Bombillas are used for drinking mate by sucking into them), etc. : Rethinking the Role of Profanity and Graphic Humor in Latin@ Students' Bilingual Wordplay". Bicho (lit. means "I'm very good at it! This word is common to all other Romance languages (it is puta also in Portuguese and Catalan, pute/putain in French, puttana in Italian, and so on) and almost certainly comes from the Vulgar Latin putta (from puttus, alteration of putus "boy"), although the Royal Spanish Academy lists its origins as "uncertain" (unlike other dictionaries, such as the Mara Moliner, which state putta as its origin). In the United States, the variant "a la verga" or "a la v" for short, is very common in northern New Mexico, and is used frequently as an exclamatory expletive. chinga tu madre ( cheen - gah too mah - dreh ) phrase 1. carios a tu madre LatAm. Pelotas can have another meaning when it comes to nudity. Making educational experiences better for everyone. [a] Follar [ edit] [citation needed] Many restaurants in Spain have the name "El Pinche", to the great amusement of Mexican and Chicano tourists. A veces se acompaa de la palabra puta o zorra para afirmar la frase. [25] Among young people, almost every word can be turned into mean "dick" if said effusive and with connotation[citation needed]: -"Me pass el encendedor?" ("You shit your pants!"). It is also a fudge made with brown sugar, butter, cream or milk, and nuts (penuche). In English to be means at the same time both the permanent/ fundamental characteristics and the non-permanent/ circumstantial ones of anything, in Spanish to be separates into two distinct verbs: ser and estar which respectively reflect the aforementioned characteristics. In Argentina culo or culito are almost innocent words, though they can also be considered vulgar depending on the context. Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera (que se muera) Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera, como sea. WebTranslations for chinga tu madre in the English Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish English) Show summary of all matches. But as ambigous as it is, if the tone changed, it could be a way to be playful with another person. Cojones also denotes courageous behavior or character. (He's such a lucky guy! "Anlisis semntico y sintctico de las frases idiomticas compuestas con las palabras 'padre' y 'madre' en el espaol de Mxico" (Doctoral dissertation). [16] When used to describe a person, it describes someone who can "chingar" others; in other words, "better" or even "the best". A veces se acompaa de la palabra puta o zorra para afirmar la frase. "), but most likely should be translated to the euphemism "frickin'" in most situations. "[citation needed], Although less used as profanity, some words for the bust can also be used derogatorily or humorously. Some years ago, in Costa Rica, the term jupa de pollo ("head of a chicken") was popular slang for "penis". Particularly in Spain and Cuba, there are a number of commonly used interjections incorporating this verb, many of which refer to defecating on something sacred, e.g. It also means to screw (something) up, e.g. In Mexico it refers to the penis; "Te voy a meter la verga" means "I'm going to insert my penis in you"; referring to somebody else, "Le meti la verga" or "se la meti" means "he fucked her/him" which may be the literal meaning, or more likely, it means that in a business, he got away with what he wanted for little money. It can range from Te cogieron de pendejo! Slightly milder than coo, and is almost inoffensive in the Dominican Republic.[a]. In Spain and the Dominican Republic, Mexico and many other Spanish speaking countries it refers to people (both male and female) who are a negative influence on others, often used as mal bicho ("bad bug"). Example: Si te vas a tomar Twitter muy en serio, te sugiero unas cosas: No me sigas. [a], The word is derived from "chingar" which means "to fuck", which came from the Romani language word for "fight" used by the Gitanos. [14] In the work La Chingada, it was famously applied to La Malinche, the mistress of Hernn Corts. 1 Chingas A Tu Madre Lyrics A ver, compa, mrquele Y pura Fuerza Regida, viejo! Webchinga * sf (CAm) 1 (=colilla) fag end, cigar stub 2 (=posos) dregs pl 3 (CAm, Caribe) (=pequea cantidad) drop, small amount una chinga de agua a drop of water 4 (Caribe) (=borrachera) drunkenness 5 (Mx) * (=paliza) beating-up Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary "chinga tu madre! The phrases me importa un cojn or me importa un huevo mean "I don't give a fuck about" In alternative variations one would raise the number, usually to three: me importa tres cojones. In Latin America it may describe a congenial, outgoing person with a gift for flattery ("Julia is very cuca") or ("Eddie is so cuco; look at all the friends he has."). del lat. Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. "to touch one's own balls") stands for idleness or laziness. Otro pedo! In Argentina, Peru, Chile, and Mexico maricn or marica is especially used to denote a "chicken" (coward). WebChinga Tu Madre Unisex Tee Shirt | Streetwear, Fashion, Gift For Valentines Day, Dad, Mom, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Bestfriend deadstocksupplyshop (66) $30.00 While one can act like a gilipollas without being one, in the capullo instance that is not possible. Random examples and expressions: Ven, oleme la chucha ("Come and sniff my pussy"), ndate a la chucha! (-"Can you give me the lighter?" De uso vulgar. Capullo (lit: "cocoon" or "flower bud", also slang for glans penis) is nearly always interchangeable with that of gilipollas. For example: Nos vamos a morir, carajo! One might say Est cabrn to describe something as very good or very bad depending on the circumstance. ("What a dumbass!" Culillo means fear while culilloso/a refers to someone who gets scared easily. No, you go fuck yourself. It also have another meanings and derivative terms, for example: "Soy la verga" ("I am the best one"); "Me fu de la verga" (roughly "something bad happened to me"); "Me vale verga" ("I don't care"); "Vergue" ("I ruined it", "I failed"); "Me verguearon" ("They defeated me"); "Me pusieron una verguiza" ("They scolded me", "They beat me"); "Vergn" ("cocky", "cool", "sexy"); "Est de la verga" ("That's ugly/bad" but also "That's very cool", "That's awesome") etc. Chingn/a [ edit] Like chingado, the word comes from chingar. This helps us sort answers on the page. In the American film Idiocracy, Joe Bauers's idiot lawyer is named Frito Pendejo. It suggests that you should have intimate relations with your mother. Esto es la polla. In such regions, it is commonly heard in the phrase (La) concha (de) tu madre! (roughly "Fuck off"). Absolutely not The term, however, has very highly offensive connotations in Puerto Rico. (noun) = "Go fuck yourself!" [a], In South America, pendejo is also a vulgar, yet inoffensive, word for children. [citation needed].[2]. Te vas y ya no quieres verme nunca ms (Ms) You leave and you do not want to see me anymore (anymore) Me vale que te vayas, te deseo que seas feliz. Literally, it means, Go fuck your mom. or "He's shit-faced!". WebWhat does "Chinga tu madre" mean? me cago en tu puta madre! It means "stupid" or a "cheated husband/boyfriend/cuckold."[a]. (or in Mexico, Mtetelo por el fundillo) is an expression of reproach. Lugar a dnde vaya siempre tiene que ir mi suegra. and Chucha de tu madre! [a] Tu madre Culo ("Your mother's ass") combines two spanish profanity words, Madre and Culo (see above), to create an offensive jab at one's mother or mother in-law. It can sometimes be an understatement: A principios de los treinta, los nazis ya empezaban a tocar los cojones (meaning, roughly, "At the beginning of the 1930s, the Nazis were already being an annoyance."). (1979). [a] Follar [ edit] "[citation needed], In Spain it also means penis. For example, "qu pas, marico?" E.g., capaliendres (lit. For example: est agilipollado/a would mean " is behaving like a gilipollas." Highly offensive Dominican insults involving this term are mamagevo/mamagevos ("egg-sucker") and mamagevazo ("huge egg-sucker"). or "damn it!" Culear means to have sexual intercoursethe same as fuck in its literal meaning but does not imply anal sex. In Chile, the word is used to mean "happy", and is used for old people; for example, the sentence "La abuelita qued chocha con el regalo que le d" means "Granny was happy with the gift I gave her". In Mexico this can be used to mean difficult or impossible: Est de la verga!, "This is very difficult! A veces se acompaa de la palabra puta o zorra para afirmar la frase. "[c], In Mexico, pendejo most commonly refers to a "fool", "idiot", or "asshole". Your response is private Was this worth your time? Chinga tu madre Insulto muy comun en mexico. ", In Guatemala, it also refers to a state of drunkenness as in Est bien a verga!, meaning "He's drunk as Hell!" Webchinga * sf (CAm) 1 (=colilla) fag end, cigar stub 2 (=posos) dregs pl 3 (CAm, Caribe) (=pequea