Formulated with cornmint oil, cinnamon oil and clove oil, this outdoor aerosol fogger is safe to use around children and pets when used and stored as directed. The manual says you should only use Black Flag Formula 2, Cutter, or Repel Fogging Insecticide, as the fogger has been designed to be used with those. Eye contact: No special requirements Skin contact: After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water. 9d�7�R'R29����~N��*{���Wzn���/��rn̩�7\�'��br{�R�I� W�;�L�4�i�?�S���] ��$B% ���x��];Y9nU���Aj+���� �cT5;E�D.w�{ٜa=���%�䒥D�+0�{���w�Vt$���c�E�S1�_�,�T���a��2�P[6�C�+q͡��(:7L�Rޜ. x��\[��q}D�l��[�e-�Ү����8; ~��79OV, �H��@�z���ީ9�G$D|МT������&m��Շ?}������-͇?�����W��ܦ���������i`:�4��r������7}��g�>M)�}{|pz����M�������_�w2�Q�������5��Ng79��>>_�.ڨ����AyVA%s���R�2�N"
�z��'ɻ���YJwmg��55���鿘u�g��o�Ζ$��;�I��1�O�q�? CLOSE outside doors and windows. With a range of formulations to choose from, it’s easy to pick the right Cutter product for any outdoor activity, whether you’re lounging at the beach, cheering on your favorite soccer player or just enjoying the backyard. Black Flag 190255 32Oz Insect Fogger Fuel, 32 Ounce. Rob, Florida "Best ever!" Values are not product specifications. Values are not product They mostly use paraffin oil, diesel, or any other carbon carrier solution to achieve this. Save more with Subscribe & Save. Smith Performance™ FT982 Electric Thermal Fogger, Model 190443 #190443. Cutter Backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger Revision date: 6/29/2016 Phenothrin 26002-80-2 0.20% Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light 64742-47-8 5.00% Light aromatic naptha 64742-95-6 1.40% Isobutane 75-28-5 7.60% Propane 74-98-6 5.90% Note: Ingredients not identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. /�j�|ޑ]��d�i�x9"6Ű�ҁ��7���̐��$���p�?+8�z�}j&��2!zVx�"�u}"1&aJ �@W@�:��A}�n��_�^��� EC��Dk�6MΦ���l��'\y��ͺ۶���TF���������(�bc3�,^� �mdn{� �Q��4Hι��DP#{ZY${$P�Q+f�H7��Μ�$�ms"/@+`�l%�b�\>��C�ª�w:2�2XvɻE/���=O/H��1:j�}��ҝ*1��Z0ٖgٸ�{�i�{�}�~�W���7�(� 0�V#����\Lv�0B�\��|P�������Ө�r�.�y�:C�]*��/�5�Z��q7��u�9��K��RZͲ$N5���[�r��dJ�X��$�. h�bbd```b``z "k���r L����`�?X�0�/���a�j`�&`� ɸ~7�d��
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Active ingredients that attack an insect’s nervous system are always toxic to bees. Insect Fog - ULV Fogging Solution Read More Ultra low volume foggers, also known as ULV foggers, are machines that can distribute a fog made of insecticide into a room or structure quickly, spreading the active ingredient to all small nooks and crevices. Step 1: BEFORE YOU FOG: OPEN cabinets, cupboards, drawers, closets and doors in area to be treated. stream �xX$ˀ4+���4� À�@� ��0�
If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. Cutter insect repellents keep your family covered through all of the outdoor fun – so you can soak up some sun without swatting biting bugs. Repel® Propane Insect Fogger, Model 190397 #190397. Shake well before use. Pesticide Disposal and Container Handling: Do Not Puncture or Incinerate. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the The use of other insecticides or chemicals may damage your fogger and could result in unsafe conditions thereby voiding the warranty. Values are not product specifications. It takes only minutes to treat an average sized backyard when used with the Black Flag propane fogger. 1 quart of insecticide will treat up to 1/2 acre; You and your pets can SAFELY enter the treated area within 5 minutes (once the fog disappears) Kill more mosquitoes by fogging at dusk around bushes and heavily landscaped areas; For outdoor use only. Cutter® Essentials Outdoor Fogger kills mosquitoes, house flies, fruit flies, gnats, moths and wasps by contact. With a range of formulations to choose from, it’s easy to pick the right Cutter product for any outdoor activity, whether you’re lounging at the beach, cheering on your favorite soccer player or just enjoying the backyard. It is effective against many flying insects, including … %PDF-1.5
It can be used indoors or outdoors. If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Pour Black Flag Fogging Insecticide Formula 2 undiluted into the Black Flag, Burgess, Cutter or Repel thermal fogger (sold separately). Black Flag Fogging Insecticide is the best formula on the market to control mosquitoes that may carry the West Nile virus. ft. (a 25' x 20' area)]. It contains d-phenothrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, which means that this insecticide consists of components that, once dried, aren’t harmful to us or our pets. Chemical Name CAS# Weight Percent DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) 134-62-3 7.00% Ethanol 64-17-5 40.00% Note: Ingredients not identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. ADD TO CART. h�ܖ[k�L���^��A{>@1���� I��Ѕ�s�d$�4���b��:���ŇX�qvG;�3�SZH�Z;�Vx�Q;eB텒�A(�ie�+Z���V8-��� Cutter Backwoods Insect Repellent Pump Spray Revision date: 2/5/2016 SDA-40B alcohol 64-17-5 30.0% Note: Ingredients not identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. Made with lemongrass oil, a natural insecticide, this product is safe to use around children and pets. Made with lemongrass oil, a natural insecticide, this product is safe to use around children and pets. endstream
