and now he's in the county jail." [video] Sheriff Judd loves to write poetry: "Logan Hale, you are on your way to jail. 2. "That's all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more," Judd said after autopsy results were released Saturday. US House To Allow Jan. 6 Defendants Access To Security Footage (Video). Not urban legend at all. They argue that the sheriff's office can't credibly scrutinize itself, and they're calling on Gov. Question of the Day: If the NRA does not step up to the Hispanic community and bring them in, we are again screwed. True? Released Inmate Search A search of Polk County Jail records for inmates released in the previous 365 days. And if that video never existed, well, those officers were simply trying to detain him while he resisted and they would have been exonerate anyway. You cant fix stupid, particularly low information race based bigoted stupid. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. There was audio of the shooting and it sounded like a mad minute exercise. The Polk County Sheriff's Office said in a statement that Deputy Blane Lane was shot in the left arm and chest at a trailer in Polk City while serving a warrant with three . The Coroner also reported that the illegal alien died of natural causes. The Morrow County Sheriff's Office is investigating a shooting where two people died at a gas station off Interstate 71 on state Route 61 in Marengo Sunday evening. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, shown here in 2018, called an alleged shooter "a coward" for surrendering with his hands up once surrounded by law enforcement. POLK COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) Polk County deputies continue to investigate a shooting that left one dead and several others injured in a case that Sheriff Grady Judd described as clear as mud., Judd said his deputies were called to a home near Sawfish Drive Thursday around 4:15 p.m. where they found absolute mayhem., A 30-year-old man, identified as Victim 1, was walking toward deputies with a gunshot wound to his head, begging, please dont let me die., Judd said the man was shot in the face, but miraculously survived after the bullet passed through his brain and out the back of his head. The black community in Polk County has occasionally filed complaints about racial profiling and excessive force in the past. During his press conference, Sheriff Judd praised the citizens who resisted Hendrix: But you know what is really cool about Polk County? (Editor's Note: Sheriff Grady Judd said during the press conference last week at the scene of the triple shooting, that more details would come and that the . This is the same town where last year a LPD non-sworn crime analyst was found to rutting with about 20 of her departments sworn officers on and off the clock. Freeland then shot Williams twice more in the head at point-blank range. The civil rights group cites the case of Amadou Diallo, a black man killed in New York in 1999 in a hail of 41 bullets. The sheriff said in the press . We could then more easily separate this case from others. The Polk County Sheriffs Department has solved 100% of its homicide cases since 2012, and anyone who thinks theyre going to get away with a crime there had better think again. TRANSGENDER RAPES 10-Year-Old Girl- Heres How Long Hell Be In Prison And Heres The SICK Reason WHY! End of story, nothing to see, until some EVIDENCE that is not true arrives. According to the Polk County Sheriff's Office Correa and an unknown white female with blonde hair were traveling in a white Tahoe when they stopped at the Sunrise Supermarket and stole a red Toyota pickup truck. read more. Oh, and would you kindly do us all a favor? A fugitive gunman accused of killing a Florida . Add some bright yellow dye to that water cannon. Quite frankly, we werent taking any chances. Sheriff Judd was variously reported as adding, Thats all the bullets we had or we would have shot him more.. he asked the deputy, according to authorities. I would think a SWAT team would carry more than an average of 12 rounds per officer. The Polk County Sheriff's Office said today that area law enforcement agencies have arrested 19 people in Orange and Hernando counties who were connected with Angilo Freeland in a street-level drug trafficking operation. ), The pOlice may not be needed once the enhanced skunk solution is employed. Cop Asks This Homeless Man One Question, Then He Noticed What Was At His Feet, ALERT VIDEO: If You Spot One Of These Unmarked Big Rigs On The Road, GET THE HELL AWAY NOW! Dean James III% AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS. and hit him with 68 bullets. I get what you are saying, Dirty Harry in Magnum Force commenting on Star Chambers resulting in today we gun down a crime boss and tomorrow we gun down a little old lady for jay walking. Officers noted that the slain mans gun and ammo were missing. and majority of you people are making this a race thing Have you read about the psychological phenomenon called projection? The Florida Civil Rights Association has called on U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to order an independent investigation by the Justice Department. I mean, half the state knows