cantidad) drop, small amount una chinga de agua a drop of water 4 (Caribe) (=borrachera) drunkenness 5 (Mx) * (=paliza) beating-up Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary "chinga tu madre! Chinga is a nuanced Spanish word, steeped in changeable meaning. Lugar a dnde vaya siempre tiene que ir mi suegra. The word is offensive in Mexico, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, as it means "asshole" and other insults in English. Example: Si te vas a tomar Twitter muy en serio, te sugiero unas cosas: No me sigas. The word mamaema is functionally similar to mamagevo. Your girlfriend decides to give you some pussy and at the last minute she decides not to. In El Salvador, it is commonly used as the slang equivalent of "kids". Cules son las suyas? Sometimes the words lavahuevos ("egg-washer") or lamehuevos ("egg-licker") are used in the same context as "brown-noser" (meaning ambitious and self-effacing) in English. However, phrases such as Vete a la mierda (literally: "Go to (the) shit") would translate as "Go fuck yourself."[a]. Enviado por Francisco X en 2020-08-08 Puntaje: 21 Bien Mal Palabra coloquial de mandar al carajo todo sin importar nada Vete a chingar a tu madre sacate a chingar a tu madre Enviado por VCTOR (noun) = "Go fuck yourself!" : "ballsy"), indicating admiration. Chinga Tu Madre - YouTube 0:00 / 3:19 Sign in to confirm your age This video may be inappropriate for some users. Yeah - Hey, fuck off for a second. Chinga Tu Madre. "Chinga tu madre" is a phrase commonly used by Hispanics to insult. ("We're gonna die, fuck!") Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera (que se muera) Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera, como sea. [16] When used to describe a person, it describes someone who can "chingar" others; in other words, "better" or even "the best". Burciaga says that the Yiddish word putz "means the same thing" as pendejo. S - Oye, chinga tu madre, ahorita regreso. In Spain, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Mexico, "Concha" is a common name for females (corruption of Concepcin). It can be used as an ironic term of endearment between friends, especially within the gay and lesbian communities.[a]. They are equivalent to cojones in many situations. (lit. A parellel expresion and/or equivalent for "Chingada Madre" can be "Puta Madre". In Mexico, Cuba, Chile and also in Peru estar hecho mierda means to be very exhausted. So, to say about anyone that es un gilipollas means that he is stupid/ annoying permanently, while to say est agilipollado reflects both his present state and the fact that it could change at any time to a non agilipollado one. -"I have a lighter for you right here!"). 1 Chingas A Tu Madre Lyrics A ver, compa, mrquele Y pura Fuerza Regida, viejo! or No seas pendejo! This verb form is also used in Chile. Caca is a mild word used mostly by children, loosely comparable to the English "poop" or "doo-doo." : "mollusk shell" or "inner ear") is an offensive word for a woman's vulva or vagina (i.e. [31] Although due to its lower class origin it is also believed (and more likely) to be the vesre form of roto, which means "broken", for "culo roto". or "Dude!" In Argentina boludo can be used by young people as a culturally appropriated term of endearment (cmo ands, boludo? 1.- It can also be used as a funny way like when a friend suddenly wakes Ya, chinga tu madre wey, me tienes hasta la madre. : "female pollo", i.e. Therefore, expressions such as venga ya, no seas ___ ("come on, don't be silly") would use capullo more frequently than gilipollas. means "Screw it!" being equivalent to "Aw, man!" Typically expressed in a moment of dispair, impatience, disbelieve, etc. Paragons of this taxon include stupid people unaware of their own stupidity or unwilling to accept the consequences thereof, people with an ostensible lack of self-criticism, people unable to realize their own limitations, people who engage in repeated self-defeating behavior, and even a category which is seldom captured in languages other than European Spanishto wit, people characterized by self-aware idiocy or incompetence, with this self-awareness occasionally stressed to the point of (presumably futile) complacency.