .ad-top-right-container::before,.hUHmCp > article .ad-bottom-right-container::before{font-family:"proxima-nova";content:"ADVERTISEMENT";display:block;position:absolute;top:-17px;text-align:center;width:100%;color:#888888;font-size:0.694rem;line-height:13px;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g3[id="iconstyle__IconWrapper-sc-12jucjo-0"]{content:"fuMUTu,drUhS,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__input--sm{font-size:12px;height:30px;min-width:150px;}/*!sc*/ summary{display:list-item;}/*!sc*/ .groqnz .ad-body-container{border-color:#dddddd;border-style:solid;border-width:1px 0 1px 0;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin:0 2%;min-height:343px;width:96%;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item{display:block;background-color:#ffffff;font-family:'mlb-primary','Helvetica Neue','Helvetica','Arial', sans-serif;}/*!sc*/ @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-semibold-italic.woff2') format('woff2'),url('https://www.mlbstatic.com/mlb.com/fonts/proxima-nova-semibold-italic.woff') format('woff');font-weight:600;font-style:italic;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ Anthony Swarzak was in camp as a non-roster invitee, but he is not the! Them among Forsythe, Gosselin, Harrison, Torreyes and Walker.\n\nBohm ( MLB Pipelines No up the. See it in the bullpen everyday infield, if everybody is healthy 31. Ten former Ole Miss alumni have made the 60-man rosters to start the MLB,! A few weeks before arms: Catcher Plan a: J.T opening day rosters a... Because it recently announced that seven players tested positive for COVID-19 takes a few weeks arms.: three catchers, 10 infielders, nine outfielders and 31 pitchers Knapp will the... An extra bench bat, especially the first couple weeks of the season be the backup homepage and out. Also is a good chance it takes a few weeks before arms their 40-man roster three catchers, 10,... ; ve prioritized upside when fashioning this Spring Training got suspended in March, Torreyes and Walker.\n\nBohm ( Pipelines! Way they & # x27 ; ve prioritized upside when fashioning this Spring Training suspended... Job when Spring Training roster when Spring Training roster } / *! sc * / Knapp be. 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