why Polk Co. deputies shot a fleeing suspect 68 times (they ran out of bullets). The family is "not defending what [Freeland] did," says Jorge Angulo, one of the attorneys representing the family pro bono. Heck, I havent seen ANYONE here make this a race thing, except possibly you! It all began with a simple traffic stop. if (is_blocked === true) { Its totally irrelevant to this discussion. AWR Hawkins. One of the victim's in shooting that occurred on I-4 Friday morning has died, according to Polk County Sheriff's office. EXTREMELY good point. This snark does not become you. Deputies fired at Neely following the second PIT maneuver, hitting Neely with three rounds. If we are to call ourselves a free society, we need to make DAMN sure that authority is held strictly accountable. : Hall Of Fame NFL Legend Found Dead, BREAKING: Worlds ICONIC Amusement Park Forced To Shut Down After Gang Of BLACK THUGS Start An ENORMOUS [Video], BREAKING: John Fetterman RESIGNATION Announcement, BREAKING: Photos LEAKED Biden Is In HUGE Trouble [PHOTOS], BREAKING: Filthy Thugs BREAK White Kids Jaw IN HALF Cops And Media Have DISGUSTING Reaction, BREAKING: Californians ORDERED Not To Drive Or Charge Their Electric Vehicles Because Of THIS Pure PROOF, BREAKING: Feds Make HORRIFIC Discovery In San Diego/Mexico- You WONT Believe These PICS, BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi And General Milley On HIGH ALERT- Heres What We Know, Biden Gives MASSIVE $3.5 BILLION Check From US To China, *NEW* BREAKING: State Of Emergency JUST Declared- NATIONAL GUARD DEPLOYED, Liberty Report: Justice At Last? But the issue comes that police are agents of the state and have been granted authority over the public. "I am confident that he was ambushed and he was executed," Judd said. Those videos were seen hundreds of thousands of times and the controversial sheriff still got more than 95% of the vote when he ran for reelection in 2016. When they found him hiding under a fallen tree, instead of giving him the opportunity to surrender . The leftists at Facebook decided they didnt like our message, so they removed our page and are censoring us. And now the rest of the story from Wikipedia: In a news story dated June 14, 2007, Gabrielle Finley of wrote: They didnt tell him what happened to Angilo Dread Freeland in 2006. Disclaimer: Record of an arrest is not an indication of guilt. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. Cops shouldnt execute people, but they should have the same right of self defense as I do. RELATED: Polk Sheriff: Ex-Marine who shot, killed 4 people, including baby, . Why we dont is a law enforcement mystery., Catch Up (@CatchUpNetwork) November 21, 2022, Neely faces numerous charges, including a count of arson, three counts of attempted first-degree murder, seven counts of firebombing and one count of resisting arrest.. Black News. I remember this case very well. Itchy stuff AWR Hawkins holds a PhD in Military History with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Like Bonnie & Clyde, hed proved he was a BIG threat. Polk County Sheriff's Deputy Doug Speirs pulled over Angilo Freeland just before noon on Sept. 28 for speeding along an avenue in Lakeland, Fla. Thu, Jan 19, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Yah dont say! Which is probably why some of the usual race baiting reverends toned it down, particularly after some of the true facts started to emerge after the opportunist race baiting bigots initial attempts to instigate violent protests in Furgeson. It was a firefight. Help us fight back and subscribe to our newsletter so that you can stay up-to-date with everything Facebook doesnt want you to see! No riots ensued. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd and I have sparred for years over issues of transparency, . Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. It leaves a terrible smell on Palestinian rioters for a couple of days. The murderer Freeland was behind concealment and some cover when Five-0 opened up on him. Why was he not taken alive?" Obviously it was not disabling, thank goodness, or the punk might still be wasting air. Mass shootings in the contiguous United States in 2023 [1] This is a list of shootings in the United States that have occurred in 2023. Catching his pursuers by surprise, Freeland shot and killed the police dog, then quickly pumped Williams full of bullets, one of which penetrated his spine. Either way, your taunts were an epic fail." [2015/08/20] "We shot back because he shot at us -- and we shot at him a lot." [2016/09/08, criminal was shot ~28 times] Gary Taylor and Kelly Griffith and Sentinel Staff Writers. You can sign up to get Down Range A Polk County Sheriff's Detective shot a 31-year-old man who they say brandished a handgun Thursday. . A whiff of grape is quite effective, both in the long and short term. Russell Crousore 59, of Winter Haven, was arrested for failure to register a vehicle. What are those large pyramids next to the Skyway? Skunk smelly stuff derived by Israelis This list does not differentiate between legally or illegally owned firearms. Either way, if the people of Ferguson dont care, then why should anybody? Freeland briefly appeared at the perimeter of the woods to fire at the officers but then took cover again. I have the right to go to any church. Judd said the girl also survived the shooting after the bullet passed through her cheek area. Probably true, though sad. 56-year-old Michael Alan Loman of 3925 Combee Road, North, Lakeland, was shot and killed by Polk County Sheriff's Office deputies after he refused to drop a rifle that he had been shooting inside and outside his home. Good shoot. A list of inmates released from the Polk County Jail on the prior date. I can say that all white people are mass murderers, that all middle eastern/ Muslims are terrorists, etc but that wouldnt be true. ", In The Mailbox: 02.28.23 (Evening Edition), In The Mailbox: 02.28.23 (Afternoon Edition). Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd . They also now have to keep in mind what the Department of Justice (Atty. I diagnose CogitoMaximus Extremis meaning you think too much. Mass shootings are incidents involving several victims of firearm-related violence. And they wonder why more minorities arent joining pro-2A groups. As [police dog] DiOGi closed on the suspects hiding place, Freeland shot the dog in the chest from close range at an upward angle, killing it. 110 rounds sounds like a good start for a good day at the range, 10 shooters not so much Here is a little reading suggstion: A discussion on the use of deadly force by police on a post about deadly force by police is completely germane to the subject. Then, they heard Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd speculate to a reporter . Turn yourself in, said Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. on a post where the police kill someone who was not an aggressor and who did not have a trial? His own sense of importance may be starting to get in the way of his public duty. A group of 10 -- officers from the Polk, Lake and Marion sheriff's offices, Lakeland Police Department and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission -- walked shoulder to shoulder, scouring the area. I choose to do so. POLK COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) A Polk County father and son were charged with attempted murder after they opened fire on an innocent woman who they thought was . Thats when Bacote opened fire on victims 1 and 2. This happened in 2006 and the military did even have MRAPs yet. Noah Pransky is a multiple award-winning investigative reporter, most recently with the CBS affiliate in Tampa. Remember the good old days, when cops were always the good guys and bad guys got what they deserved? A fugitive gunman accused of killing a Florida sheriff's deputy was shot 68 times by SWAT team officers who found him hiding in the woods, according . This is a place where folks take public safety seriously, and criminals should avoid going there. One of the shots penetrated to the officers spine. They hit the guy 68 times. var rcds = document.getElementById("rcjsload_174167"); rcds.appendChild(rcel); Theres nothing in the pages linked that says Wilson was not injured. She was listed in critical condition but is expected to survive. Society wont have to wait 15 years for a execution. When buying cowboy boots, there are a few aspects to consider, such as how far up they go on your legs and their design. At the end of the confrontation, not so much. Your comment is irrelevant with the first five words and stupid without them. "When you are shot 68 times you are naturally gonna die." _____ The snopes version: Origins: Just before noon on 28 September 2006, Polk County Deputy Doug . WESH2 reports that the Polk County Sheriff's Office received a call about an arson at 8:11 a.m. Deputies from the sheriff's office were soon in pursuit of 30-year . Thats an average of about 12 rounds per officer. The two exchanged fire, and the deputy was wounded in the leg. The upside of being that stupid is that their attention spans are pretty short. A Justice spokeswoman said the department was waiting for the results of the state probe before deciding whether to conduct their own. The funeral procession for Deputy Williams took more than half an hour to pass by. I do wish there was a video or audio of the Ferguson case, itll prove it one way or another, though the sentence has already been passed on the streets and mass media rushing to publish a story. As [police dog] DiOGi closed on the suspects hiding place, Freeland shot the dog in the chest from close range at an upward angle, killing it. And shot a lot. Hell yeah! That Wilson was injured is not directly in conflict that is, there is no evidence supporting that he was NOT injured (a faked or misrepresented photo is not evidence of no injury). 9 of 10 members in the SWAT team only had 110 rounds? But when Speirs asked for Freeland's driver's license, Freeland, 27, produced a dubious-looking state ID card. Oct. 1, 2006, 8:07 AM PDT / Source: Reuters. then why bring it up?? Looks like Florida has a sheriff like Arizona has, You kill a policeman it means no arrest no Miranda rights no negotiations nothing but as many bullets as we can shoot into you- period, said Polk County Florida Sheriff, Grady Judd. Those links attack the truthfulness of the photograph. WESH2 reportsthat the Polk County Sheriffs Office received a call about an arson at 8:11 a.m. Deputies from the sheriffs office were soon in pursuit of 30-year-old Luke Neely, who was driving a pickup truck. POLK COUNTY FLORIDA SHERIFF GRADY JUDD An illegal alien in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up 'executing' the deputy who stopped him. function ad_block_test(e,o){if("undefined"!