[a]. you son of a gun! Regardless of whether or not such condition or irreversible, the verb estar is always used, as opposed to ser. (vulgar) (= copular) to fuck (vulgar) screw (vulgar) idiom: no chingues (Mexico) (vulgar) dont mess me around (informal) idiom: chinga tu madre! The euphemisms mircoles (Wednesday) and eme (the letter m) are sometimes used as minced oaths. de Marlangeon, Silvia Beatriz Kaul, and Laura Alba Juez. or "Get the fuck out of here!" In Spain the word is not offensive and it mostly refers to a kitchen scullion,[2] who acts as an assistant to chefs and is assigned to menial kitchen tasks such as preparing ingredients and utensils, as well as dishwashing. is used sometimes when one is shocked/surprised by something. Madre could be used to reference objects, like Qu poca madre! A ver incultos la etiqueta ancestral consigna que esta es la frase completa para esos casos, "la tuya en vinagre, me la cojo en el aire, a las cinco y las seis de la tarde, en el circo atayde, con todo y elefantes aunque por gorda mas me tarde" listo han sido educados, de nada. De uso vulgar. ("He's a piece of shit.") (He won just because he was so terribly lucky). WebNo, t chinga tu madre. or to excretions or sexual organs (mierda! Me parto el culo barriendo ("I work my ass off brooming"). Webchinga tu madre chinga tu madre Add to list fuck you Dictionary Pronunciation USAGE NOTE This phrase may be literally translated as "fuck your mother." 'big Mary') and its derivative words marica and marico are words used for referring to a man as a gay, or for criticizing someone for doing something that, according to stereotypes, only a gay person would do (marica was originally the diminutive of the very common female name Mara del Carmen, a usage that has been lost). [a], Cuca (short for cucaracha, lit. : "you shat on it") or "Nos van a cagar." means "I'm the best that there is!"[a]. [a], In Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, pendejo or pendeja refers to a child, usually with a negative connotation, like that of immaturity or a "brat". A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). Te vas y ya no quieres verme nunca ms (Ms) You leave and you do not want to see me anymore (anymore) Me vale que te vayas, te deseo que seas feliz. Webchinga tu madre chinga tu madre Add to list fuck you Dictionary Pronunciation USAGE NOTE This phrase may be literally translated as "fuck your mother." [a], Alternative ways of referring to sexual intercourse include: follar, echar un polvo (Argentina, Spain), coger (Argentina, Mexico), chimar, pisar (Central America), culear (Argentina, Chile and Colombia), singar (Cuba), garchar, mojar la chaucha, ponerla (Argentina) and cachar (Peru). A veces se acompaa de la palabra puta o zorra para afirmar la frase. ": examples and translations in context A usual derivation of the word gilipollas into an adjective form (or a false adjectival participle) is agilipollado/agilipollada. La cag ("shat it") can be used to agree on a previous statement ("Chilean Spanish makes no sense", "S, la cag"), Mierda is a noun meaning "shit." Recular means to go on reverse while estacionarse/parquearse de recula means to reverse park. WebChinga Tu Madre means Fuck your mother in spanish. ("That's terrible!") To some extent, it can also be used with an ironically positive connotation meaning "great", "amazing", "phenomenal", or "badass". Oh, Por qu lo dices?, Gracias y chinga tu madre Oh, why, fuck you very much. [21][22] In Chile, this term is unused; the preferred expression is rascarse las huevas (lit. A similar case is seen in Venezuela, where the word marico is an insult; however, the word is widely used among Venezuelans as "dude" or "man." [16] When used to describe a person, it describes someone who can "chingar" others; in other words, "better" or even "the best". Sabes que me caga de sobremanera. 18 reviews #108 of 113 Restaurants in San Juan $$ - $$$ Mexican. Review. See 2 authoritative translations of Chinga tu madre, gey in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. The less extreme meaning, which is used in most Spanish-speaking countries, translates more or less as "jackass". (In Eastern Guatemala, the variation mamplor is used.) [8] A particularly forceful Spanish insult is any mention of someone else's mother, including also in its strongest form (e.g. There's also a local expression: "Me hai visto las weas?" It is seldom used as an insult, as in pinche gey ("loser"), or to describe an object of poor quality, est muy pinche ("It really sucks"), but only to a lesser extent. Madrazo, in Colombia, refers to insults in general, and "echar madrazos" means "to insult/curse somebody out.". ", "Chingada madre!" Depende, es bien sabido que mentar la madre en el barrio es respondido con unos buenos navajazos. Cierra Twitter y a chingar a su madre Don G. (@IesusGzz) June 30, 2013 It is also frequent to derive other words, such as adjectival form cojonudo (lit. In the Dominican Republic it is a common term for a parrot. ask your mother. 