Say “leave it” and wait until he finishes sniffing your fist. the dog couldv'e sethered something on her spine and she is paralysed. well she found it more important to jump on here rather than phoning the vet Lulu, so I was only trying to help, This is what I don't get with MN.Some people find it more important to get on here in the case of an emergency than use their logic and get straight to the source.I've never quite understood that. Here are the steps for teaching “leave it”: My dog has now killed 3 rabbbits. If you are not really good at both dog and rabbit body language, read up. After using five different “boring” items, start using slightly more exciting items. Look, you want us to tell you all will be ok, but we can't! Follow. Be sure to subscribe, make sure to enable ALL push notifications! Her eye looks a little sore but seems to be ok. Begin the lessons inside your home or in an area with very few distractions. Concerned if we show her them without the door being shut her hunter instinct could take over. i had to take my dog in once for an emergency, i did not get charged as he did not need any treatment, i have alos had telephone consultations with the vet. Beware of the lust.Read more… Jan 7, 2017 Archinterpreter: TOP: 0 Comments: Rabbit hutch / gossiping. Eventually, the dog should be capable of sitting staring at you for several minutes, before getting a reward. Possibly, but it is almost inevitable, even if you are very careful. How do we get him to learn to leave them alone? In the short term, deny the dog this satisfaction by keeping them on a leash around rabbits, and in the long term teach a rock solid 'sit'. Start by teaching basic commands in a quiet environment. Even though you’re practicing “leave it” as a way to keep your dog safe, you want him to see it as a fun game you play. Put one type of treat in each hand. Should she be inside wrrapped in a towel in a bunny carrier thing?? For the majority of dogs, ingesting rabbit poop is not harmful. Should she go to the vets? Jan 7, 2017 By Archinterpreter. If your dog eats a rabbit or rabbit droppings, you may want to contact the vet, especially if they show any unusual symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea. You will also want to make sure that the treats are broken up into pea-sized pieces so it won’t take him too long to eat them. i would hope, lastorders, taht the OP would be told to take her attacked and injured rabbit to teh vets rather than attempt an over teh interent diagnosis. The dog had grabbed him by the head, puncturing his eye. As soon as his rear hits the ground, say "sit", and let him have the treat. She didnt even move. You will want to start out by teaching him "leave it". To think my friend has taken me for a mug? Now stand up straight and travel the treat from the dog's nose up to the space between your eyes. That method will essentially tell her with your body language that the bunnies belong to you and she should respect that space from her respect for you. When you say “leave it” and he stops sniffing right away, leash your dog and then toss a low-value treat outside of his reach. Is this preventable? Show the dog a treat by holding it near his nose. My pet rabbit was attacked by a dog. My rabbit is a mean little thing! Then, place both of your hands behind your back. Caitlin Crittenden. This is page 1 of 3 (This thread has 70 messages.). Check out James Penrith from TaketheLeadDogTraining. I'm not sure if my dog did this. Heel Video: Wait until he stops sniffing and pulling toward the treat. Caitlin Crittenden. If your dog has a favorite toy, squeak it and play for a moment when he comes running to you after leaving the other item of interest. Now that it has happened to all 3 rabbits do you think it’s too late to train him? Most dogs love interacting with us, so a moment of praise or play with a toy can be just as effective as a treat. It’s a fact of life…dogs sometimes eat poop! If she cant move you need to get her back inside and keep her warm and in a quite place whilst you phone the vet. I keep her in her cage when she does this, because I can’t trust her, but I need this to stop! Teaching the 'look' command is simple. Look how my golden retriever is offended and jealous of me for cute rabbit Sam! Please advise as to the course of action to be taken if any. A rabbit will die within 24 hours of the heart attack, usually as quickly as 1-2 hours. This makes it a useful command to use once the dog is sitting. Evidence of sexual desires. The reward he receives when he leaves an item can change as well. When she stares at them or jumps on the cage especially, I would direct her away from them by practicing Leave It and Out, and rewarding her after she disengages with them or leaves the area, so that she learns to simply leave bunnies alone in the future. Reward him and then step away from the rabbit and give the dog lots of praise. I got the rabbit and placed her in a towel and brought her in to investigate her. Practice this exercise a number of times. Wild dogs would eat any small mammal that they could catch and kill, and rabbits were some of the best targets for them. It actually looked like a clean cut and there was absolutely no blood. A few minutes ago I was sitting on my back porch, and literally in 3 seconds a hawk body-slammed a blackbird, knocked it out of the air onto the ground, dove down and grabbed it and flew off. Teaching a dog 'leave it' This alone results in faulty learning, where the dog is inhibited in your presence but thinks it's okay to kill rabbits when you're not around. Obviously I will take her if I thinks she is suffering but I think she is in shock, what can I do??? She feels threatened by the dogs so now I have to keep them apart because she would attack my lab to defend herself. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. If the rabbit is hurt: 1. While this method takes a while, it is the best in relaying the messages across to your dogs. Make sure all connection points like the leash, collar/harness, and what it's tethered to are all secure and strong. Over time, by practicing “leave it,” your dog should stop pulling as soon as you give the cue. If Kleenex or a piece of plastic, for instance, would attract your dog on a walk, don’t start with those. I have two rabbits at home. So, if you discover that your dog has eaten some rabbit poop, don’t worry. Your dog accidentally dug up a nest of baby rabbits in your backyard. I have a pit bull too, who is the sweetest girl ever but she doesn't bother my bunny. Because puppies are rough and mouthy there does need to be constant supervision between them though and training to teach them to leave other animals alone. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. He works with dogs that chase and sometimes will kill livestock. Although eating a rabbit may not adversely affect your dog, it’s probably not a behavior you want to see continue. Most dogs love interacting with us, so a moment of praise or play with a toy can be just as effective as a treat. Choose the items based on your ultimate goal: Anytime you say “leave it,” you want to be confident that your dog will indeed leave whatever you are asking him to leave. You will literally practice this over and over, while moving closer to the rabbits until he is no longer interested in the rabbits. If you are up for this, it is going to take about a month of consistent practice before you see results. My dog dug up a nest of baby rabbits. Check out the videos linked below - the severity of the prey drive and guidance of a trainer who can evaluate and help manage pup's reaction in person will determine how to proceed most likely. See what happens when a mature rabbit finally gets fed-up with a lively cocker spaniel puppy! The best way to avoid a dog attack is to be vigilant when you see other canines, particularly when they are off the lead. Ultimately, you'll introduce a stooge toy rabbit, to attract the dog's attention as you teach them self-control. My collie has a tendancy to stalk the rabbit but has never gone for her before, my dd's came running in to say that the dog had the rabbit by the head and her eye was closed. Best of luck training, When rewarding him with a treat, make sure that it is something good, not plain old kibble. Our dog is an inside dog and to my knowledge has never even seen a rabbit in our yard. My rabbit keeps attacking my cat until he meows. Training can overcome the hunting instinct, but the wise pet parent is cautious never to put temptation in the dog's path and to supervise them around small animals at all times. One type can be fairly boring to the dog, but the other type should be a high-value treat that he finds pretty delicious. Hold a treat in your hand and lower your hand to the level of the dog's nose so they pick up the scent. We wrapped him in a towel with a hot water bottle and offerd him some mashed bannana (with his meds inside). You will also need a caged rabbit for the training. Have the dog on a leash and a toy rabbit in the same room. To increase his chances of success at learning the cue, you want to work up to high-value items gradually. Look for one that is pretty laid back and complacent in that area. If the rabbit had Mixamytosis as many of the rabbits here have, will there be any adverse affects on her. Move the treat slowly so the dog follows it intently. Repeat until your dog immediately stops sniffing your hand when you say “leave it.” Sometimes, rabbit poop may contain the parasite coccidia. Practicing the command until you get to the point where pup will stay on Place while you are working with a bunny in the same room. Prepare. By doing so, you are teaching him that asking him to leave some food doesn’t mean he won’t get anything, but that in fact he might get something even more delicious. As soon as your dog is done sniffing, you can either click with the clicker or say “yes.” Then offer him the higher-value treat in your other hand. 'Sit' and 'look' enable you to control an incendiary situation, but it would be even better if the dog ignored the rabbit in the first instance. A rabbit darting quickly across the room or yard sets off an instinct in many dogs that is just so intense that they cannot resist it. In time, you can also teach the dog to be calm around rabbits, so the urge to chase is lessened. Published: 11/03/2017, edited: 01/08/2021. She even hurt my dog yesterday, he yelped. Please help? But basically I’m wondering if the tutorial I’ve read on training them not too will work for younger dogs and be as effective for their whole life span? Hello India, PDSA? and explain you are financially embarrassed. I have put the rabbit back outside. Slowly increase the amount of time he has to wait in a sitting position until he gets a reward. Remember, however, it is never a good idea to leave dogs and rabbits unsupervised together. Day 4. Practice this exercise a number of times. Repeat the exercise with five different items that are fairly boring to your dog. It is never a good tactic to tell a dog they can't do something. It symbolizes sexuality. Crate manners: Mild cat issue example - teaching impulse control: He has a Youtube channel. To do this, use a stooge toy rabbit on a piece of string. However, be aware that in terriers this prey drive is so strong that the dog may never be trustworthy enough to be left alone with potential prey species. It is, however, hugely helpful to have a realistic toy rabbit, and perhaps a friend to slowly move the rabbit with a piece of string. This is especially true in terriers, since they were originally bred to hunt down and kill vermin. I have put the rabbit back outside. 