=typeof document.body){var t="0.1.2-dev",o=o?o:"sponsorText",n=document.createElement("DIV");,"absolute","-999px",n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")),document.body.appendChild(n),setTimeout(function(){if(n){var o=0==n.clientHeight;try{}catch(d){console&&console.log&&console.log("ad-block-test error",d)}e(o,t),document.body.removeChild(n)}},175)}} Published: Oct. 2, 2006 at 10:04 AM PDT. One bullet was fired at close range behind the deputy's right ear and another was fired near his right temple, with the muzzle of the gun pressing against his skin, the autopsy showed. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, FL Strawberry Festival prepares for big crowds, new, IRB leaders concerned over short-term rental debate, NASA, SpaceX launch Crew-6 to ISS from Kennedy Space, Pro-Am race aims to raise funds for concussion research, Pinellas murder victims parents make plea for help, Cleanup continues after Manatee Co. train derailment, Lightning make roster moves ahead of NHL trade deadline, 2022 Hurricane Guide: Prepare your family before a storm, Volunteers help veteran trying to feed homeless, City of Tampa removes speed hump in front of mans, Trustees eliminate diversity office at New College, More than 4K complaints filed against insurers after, Bank accounts frozen years ago finally released to, Cyber criminals increasingly targeting hospitals, Top NFL draft prospect charged in fatal crash, Buccaneers to release veteran running back, Death of former star swimmer under police investigation, Penguins score 6 in 2nd period, beat Lightning 7-3, Jake Paul takes first boxing defeat by split decision, Turning 50? Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). Email: [emailprotected] That statement attributed to the sherif sounds like an urban legend kind of thing. So now apologize. And probably drop the towns crime rate a little as a fringe benefit. 3. Posted on | November 9, 2020 | Comments Off on 68 Shots: Thats All the Bullets We Had, or We Would Have Shot Him More. Did law enforcement overreact because one of their own had been slain? 4 things you can do for your health, The State of Black Tampa Bay: An Exclusive Town Hall, Ybor speakeasy honors Madame Fortune Taylor, Ex got a warrant? The shooting happened earlier Thursday on Sawfish Drive in Poinciana. I certainly a few law enforcement agencies are reading this blog and taking note of a practical solution (literally) to ornery crowds. Im not going to go out and do a Google search for every claim someone makes in a comment. Freeland then approached the immobilized man and delivered two shots to Williams head at point-blank range, finishing him off.. Bright yellow dye. That would not be hard, either. This was not a man reaching for his wallet cut down by a nervous cop. Freeland is the man deputies say shot and killed Deputy Matt Williams and his K-9 DiOGi last September following a traffic stop. I love Grady Judd and his way of communicating to his public. Though Speirs managed to shoot back, he was wounded in the leg during the exchange. Two adults were airlifted to a local hospital while another was pronounced dead. They would had to use a plain ordinary van or cruiser. Twitter:@PeterSchorschFL I guess we could have more of the quiet types that dont have near the impact that Judd has.While his county has a ways to go as far as Road law enforcement so does all of Florida .We are killing way more people on our roadways in Florida than any storm..But I think Judd has peoples attention and also that of the scum bags he wants to be rid of. The cops couldnt kill that [emailprotected] enough as far as Im concerned. Heres Why, Man Sees THUG Beating and Kicking Toddler Seconds Later, Thug Hears Loud CRACK. Look, for example, as the sweeping, broad stroke generalizations posted yesterday about an 11 year old hunting. 0:00. Give them a break. There are no threats to the public. The Polk County Sheriff's Office is investigating a triple shooting that occurred around 4:15 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, February 23, 2023, on Sawfish Drive in Poinciana, that resulted in the death of the adult male suspect, and critical injuries to two victims, an adult male and adult female. Not to go off topic, but it seems the ex-perp was a good shot. Welcome to Florida, Yall. Because that is totally the exact same situation as the one in Ferguson. You guys are just being mean again. Deputy Doug Speirs asked for his drivers license but was handed a fake ID. tiny black tadpole looking bug in bathroom; ff14 plasmoid iron lake location; top 10 most dangerous areas in cape town; cockapoo rescue michigan; floris nicolas ali, baron van pallandt cause of death; I have absolutely no misgivings about it.. The Polk County Sheriff's Office said the sting was conducted by the Mid-Iowa Narcotics Enforcement Task Force between noon and 11:30 p.m. at a local motel. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. Authorities say . And as you noted, fair trial concerns were not applicable to this situation because of the way it occurred. We fight back against criminals. Polk County . It is said the most dangerous real estate on planet earth lies between a television camera and Sheriff Grady Judd. Ronald Donovan, 38, is now charged with second degree felony murder . Then Freeland appeared over a ridge and fired at him. It is being shared on social media sites according to,, Also, snopes states that the photo and discussion of it appeared in emails and well-trafficked social media users began to circulate the photo.. Judd said Bacote pointed a gun at Victim 3 when another witness opened fire, striking Bacote. If it was not applicable to this case, then why the f*ck even say it? As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. Not applicable to this case. Hell yeah! Williams and his German shepherd police dog, Diogi, went into the wooded area looking for the suspect. I may have issues with how too many police treat the people they are sworn to protect and serve, but in this case, they got it 100% right. Though the sequence of the shots has not been determined, it is likely the final two shots were fired into the deputy's head as the gunman stood over him. Of the 110 bullets fired at Angilo Freeland by the SWAT team, 68 found their mark. No an urban legend see the Snopes article. "They are asking why he was shot so many times. I would have gladly loaned the police a few hundred rounds, and a couple of rifles if that would have helped. But pretending this was a murder is just idiotic, regardless of your posturing. Maybe Ferguson will burn again, but maybe it wont. Now here's the kicker. Theres no easy answer and I wont pretend that I have them all, but every citizen needs to consider the ramifications of handing more and more power, including the power of violence, to the state and its agents. The sheriffs office said it is unsure why Bacote fired at victims 1 and 2. Check this out, and youll see why the people who actually live in Ferguson not the bandwagon protesters, the actual residents of that town and county are so angry. The citizens of Polk County are just as tough as their sheriff who, by the way, has been unopposed in his past two reelections. He was transported to the Polk County Jail where he was released after paying a $1,000 bond. }); Good suggestion. Judd said the Lakeland officers risked their lives when they "turned him back into the woods. Bullets hit Williams in the arms, legs and buttocks, and one lodged in his spine. } I get the overkill, adrenaline takes over and the instinct to fight is to basically do a mag dump, I get it bc I would want to go home to my family & loved ones, not be killed by some scumbag, I would probably do a mag dump too to defend my life, but then Id be spending life in jail considering Im in CA. LAKELAND, Florida (BNW) - It was no more than a modern day lynching when five hundred racist cops went on a death hunt for a suspected cop killer. I would have assumed a SWAT team would not have been using handguns. Honestly, the point of this story is to point out that overkills have happened in the past with no riots following? "I suspect the only reason 110 rounds was all that was fired was that's all the ammunition they had," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told the Associated Press. Now our solution includes: Face to face with an armed man suspected of killing a Polk County deputy sheriff, SWAT officers riddled his body with 68 bullets. Speirs moved toward the gunfire. uh, how would spraying stink on Palestinian rioters make them any different, or any easier to pick out of a crowd? Chance of recidivism: 0%. var referer="";try{if(referer=document.referrer,"undefined"==typeof referer)throw"undefined"}catch(exception){referer=document.location.href,(""==referer||"undefined"==typeof referer)&&(referer=document.URL)}referer=referer.substr(0,700); Im thinking the Israelis should just give the system to Fergusen, the Palestinians probably havent noticed it, think theyre playing in the fire hydrant. Is it just me? Of course when you have a dozen cops with their guns trained on a suspect and he points a gun at them and they all have semi auto pistols with at least 15 rounds in each gun it would only take two seconds for all the cops to fire every round in their magazines simultaneously. Office said it is said the Lakeland officers risked their lives when they `` turned him into... Be starting to get Down range bad guys got what they deserved traffic stop sounded... Why he was transported to the Skyway sheriffs office said it is unsure why fired! Five-0 opened up on him a favor of his public Ferguson will burn again, maybe! Transparency, list of inmates released from the Polk County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett a and. No riots following have sparred for years over issues of transparency, are asking why he ambushed... Or any easier to pick out of bullets ) they 're calling Gov! With second degree felony murder Farago is the political analyst for Armed Radio. 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