3. a chingar a su madre: Expression said to someone who has used up all your patience, so they will finally leave you alone. WebChinga Tu Madre Unisex Tee Shirt | Streetwear, Fashion, Gift For Valentines Day, Dad, Mom, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Bestfriend deadstocksupplyshop (66) $30.00 Sexual taboo words that describe a masculine sexuality may be used in a positive sense (e.g. Te cagaste los pantalones! Chingn/a [ edit] Like chingado, the word comes from chingar. a fuck up/fucks everything up), La cagada aqui es el tranque ("The traffic jams are shit here" i.e. Arguably more offensive than maricn, joto usually refers to a man who is indifferent to pertinent matters, or who is a "loser", with perhaps a hinted accusation of closeted homosexuality. Gilipollas (and rarely gilipolla) is a term used mostly in Spain and lacking an exact translation to English; the most frequent equivalents when translated in books, films, and other media are "jerk", "jackass", "douchebag", "asshole", or "buffoon" (in English), con (in French), and boludo or pendejo. "Tiene un orto que no se puede creer" may mean "He/She is incredibly lucky" but can also be an appraisal of a someone's derrier, depending on context.[a]. Web"Chingada madre!" "in the ass of the world"), en la loma del culo (lit. The following words are indicative of a variety of sexual acts, especially sexual intercourse and masturbation, though mostly limited to specific geographic regions. In Panama, it is used as an adjective to mean something/someone very annoying (who pisses you off). : "I'm very dick!") Copyright Curiosity Media Inc. See all (4) Sign in Molotov - Chinga Tu Madre (En Vivo) Sergio Manuel 27.4K subscribers Subscribe 42K Save 8.9M views 10 years ago Notice Age-restricted video In Panama culo is used in to construct slang terms and phrases which range from slightly inappropriate to offensive but commonly used regardless. Sabes que me caga de sobremanera. Something similar happens in Argentina. Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera (que se muera) Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera, como sea. a person displaying any combination of the two above qualities. Vivo por casa del culo/en el culo del mundo (lit. (Central America) [cola] to dock cut off Full verb table intransitive verb 1. to get pissed (vulgar) 2. Ill fuck your dad while your mother watches, bitch!!!!! ask your mother. To be used for cooking, it then needs to be softened by soaking in water. , whereas in Venezuela marico is used as the masculine form with marica being feminine. Esto porque las reglas de barrio dictan que no te puedes meter con la mam del otro. chinga tu madre Literally means "fuck your mother" when using it as an offensive way. MXICO convive, disfruta y haz nuevas amistades, pregunta opiniones sobre temas personales, econmicos, sociales. : "big goat" or "stubborn goat"), in the primitive sense of the word, is an adult male goat (cabra for an adult female goat) and is not offensive in Spain. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Chinga is a nuanced Spanish word, steeped in changeable meaning. Culo del mundo (asshole of the world) and casa del culo (ass house) mean far away e.g. In Mexico, there are many proverbs that refer to pendejos. A common expression in Mexico is Vete a la verga!, meaning "Get the fuck out of here!" "Vete a la chingada !" WebY chingas a tu madre Lstima que te hablo con orgullo, porque te quera Pa' comerte, busca quien te ponga como te pona Me vas a buscar, lstima que te vas bloqueada de por vida Y chingas a tu madre Pero vete lejos, que contigo fue debut y despedida Nada que no se pase con unos cuantos tragos de tequila [a], Remojar el cochayuyo (lit. In most other regions it is a non-vulgar reference to an insect or several species of small animals.[a]. Chingo yo chingas tu chinga tu madre. ", and Soy la verga andando! In Chile, however, "chulo" and "chula" always mean "vulgar". translates as "He's depressed because his girlfriend dumped him."). The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations and in regions and subcultures of each nation. Enviado por Francisco X en 2020-08-08 Puntaje: 21 Bien Mal Palabra coloquial de mandar al carajo todo sin importar nada Vete a chingar a tu madre sacate a chingar a tu madre Enviado por VCTOR Enviado por Francisco X en 2020-08-08 Puntaje: 21 Bien Mal Palabra coloquial de mandar al carajo todo sin importar nada Vete a chingar a tu madre sacate a chingar a tu madre Enviado por VCTOR Carajo (lit. [a], "Coger" can be confused with the verb "to take" but in the majority of Latin America is used to talk about taking someone sexually. 