His long and illustrious career has been marked by humility and service and reflects great credit upon himself, the Georgia Army National Guard, and the United States Army. Her efforts supported the timely close out of funding at the department of the Army level while ensuring SEDD met all requirements for a clean fiscal year close out. HER ACTIONS REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HERSELF, THE 80TH TRAINING COMMAND AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. The following awards may be awarded upon retirement: His career has been marked by true professionalism and reflects great credit upon himself, the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade and the United States Army. He made it his own mission to perform the vital checks on the crew system every time anyone in the company left for a route clearance mission. His distinguished performance and dedication to duty are in the most cherished traditions of the Army and reflect credit upon him, the Field Artillery and the United States Army. STAFF SERGEANT COX SERVED WITH HONOR AND DISTINCTION IN NUMEROUS POSITIONS. STAFF SERGEANT SMITH SERVED WITH DISTINCTION IN A MULTITUDE OF POSITIONS TO INCLUDE OBSERVER CONTROLLER, WAREHOUSE NCOIC, PROPERTY BOOK NCOIC, BATTALION S4 NCO, AND SUPPLY SERGEANT. During the . If it is the individual's first award, there will not be an oak leaf cluster. PROPOSED CITATION For exceptionally meritorious service from 01 December 2010 to 01 December 2020. She/He also developed a long term English Instruction Program incorporating multiple Army (or joint forces) elements, which proved to be invaluable in supporting the SFABs training mission as indicated by SFAB Leadership. As such, he was among the few Functional Capability Developers who greatly influenced the design of the GCSS Army System across multiple areas under design and development to include such areas as: Supply, Plant Maintenance, Property Book, DFPS, HR, and Financial Modules. The S-6 shop completed over 2,500 trouble-tickets and SPC Isbell processed over 1,000 of those communication and automation issues with the majority of them being handled in less than 30 minutes. For exceptional meritorious service from 14 March 1995 to 30 January 2009 culminating with his service to the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade, as Team Chief of the Southern Province Reconstruction section, headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Retirement Ceremony. As a multi-functional logistician, he provided invaluable technical and tactical support to the War-fighter wherever he has been assigned. Here you will find DA form 638 example bullets and instructions. Army Achievement Award $139.99 - $219.99 Army Appreciation Plaque $139.99 - $289.99 Army Plaques Wording Ideas #325-1 Sample Army Retirement Award RECIPIENT NAME With Great Honor and Recognition For Your Loyal and Dedicated Civilian Service to the United States Army Reserve. With loosely defined instructions SPC Doe attacked the repair task with vigor and ingenuity. STAFF SERGEANT xxxxxx HAS CONTINUOUSLY DEMONSTRATED EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE, PROFESSIONALISM, TECHNICAL EXPERTISE, AND OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE THROUGHOUT HIS TWENTY YEAR CAREER. SFC S HAS HELD EVERY POSITION AVAILABLE IN THE ARMY SATCOM PROFESSION DURING HIS CAREER, FROM LEADING TACTICAL ARMY TEAMS TO LEADING STRATEGIC AND JOINT OPERATIONS TEAMS. He was charged with ensuring the safety of more than -- personnel and $-- million in equipment and supplies within the facility. This outstanding achievement demonstrates her initiative and dedication to the Task Force Maverick team. All Guard Staff Sgt. SSG Knuclehead led the way by attending Advance Leaders Course, Property Book Course, Unit Supply Enactment Course and Unit Prevention Leaders Course. He mentored, coached, and guided Paratroopers to be the very best. If you have junior NCOs that need help with writing awards, send them this workbook so they have examples, guidelines for submission, additional resources, and an example of how to write good bullets. May 2nd, 2018 - DA Form 638 Army award bullet examples for Meritorious Service Medal Military Association of Atheists amp Freethinkers Atheists April 29th, 2018 - Army National Guard . HIS CONDUCT AND DEDICATION OVER THIRTY YEARS OF SERVICE IS IN KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF MILITARY SERVICE AND REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, HIS UNIT, THE CONNECTICUT ARMY NATIONAL GUARD AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. His skill, competence and medical knowledge played a vital role in providing care to a daily patient census of over 170 patients in the Emergency Department. Right away Spc Doe demonstrated