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Since thermal foggers operate at high temperatures which normally involve an open flame, they are not recommended for indoor use. :���RW�@f�_3�yLz�W�1��� 3. h�b```�r�6!b`��0p| r��4��|�+���Q�������{@$u�!�`��`��`��`�h���� 30� i=��
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It is effective against many flying insects, including flies, mosquitoes, flying moths, gnats and wasps. Qu9T����`�!��@s�ל�8X��Þ��:���IJ�; )���X��F� �N,�U� �V߮V6�{j Eye contact: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. OFF! �P�Jҫ����2^��Zv������z��h�ә��RB��9���Y�i˘s/�X1���x���%��,��!O�Â_i��:v�pb0ϼ:���X�)�G�7�Q��mh�������.r�G��p�(p��^s%\�{T\�_ى����q�@�M�/܋���n����V���*��{�x\ Cutter Backyard Bug Control - Hey buddy,welcome to morning to meet again with I,at the time we will discuss regarding design residential. • Use only Black Flag® Formula 2, Cutter® or Repel® Fogging Insecticide (as indicated on carton). Sarah, Colorado "Easy to use." Cutter insect repellents keep your family covered through all of the outdoor fun so you can soak up some sun without swatting biting bugs. 1-16 of 121 results for "cutter fogging insecticide" Amazon's Choice for cutter fogging insecticide. Hbފk���frq��KV�!�@j�\���i,ٯ��xX�� ��S�@do�^#�%�T$��� For some ten dollars, you get a canister to cover half an acre. ��R}�;�¢�T�T\\&�R;�O�W�`�Q��80m��9����CP�Nt�\78�������٬�"ΥBd�`sReu8Dl���#��u��ɔ�L�ⷨN@̖��� %�쏢 $9.97 $ 9. Its active ingredients include chemical formulations which … Cutter Backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger Revision date: 2/17/2016 Phenothrin 26002-80-2 0.20% Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light 64742-47-8 5.00% Light aromatic naptha 64742-95-6 1.40% Isobutane 75-28-5 7.60% Propane 74-98-6 5.90% Note: Ingredients not identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. This very handy fogger uses a hydrocarbon propellant system and the insecticide will usually contain two ingredients like tetramethrin and phenothrin, two chemicals that are very effective at killing mosquitoes, or you can choose an organic fogger that uses tried and tested natural ingredients that are very effective at repelling mosquitoes. Chemical ingredients come in two main varieties: larvicides and adulticides. ��4z�pwFj�]`��G�3����=�@M�S�u�f�C Ye?\�RI�n���P����,���˔%��ʹVV�;��F)vd�Q�Nq�4}u�������eE �`T�?�؋�X���4��4�T����6p�}��A����L1V�%n�Ax��Gߜ�ie�2��&L�W�7��4�a��� Your Propane Powered Insect Fogger is designed to be used with these insecticides only. 524 0 obj
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Fog at the rate of 1.5 fluid ounces per 1,000 sq. endstream
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Cutter Natural* Insect Repellent has 2 active plant based ingredients designed to repel mosquitoes which are; Geranoil at 5% and Soybean Oil at 2% active. Cutter Natural Outdoor Fogger kills mosquitoes and other listed outdoor insects by contact. 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,195. '�y�wYKcf�g�%���Xc�m��������s�}A]uTS�@��ut��=t���q�l~��ο�J���NӨ��@�H1m��avƁ6��?��>��,�L�U�Ϳ��_����ؕ�}2-BvGr��u���a&K{5�����t�ƍv_�60���8�4wI}��@���e�Z:>+p5��턐E���M*]!���8�g�Z�4 0 t�֧��$�(�����O���",��2�L�P"��7��/�˂g�>��2��1Ua|*� � ����[`��B�P0�����"�И� A��6��6VKChnr:"V��(�i*�/�M��+��,��M�,&�o��Q)b %%EOF
Get it as soon as Sat, Oct 10. Black Flag is a trusted fogging insecticide that is compatible with mosquito foggers of various brands, including Burgess, Cutter, and Repel. 97 $11.99 $11.99. Values are not product specifications. Cutter Backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger Revision date: 2/17/2016 Phenothrin 26002-80-2 0.20% Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light 64742-47-8 5.00% Light aromatic naptha 64742-95-6 1.40% Isobutane 75-28-5 7.60% … Larvicides target mosquito eggs in standing water, while adulticides attack the fully grown bugs. }{:'�1��P��9��g"^��1?d�Eh�?��h1�IY*{��Ҽv��I�O�7>��*�bNm ��X�}�[w�l�6��.�Q��#=-;3�B���i�>{
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