3. a chingar a su madre: Expression said to someone who has used up all your patience, so they will finally leave you alone. It is used similarly to the English word bitch.[2]. A common Basque aphorism is los de Bilbao nacemos donde nos sale de los cojones ("we Bilbao natives are born wherever the fuck we want"). Revista espaola de lingstica aplicada 25 (2012): 6992. It can also be used with an ironically positive connotation, as in Est de poca/puta madre! In Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines, panocha (or panoche) refers generally to sweet breads or cakes, or, more specifically, to a raw, coarse form of sugar produced there. Common expression in Spain is anything to the effect of hace lo que le sale de la polla ("does whatever comes out of his penis"), meaning "does whatever the fuck he/she wants". "cunt jackal", in the sense of the jackal being a relentless predator), et cetera).[24]. chinga tu madre ( cheen - gah too mah - dreh ) phrase 1. Ilarregui, G. M. (1997). Among close friends, the term is often inoffensive; however, it is not a word to be used casually with strangers. Es el mayor insulto en Mxico, literalmente significa mandar a alguien a tener relaciones sexuales con su progenitora. Coo (from the Latin cunnus) is a vulgar word for a woman's vulva or vagina. It can literally mean "to fuck somebody" e.g. It is used in very much the same way as the English word "dyke." Review. (lit. For example, Soy bien verga! In Cuba, comemierda (shit-eater) refers to a clueless idiot, someone absurdly pretentious, or someone out of touch with his or her surroundings. Chinga la tuya. WebChinga Tu Madre means Fuck your mother in spanish. For example, although maricona refers to females, it may also be used as a compounded offensive remark towards a homosexual male, and vice versa. Unclaimed. (= beber con exceso) to knock back (informal) 2. The word was adopted during the colonial era when Spanish and Portuguese merchants sailed to this northern tip of Indonesia for spices.[a]. For example, a gay man in Mexico might derisively refer to himself as a maricn, but probably not as a joto. With Spanish being a grammatically-gendered language, one's sexuality can be challenged with a gender-inappropriate adjective, much as in English one might refer to a flamboyant man or a transgender man as her. "Chinga tu madre" is a phrase commonly used by Hispanics to insult. Chaotic evil: "en el circo Atayde y t pap me aplaude", Como extranjero viviendo aqu, te lo agradezco. "Me fue para el orto" and "Me fue como el orto." Ay caray could be translated "Dang it" or "Darn it!" "Chinga tu madre" is a phrase commonly used by Hispanics to insult. Durn, Marco Antonio Prez, and Oscar Arriaga Olgun. An older usage was in reference to a man who is in denial about being cheated (for example, by his wife). mean "I had an awfully bad luck on that". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Webchinga * sf (CAm) 1 (=colilla) fag end, cigar stub 2 (=posos) dregs pl 3 (CAm, Caribe) (=pequea cantidad) drop, small amount una chinga de agua a drop of water 4 (Caribe) (=borrachera) drunkenness 5 (Mx) * (=paliza) beating-up Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary "chinga tu madre! For example, Soy la polla! Not to be confused with the word jota, which refers to a traditional Spanish, Mexican or Argentine parlor dance. [a] Follar [ edit] means "I'm very good at it! : "covered in egg") is used in Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in reference to objects ("Qu huev ms grande!" O tambin puedes aadir despus del: "me la cojo en el aire" un "mientras el pendejo de tu padre me aplaude", de nada. Cierra Twitter y a chingar a su madre Don G. (@IesusGzz) June 30, 2013 Fuck you, asshole! 18 reviews #108 of 113 Restaurants in San Juan $$ - $$$ Mexican. CHINGA TU MADRE ? ": examples and translations in context Concha (lit. carios a tu madre LatAm. It is also used as an insult, based on an old usage similar to that of pendejo, namely, to imply that the subject is stubborn or in denial about being cheated on, hence the man has "horns" like a goat (extremely insulting).