devotion to the platoon and worked hard to show proficiency to work his way to a team leader position. Throughout his twenty four years of service, Master Sergeant Carter has distinguished himself by exceptional duty performance in positions of importance and responsibility. SGT DOE was an instrumental part of the Recovery Section for B Company, 204th BSB from 1 December 2009 to 1 June 2011. Army Award and Decoration Examples The two portions of the inscription are separated by bullets, and the space inside the circle is to be used for engraving the recipient's name. His expertise and knowledge as a Heavy equipment operator has being instrumental to the company's readiness, while serving as a drivers training monitor in conjunction with the company Master Driver. Upon retirement, Sergeant First Class Hernandez is recognized for distinguished performance of duty that represents exemplary achievement in the finest traditions of the United States Army. We need more examples. Congratulations on Making It! FOR EXCEPTIONALLY MERITORIOUS SERVICE FROM OCTOBER XXXX THROUGH SEPTEMBER XXXX. You never have to start from scratch again. SPC Berdan contributed to the platoon by maintaining a 100% operational readiness. Upon arrival at the AXP, SPC House aided with triage and treatment. SPC XXXXXX was recognized multiple times for his attention to detail and professionalism when assisting the leadership of the U.S. Army during their visits to RHC-P. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. Air Force Retirement Ceremony EPR Bullet Examples. His efforts enabled the staff to provide timely and accurate information to develop COAs in support of MTOE training as directed by the ATAG and in support of the TAG guidance to support Northern Strike 20. His team's knowledge and skill helped the 501st Signal Battalion accomplish their mission. b. SPC XXXX filled a critical position during two RIMPAC's, he was responsible for triaging critical patients ensuring the highest quality of care and was a vital part of the decontamination team treating over 70 simulated patients. He was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers. Can't find yours or want to contribute. With his skilled and faithfulness to his warrior companions he allowed over two hundred route clearance mission to come back without any remote initiated improvise explosive device to detonate. His attention to detail made for all minor details being fulfilled and for the Memorial starting at the correct time. SSG Snuff, during his tenure here at 108th BDE, 3rd Battalion 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment distinguished himself greatly by performing his duties as the BDE S-4 Assistance NCO, BDE UPL, Property Book NCO, HHB and Echo Battery Supply Sergeant. from 31 December 1992 to 8 January 1995). Thanks! SPC Isbell managed over 700 accounts on the CENTRIX, NIPR, and SIPR communication networks for 8 different units and agencies throughout RC South. FNAME earned the title of being the best Maintenance Officer that his command had ever worked with. T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a n a d m i n i s t r a t i v e r e v i s i o n . It is recommended that such periods be limited to the last 10 years of service. During Operation Enduring Freedom, SPC Berdan continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the Platoons Howitzers were fully mission capable. She has proved time and time again that she will donate her free time to helping others. Write Army Awards with effective sample Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets) While serving as Battle Captain of the Division's Analysis and Control Element, CPT Doe supervised the analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports to the Division G-2 and subordinate units, as well as other government agencies. Thank You for Your 20 Years of Dedication. SSG Doe volunteered 84 hours of his off duty time to provide concessions and clean-up support to the St. Louis Cardinals and the stadium. She set a solid example for fellow Soldiers to emulate with her commitment to excellence and motivation during the board proceedings. Customers have access to free updates of this workbook. He was credited with spearheading the Convoy Maintenance Support Team in Iraq which would aid all convoys traveling through the theater of operations with needed maintenance repairs. CW3 LNAME earned the top spot of all junior officers in his Regiment. His distinguished performance and dedication to duty represents outstanding accomplishments in the most cherished traditions of the Army and reflect the utmost credit upon him, the Defense Language Institute and Foreign Language Center, and the United States Army. Exceptionally Meritorious Service while serving in leadership positions spanning over twenty-one years, culminating as the G4 Senior Maintenance Management NCO with the 377th Theatre Support Command. 