8 years ago. singsys hasn't returned so fingers crossed she's on phone to the vets. He's killed wild rabbits & Squirrels & tried to take … This enables you to stop the dog in his tracks at any time, should he spot a rabbit. You should, where possible, steer clear of a strange dog’s territory as they do not like their space to be invaded. Train your dog so that it understands basic commands and will stay close to you when you tell it to. Put it in a warm, dark box (like a shoebox). When your dog is proficient at the game in your home, start practicing in a variety of locations with more distractions. Now practice giving the sit command when the dog is not immediately in front of you. Depending on what you are getting your dog for (hunting or companion), if not needing a hunting dog I would look for a breeder who does temperament evaluations for the puppies before sending them home and tests things like prey drive or birdiness, and picks a pup for you that seems to be less driven in that area. Out - which means leave the room: Once the dog's training is sufficiently progressed, you can also introduce the dog to rabbits that are safely caged. vet. Here are the steps for teaching “leave it”: I do suggest hiring a professional trainer who has worked with behavior issues like prey drive and cat or rabbit chasing, to help with this as well. Down-Stay: Before you can say two words, the deed is done. Many Thanks. More e-collar work with cats with the same dog: Shes in shock. What did the dog do to her? Practice repeatedly until the dog anticipates the word "sit" and drops his butt when you say it. Your pet is either badly hurt and dying, or badly shocked (which could kill her anyway) or shaken up and might recover. No need for yelling or excitement. Here are the steps for "leave it" Riley needs to learn that the rabbits are just a normal part of the household. If you like to train with a clicker as your marker, you can also hold a clicker in the same hand that holds the high-value treat. The aim is to break the link between rabbits and chasing, and instead focus on you. Once the dog is staring up at your face, say "Good" and reward the dog with the treat. Choose the items based on your ultimate goal: Anytime you say “leave it,” you want to be confident that your dog will indeed leave whatever you are asking him to leave. Day 1. This keeps bunnies safe while practicing and reinforces to pup that they can't get off the Place. There's no way to tell.If you really have no money and can do nothing in terms of getting her to a vet, then bring her back in the house and be with her, she will either live or die depending on her injuries, but you can at least tend to her. She could be badly hurt.I know you are broke, but you could ring the vet and see if they will agree to treat as emergency and you pay bit by bit - or is the PDSA still around?you cannot let your animal suffer. I've had nothing to do for nearly a decade. So, if your dog crosses paths with a rabbit in your backyard, my advice to you would be this: If the rabbit (or bunny) is not injured: just leave them be. I wouldn't reward pup anymore for staring at the rabbits - since you don't want to reward something that may be related to prey drive at this point in the training. Once the dog has learned to follow and look, make them wait longer each time before rewarding with the treat. look, your pet is hurtyou need to talk to the vet and explainyour pet needs medical attentionsort it out, can;t beleive you;ve put her back outsideget on the phone to the vet now. Do you live in dread of the dog hurting the family's pet rabbit? Leave is great for anything you want your dog to leave alone. I am simply offering my successful experience. All 3 rabbits weren’t in a secure caged area so I can’t help but to think it’s not his fault and is his natural hunt instincts taking over. Make sure you have two different types of treats. She didnt even move. With some dogs, this is a very real possibility, because of their natural hunting instinct. One type can be fairly boring to the dog, but the other type should be a high-value treat that he finds pretty delicious. Wouldn't my dog have stopped and noticed it … You need minimum equipment, mainly ultra-tasty treats and a leash. macgregor. Eventually, the dog will tolerate being ever closer to the rabbit without reacting to it. Basically your dog doesn't kill your cat because your cat doesn't run, it's not triggering the chain of events that leads to the killing. If Kleenex or a piece of plastic, for instance, would attract your dog on a walk, don’t start with those. My Dog Ate Rabbit Poop. The rabbits need to be left alone! Some dogs were specifically bred to hunt small rodents, such as rabbits, after domestication. 2. My dog found the back end of a rabbit carcus on the beach which I was unable to get her to relinquish! 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