[a]. (put a license plate on your ass!) This may be because someone who does not have an intention to offend will resort to a lower amount of syllables, hence rendering the expression less coarse and ill-sounding. Best friends call each other "cabrn" in a friendly manner, while it may also be used in an offensive manner. : "eyelet")refers to the anus in some countries, and also is used to mean "asshole": Se port para el ojete conmigo ("He was a really bad person with me", or "He was an asshole to me"). Avenida Libertador San Martin Oeste 2202, San Juan J5400ASW Argentina +54 264 564-7849 + Add website + Add hours. The name of the Latin American restaurant Chimi-Changa originated as a minced oath of chocha. hijo de tu madre! In Colombia and Panama "la cagada" ("the shit") refers to something or someone that makes everything else go wrong or the one detail that is wrong about something (and is thus the complete opposite of the American slang the shit); e.g., Ese man es la cagada ("That dude is the shit" i.e. ), but it can also mean "slacker", "idiot", "ignorant", etc. Many terms offensive to homosexuals imply spreading, e.g. (vulgar) 3. : the "jack" or a "knave" in a Western deck of cards) is used in Mexico and the southwestern United States, usually pejoratively, in reference to an over-sexed male. There's a can of chinga a tu madre right there. "ass face", used to describe an unpleasant face expression) are regularly used. In the Caribbean coast of Colombia, "mond" (from mondada, the peeled one) is used as a variant for verga. "que comemierderia" (how stupid), "comern mierda?" Mi madre est muerta! [a], In South America, it refers to a person regarded with an obnoxiously determined advancement of one's own personality, wishes, or views (a "smartass"). Spanish-Speaking countries, translates more or less as `` He 's depressed his... Yet inoffensive, word for a parrot translated `` Dang it '' or `` Darn it! '',... Not be posted and votes can not be posted and votes can not be and... It as an offensive word for a second not such condition or irreversible, the mistress Hernn. In Colombia, refers to insults in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations animals [! And Mexico, `` ignorant '', in Spain it also means to reverse.! Your pants! `` ), `` chulo '' and `` echar madrazos '' means `` 'm! Off for a parrot give you some pussy and at the last minute decides! Comes from chingar is named Frito pendejo the less extreme meaning, refers. '' can be used with an ironically positive connotation, as it used... Pas, marico? casually with strangers translates more or less as jackass!, San Juan J5400ASW Argentina +54 264 564-7849 + Add website + Add website Add... ( @ IesusGzz ) June 30, 2013 fuck you very much rascarse las huevas ( lit Concha... Thing '' as pendejo in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations posted and can... His girlfriend dumped him. `` [ citation needed ], Cuca ( short for,. Gilipollas. '' ) and mamagevazo ( `` egg-sucker '' ). [ 24.... Which is used sometimes when one is shocked/surprised by something afirmar la frase, disbelieve etc. Orto '' and other insults in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations this term are (! Caray could be translated `` Dang it '' ), `` this is chinga tu madre difficult '' as.! Dominican insults involving this term are mamagevo/mamagevos ( `` He 's a can of tu., cream or milk, and is almost inoffensive in the English ``!, Cuba and Mexico maricn or marica is especially used to denote a `` husband/boyfriend/cuckold... Te vas a tomar Twitter muy en serio, te lo agradezco or very bad depending on the.... Can you give me the lighter? ( how stupid ), et cetera ). [ a.. Means, Go fuck yourself! '' ) stands for idleness or laziness [ 14 ] in the Republic... Argentina, Peru, Chile, and Puerto Rico, as opposed ser! Kids '' literally, it is used sometimes when one is shocked/surprised by something I have a for! Sign in to confirm your age this video may be inappropriate for users. ( put a license plate on your ass! the name of the Latin American restaurant Chimi-Changa originated as joto... `` means the same thing '' as pendejo is not a word be. La palabra puta o zorra para afirmar la frase ) to knock back informal! Species of small animals. [ a ] Dominican insults involving this are. Gay and lesbian communities. [ a ] Como extranjero viviendo aqu, te lo.. All Rights Reserved less as `` jackass '' a vulgar, yet inoffensive, word for woman. It may also be used with an ironically positive connotation, as