19.9K. SFC Landeros served as the acting TMR OIC five times and served as the Acting Distribution Section NCOIC three times during the deployment while also serving as the TMR Section NCOIC. SPC Doe went above and beyond the call of duty by staying after duty hours to help with aircraft and hanger cleaning and set up for a Company Memorial Service. His career is a sterling example of dedication and professionalism and reflects great credit upon himself, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command and the United States Army. SPC Doe was given the complex task to replace both tail wheel bonded washers on a UH-60A tail wheel yoke. UPON HIS RETIREMENT, STAFF SERGEANT xxxxxx IS RECOGNIZED FOR HIS EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO THE NATION, WHICH IS KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF THE xxTH BATTALION, xxTH INFANTRY REGIMENT, THE xTH INFANTRY DIVISION, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. This dramatically improved operational awareness of the deploying and redeploying of 300 Soldiers, procuring and size testing of vital PPE for 28 COVID Test Teams and planning for and scheduling with civilian providers COVID testing for Soldiers. He quickly made an positive impact on the company by providing detailed hands-on classes on various communications equipment. Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3) Name has distinguished himself through exceptional performance of duty and dedicated service culminating with his retirement of over 21 years of service in the United States Army. SPC Doe's dedication to duty and knowledge from a previous deployment enabled him to assist the soldiers within the maintenance platoon to prepare for the deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11 and Operation New Dawn. Those responsibilities included the completion of over 1,200 trouble tickets, establishing VOIP, VOSIP, NIPR and SIPR communications, video teleconferencing (VTC), and Army Training and Certification Tracking Systems (ATCTS), which tracked the BN for all automated training certifications. Sergeant Page was assigned the additional duty of communications specialist for Bravo Company. His contributed hours of guard duty on the Range 19 Gate provided the necessary support for vehicle entry and exit. Soldier's communication skills and planning was the singular vital element in the execution of the mission. Army Excellence in Explosives Safety Award. Advanced questions the bottom of service in a particular religious belief, the other . So I (E-5 with 5 years in) am about to ETS in a couple of months, and I was helping with some bullets for my award. . SPC Jon gave a class to a thirty man Platoon. Upon retirement Sergeant First Class Wilkins is recognized for distinguished performance of duty that represents exemplary service in the finest traditions for the United States Army. We are making strides everyday to update our website and will continue to do so. Using a hair dryer, Honda generator and a poncho SPC Doe made sure that the parts were warmed up enough for the glue to cure properly. YOUR EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP, EXPERTISE, AND PROFESSIONALISM IS OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER AND DISTINCTION, AND THUS, IT IS WITH GREAT HONOR THAT WE RECOGNIZE SFC JOHNSON'S SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY OVER THE PAST 22 YEARS. - Escorted family for retirement ceremony; honors conveyed to departing service member--upheld AF tradition. (Ref AR 600-8-22) Certificates for award of the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) will be completed by the awarding commander and will bear his or her personal signature in the lower right side. LETTER OF LATENESS 4. His untiring efforts and can-do attitude testify to his achievements and accolades as an outstanding Soldier of the U.S. Army. Her mentorship of junior and senior staff leaders have been a tremendous force multiplier. Examples can be contributed using the form below. DA Form 638 Award Bullets Performance in Primary Duty Leadership Self-Improvement Community Involvement Miscellaneous Accomplishments Positive Adjectives for Awards Award Thesaurus 1-22. Bullets if all of merit is correct the problem. The battalion also was able to improve OR rate to 98% and to clear over 90 pieces totaling $2,667,000 of excess equipment. Photo Credit: PFC Mike Syner Courtesy of U.S. Army Award Bullets SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. By doing this Spc Doe had inspired the command of the 69th signal battalion to contact the 2-28 Cco command and announce their appreciation for the classes that were given while also awarding a coin where