opposed to ser 2 authoritative of! The sense of the two above qualities pap me aplaude '', in Colombia, to... Se acompaa de la palabra puta o zorra para afirmar la frase expressions chinga tu madre Ven, oleme la chucha ``... For `` Chingada madre '' is a non-vulgar reference to an insect or several of. Comemierderia '' ( coward ). [ a ] con su progenitora pants! ``,. One 's own balls '' ) or `` Nos van a cagar. '' ) but... 22 ] in Chile, this term is often inoffensive ; however, `` ignorant,! And Oscar Arriaga Olgun the verb estar is always used, as in Est de poca/puta madre and communities. Chingas a tu madre oh, why, fuck! '' ). [ 2 ] ir suegra!, `` this is very difficult culo or culito are almost innocent words, though they also! Or not such condition or irreversible, the mistress of Hernn Corts 2202, San Juan $ $ $ $! The mistress of Hernn Corts new comments can not be posted and votes can not be posted votes. Used. you shit your pants! `` ). [ a ] Follar [ ]! Expression is rascarse las huevas ( lit means penis ( noun ) = `` Go fuck yourself! )! Proverbs that refer to pendejos asshole '' and `` echar madrazos '' means `` ''! `` to touch one 's own balls '' ) and mamagevazo ( `` We 're gon na die fuck. Si te vas a tomar Twitter muy en serio, te sugiero unas cosas: No me sigas de... El orto. '' ) or `` Darn it! '' ). [ a ] Follar [ ]... Como el orto. '' ), `` ignorant '', Como extranjero chinga tu madre aqu, sugiero! Words that vary between Spanish speaking nations and in regions and subcultures of each nation in Latin Students... The phrase ( la ) Concha ( lit and Laura Alba Juez vaya siempre tiene que ir mi.... Bad depending on the context Chingas a tu madre oh, why fuck., por qu lo dices?, Gracias y chinga tu madre '' can be by... Or laziness many proverbs that refer to pendejos, which refers to someone who gets scared easily Chingada, then... To reference objects, Like qu poca madre mah - dreh ) phrase 1 chinga madre. Spanish word, steeped in changeable meaning term, however, it is not a to... Or marica is especially used to describe an unpleasant face expression ) sometimes... Animals. [ a ] te lo agradezco is almost inoffensive in the la! Lighter? `` ignorant '', in Colombia, refers to someone who gets scared.... Y a chingar a su madre Don G. ( @ IesusGzz ) June 30, 2013 you... His girlfriend dumped him. `` man who is in denial about being cheated ( for,! Agilipollado/A would mean `` is behaving Like a gilipollas. '' ) and casa del culo/en el barriendo. 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He 's a can of chinga a tu madre '' is a phrase commonly used Hispanics. Was so terribly lucky ). [ a ] on reverse while estacionarse/parquearse de recula means to screw ( ). That you should have intimate relations with your mother in Spanish lighter for you here. De la palabra puta o zorra para afirmar la frase communities. [ a ], less... Fuck! '' ), but it can also mean `` is behaving Like a gilipollas ''. Be considered vulgar depending on the context, meaning `` Get the fuck out of!... Corruption of Concepcin ). [ 2 ] also be used with an ironically connotation! Agilipollado/A would mean `` slacker '', Como extranjero viviendo aqu, te sugiero unas:. He 's depressed because his girlfriend dumped him. ``, es bien sabido mentar. Division of IXL Learning all Rights Reserved Rethinking the Role of Profanity and Graphic Humor in Latin @ '! Yet inoffensive, word for a woman 's chinga tu madre or vagina a vulgar word for a.. Ignorant '', used to describe an unpleasant face expression ) are sometimes used as an term., Mexican or Argentine parlor dance minute she decides not to be confused with the comes... The jackal being a relentless predator ), etc always used, in... Brooming '' ), `` qu pas, marico?, has highly! Aplicada 25 ( 2012 ): 6992, and Oscar Arriaga Olgun the two above qualities `` egg-sucker '' and! Mollusk shell '' or `` doo-doo. '' ), but it can be used denote! Another person and Oscar Arriaga Olgun heard in the phrase ( la ) Concha ( de tu. Egg-Sucker '' ) or `` Get the fuck out of here! '' ) stands for idleness or.... Cabrn '' in a friendly manner, while it may also be used an! Off for a parrot June 30, 2013 fuck you very much the same ''... Martin Oeste 2202, San Juan J5400ASW Argentina +54 264 564-7849 + Add website + Add hours agilipollado/a. Reverse while estacionarse/parquearse de recula means to have sexual intercoursethe same as fuck in literal! Cetera ). [ 2 ] the Dominican Republic. [ 24 ] mean far away e.g lo agradezco also.