Spc Doe had given to the company demonstrating his own appreciation for the chances he recieves to adhere to his duties. Being both dependable and athletic, SPC Merriweather frequently paced and avidly motivated fellow soldiers in all areas of the APFT. Australia Institute had called for super shake-up She successfully passed on her first attempt. During his career, Master Sergeant Bond, by extra ordinary leadership, integrity and technical skills enhanced the readiness of numerous units throughout the total army, at home and deployed. My leadership recommended me for an ARCOM, but now 1SG is saying they can only include bullets from my time at my current . HIS DEDICATION TO DUTY AND RELENTLESS WORK ETHIC ENABLED THE ARMY TO WIN WHILE FACILITATING JOINT AND MULTINATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS. HIS ACTIONS THROUGHOUT HIS CAREER RESULTED IN EXCEPTIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND WERE VITAL TO THE SUCCESS AND MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE UNITS HE SERVED WITH. BUILDING STRONG Performance Related Awards, Continued Time Off Awards To recognize superior accomplishment typically for a short-term achievement A single award can range from 1-40 hours of time off, no more than 80 hours total in a leave year See table for determining appropriate amounts Second line supervisor can approve up to 8 hours; Director or Separate Office Chief SPC Perezramos' outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in his teams success during Shadow Strike 13-02. This dedication and motivation not only has been noticed but was also used a a shining example for others within the platoon. His skill, competence, and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Blank and Blank, resulting in three major nodes to become fully operational. Comments on the OER are typically in paragraph form . It is recommended that such periods be limited to the last 10 years of service. Go to our comment section on the right sidebar or to our contact us page. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. SM organized, conducted, and supervised the Bravo Company Change of Command 29 August through 13 October 2011 in the absence of a Company Executive Officer. An innovative and relentless troubleshooter, his vast technical knowledge greatly aided in the company's success while deployed, with little material support, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 07. SPC Thomas worked side by side with the civilian digital engineers and understood many of the complicated problems associated with server configurations and Joint Network Node integration. His dedication to the task helped him proceed to the next Soldier of the Quarter for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment. From my understanding, an ETS award should cover everything you've done in your career. Due to his diligence, there have been no fire safety hazards on the Primary Care Clinic. His high level of proficiency and knowledge regarding the SINCGARS radio system, radio etiquette and JCR system were critical in ensuring the 1/11 ACR TOC was constantly able to transmit and receive pertinent battlefield data and keeping the command team up to date with a rapidly changing battlefield during STX and rotational operations. The culmination of CW3 LNAME military career was his assignment to CASCOM from January 20XX through January 20XX and again in May of 20XX through November 20XX, providing essential enhancements, system development, and other functional analysis in support of current and emerging information systems critical to Army Force Generation and Sustainment Operations. In block 10 (recommended award) and block 29 (approved award), the dropdowns have been updated to account for all of the new C and R devices IAW MILPER Message 17-095. Our awards are provided by service members. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE IN SUPPORT OF 1108TH TASMG DURING IWQ AND ANNUAL TRAINING. SPC C's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist (92F) was a key function for the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC) training exercise from 01 September to 10 October 2015. SGT Doe memorized all the pictures, names, aliases, physical features, and duty positions of High Value targets (HVTs) given in the order. Examples Of Army Retirement Award Bullets fullexams com. (AR 600-8-22, Military Awards, Para 1-22). It demonstrates that you're taking care of your troops. Commanders love to present awards. For exceptional meritorious service from 21 April 1998 to 30 August 2003 culminating with the Second United States Army as a Senior Enlisted Advisor, Ordnance Team, Readiness Group Redstone, Hunstsville, Alabama. Retirement OERs or NCOERs of less than 1 calendar year are optional. Army Regulation 600-8-22 1-23. HER CONDUCT AND DEDICATION OVER TWENTY FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE IS IN KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF MILITARY SERVICE AND REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HERSELF, HER UNIT, THE FLORIDA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. He played an integral part of the Ambulance Team, responding to and transferring over 100 personnel to hospitals providing outstanding en route medical care saving the Army over $150,000.00 in ambulance transport fees. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCO's, coordinating and executing plans. FOR EXCEPTIONALLY MERITORIOUS SERVICE WHILE ASSIGNED TO THE 1ST LOGISTICS SUPPORT BATTALION, 413TH REGIMENT AS THE BATTALION EXECUTIVE OFFICER. This tool includes DA 638 bullet AAM examples, DA 638 achievement examples, DA 638 award bullets, DA form 638 examples, DA form 638 examples for AAM, and DA 638 bullets. Her capacity to adapt, adjust, and overcome allowed her to resolve issues and stressors throughout the exercise. With respect to documents available from this server, neither the United States Government nor any of its service members or employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. SPC Hend was among the few in the Cold Steel Company that was allotted to work with a seven hundred million dollar piece of equipment. Recognized by peer and senior leadership for his attention to detail and pure determination which was instrumental in eliminating the insider threat and ensuring the security and safety for the Afghan Advise and Assist Element and the Afghan National Army within keeping of the high "Thunder Horse" standards. During this period SGT XXX was placed on multiple Chemical Response Teams (CRTs) due to his expertise and ability to adapt as a utility asset for the betterment of the company. Visit these resources for free COA, AAM, ARCOM, and MSM bullets: See our 150+ Award Bullets Tool by award type in the Tools section of our website, https://www.part-time-commander.com/sample-army-msm-meritorious-service-medal-bullet-points/, http://www.armywriter.com/arcom-award-bullets.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/DA-Form-638-ARCOM-PCS.htm, https://newncoer.com/awards/arcom-awards/, http://www.armywriter.com/DA-Form-638-AAM-Achievement.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/DA-Form-638-AAM-PCS.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/certificate-of-achievement.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/da-form-638-award-bullets.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/generic-awards.htm, https://www.armynco.com/awards/award_bullets.shtml, http://www.armywriter.com/NCOER/adjectives.htm, Check here for free editable memo templates (Letter of lateness, COA, and No Award Due). SPC House, with his FLA crew, assisted Weed Army Community Hospital's Emergency Department during a real world MASCAL. SGT --- fulfilled the duties of -Unit- Safety NCO from --- 20xx through --- 20xx. SVC MSM Motor Sergeant. Below are examples of both types. SPC McQueen continued to sustain a high standard for herself as she strived for self improvement. During his time in 10-30th ADA, he led by example at all times, exhibiting the highest sense of duty, integrity and moral courage. We need more examples. Trainer-Mentor AAM. He held many different duties through out his career which include; Support Squadron Maintenance Officer, Unit Maintenance Officer, Squadron Maintenance Officer, HQDA G4 LNO with duty servicing the Pacific and as a Global Combat System Support - Army (GCSS-Army)Capability Developer. (NAME) served as the primary instructor for (insert), supporting the SFAB training plan. Thru his efforts the helicopter was repaired and returned to service ahead of schedule. SPC Ramos always placed the welfare of his soldiers first, always completed the mission, and personally mentored multiple Soldiers in the areas of Transportation and professional development. In addition to conducting several hands-on blocks of instruction, SGT Gonzalez discussed important topics such as proper award routing and regulation and policy updates. SPC K's diligent commitment to professionalism and supply discipline set the bar for HHBN. Bindi and Robert Irwin have released a blooper reel made up of unused footage from one of their wildlife videos filmed at Australia Zoo. Free updates of this workbook or NCOERs of less than 1 calendar YEAR are optional years. She will donate her free time to provide concessions and clean-up support to the last 10 years service... Primary Care Clinic her initiative and dedication to the Unit, TRAINING Soldiers, NCO,! As an OUTSTANDING Soldier of the mission thirty man platoon or to our us! 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