The three boys in the house, Rick, Greg, and their friend, Justin, were all safe in the bedroom. His ankles were tied with electrical wire which was wound also around Johns ankles so that the two were connected. And, shockingly, the youngest children - Rick Sharp, Greg Sharp, and Justi. It was believed she was abducted. Tina was likely forced to witness the demise of her family. [29], In a 2008 documentary on the murders, Marilyn Smartt claimed that she suspected her husband Martin and his friend John "Bo" Boubede (erroneously reported as "John Boudee" by author Robert Scott)[a] were responsible for the murders. That mustve been difficult. They had planned to return home later that night. Example video title will go here for this video. The anonymous counselor told him that in May 1981, Martin Smartt had confessed to killing Sue and Tina Sharp. Investigators discovered two bloody knives, a hammer, and a plastic piece from a BB gun. Interesting history topics are just a click away. This would account for Marilyn leaving her husband the day of the murder discovery. Investigators were called about an hour after Sheila had discovered her slain family. with a handwritten letter sent to her and signed by her estranged husband. In July 1979, Glenna Susan "Sue" Sharp (ne Davis; born March 29, 1945 in Springfield, Massachusetts),[3] along with her five children, left her home in Connecticut after separating from her husband, James Sharp. However, their friend Justin was not as sure. However, though the three boys initially claimed to have slept through the massacre, Rickey and Gregs friend Justin Smartt did later say that he saw Sue with two men in the house that night. 28 of the Keddie Resort. Two months later, a forensic analysis of the teeth confirmed that they were indeed Tinas remains. A butcher knife and claw hammer, both also bloodied, were side-by-side on a small wooden table near the entry into the kitchen. The trio had been stabbed, bludgeoned, and strangled to death. Any case without an apparent motive is the toughest to solve, Stoy recalled to the Sacramento Bee in 1987. It read: Ive paid the price of your love & now that Ive bought it with four peoples lives, you tell me we are through. The next morning at around 7 am, Sheila returned home from her sleepover next door. Former Plumas County Sheriff Greg Hagwood said he believes Tina is "central to why" the family was killed. WebEven sheriff Thomas completely upends Blaine's BS, because he saw Blaine pacing nervously outside 28 at 11:30 AM (when DT actually was arriving at the crime scene), Sues ex-husband was in the military when they divorced, and the Navy gave her $250 a month to start her new life. Shed stayed the night with a neighbor and was only planning to run in and grab some beauty items so she could accompany her neighbors to church. Unfortunately, they later went into foster care as their aunt already had several children and couldnt handle more. Why take Tina? Sue had just divorced her husband and brought her children from Connecticut to Keddie in Northern California. She was also considered a great beauty, which was another strike against her. WebA Daughter's 35-Year Fight For Justice: Sheila Sharp Longs to Know Who Murdered Her Family in Their Cabin Sheila Sharp who discovered the victims of the Keddie Cabin Around 7:45 the next morning, Sues oldest daughter, 14 year old Sheila, came home. The mother was financially broke, and she had been in desperate need of help; Sue had been on food stamps, she received money from the government every month, and was going back to school in order to make a better life for her kids. The fragments were eventually determined to belong to the missing girl Tina. The town was later promoted as a resort town, with opportunities for camping, hiking, and other recreation. WebSee more of Keddie Cabin 28 Murders Case- Keddie28 on Facebook. Given the extent of the brutality of the Keddie cabin murders, there was plenty of evidence left behind. After learning about the Keddie cabin murders, read about another unsolved murder, the Lake Bodom homicides that continue to confound authorities. According to Historic Mysteries, John and Sue suffered blunt force trauma to the head and were stabbed multiple times. She mentioned, however, that she doesnt talk to her brothers about it because she wants to protect them. Stress, I swear it fries your brain! Many people believe that the police were either incompetent or corrupt and covered up the crime for some reason. Not only did Sheila Sharp make a traumatizing and gruesome discovery, but she also discovered her other siblings, Greg and Ricki, and their friend Justin Smartt, were unharmed in a spare bedroom. The results of the analyses and tests are unknown. Then he moved to Oregon and died there in 2000 from cancer-related issues. Stranger still, in an adjoining bedroom the two youngest Sharp boys, Rickey and Greg, as well as their friend and neighbor, 12-year-old Justin Smartt were found unharmed. He admitted that he had a problem with his temper, and Marilyn had claimed that he tried to run her and her son over. Even sheriff Thomas completely upends Blaine's BS, because he saw Blaine pacing nervously outside 28 at 11:30 AM (when DT actually was arriving at the crime scene), and he asked Blaine many Qs where the answers made NO SENSE, and CONTRADICT the stories Blaine's told ever since: In reality, he didn't drive to Keddie or Sheilas sister, 12-year-old Tina Sharp, was nowhere to be found. "[29] In a 2016 interview, Gamberg stated that the letter was "overlooked" in the initial investigation and never admitted as evidence. Sheila has spoken about the horrific incident in several interviews. Its my belief that there were more than two people who were involved in the totality of the crimethe disposal of the evidence and the abduction of the little girl, Hagwood said. I was just wondering if you thought of the murder up in Keddie. "[17] He allegedly told the counselor that Tina was killed to prevent her from identifying him, as she had "witnessed the whole thing. WebKeddie28 reported Sharp immediately fled the cabin and ran to the neighbors for help. This is another indicator that all the condemned buildings in Keddie were demolished at the same time, meaning 28 was not singled out for demolition by anyone. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. [9][6] Two hours later, around 3:30 pm, John and Dana hitchhiked back to Quincy, where they may have had plans to visit friends. Though neighbor Justin claimed to have seen nothing, there were bloody foot prints which belonged to him; its theorized that he, and possibly one or both of Sues younger boys, were forced to participate in the murder of their own family. A Net Inceptions project. Anyone with information is asked to call the Plumas County Sheriff's office at (530) 283-6360. | Unsolved California. She lived there with her five children. [30] However, in the 2008 documentary, Sheriff Doug Thomas said he had personally interviewed Martin and that he had passed a polygraph examination. Another red flag. The attack was so brutal, the knife blade was bent completely backwards. Findings confirmed that the weapons used on the victims heads were two different hammers and a BB gun in Sues case. As she opened the door, she discovered three bodies on the living room floor of the infamous Cabin 28. One of the men was holding a small knife and a hammer. Originally, police believed the murdered victims to be Sue, John, and Tina; the bodies had been in such bad shape they couldnt tell. For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. Tina was then allegedly taken out the cabins back door by one of the men. One more scary fact before I call it quits. [19] She had been stabbed in the chest,[20] her throat was stabbed horizontally, the wound going through her larynx and nicking her spine, and on the side of her head was an imprint matching the butt of a Daisy 880 Powerline BB/pellet rifle. Blood was everywhere. He lives in the West Midlands, UK with his wife and son. Who Killed Biggie Smalls? WebThe Keddie murders took place in Cabin 28 in 1981. Flowers In their memory Plant Memorial Trees. I think it would lift an incredible weight to clear the dark skies that have hung over that community and the surviving family members," Hagwood said. During his interrogation, Marty offered to the police that his hammer with a blue handle had gone missing. [10] Around this time, the two were seen in the city's downtown area. Previous Next. In 2016, a man sweeping around with a metal detector found a hammer in a dried-up pond near Keddies entrance. Martin Smartt later told the police that he had a hammer that matched the one discovered and also that his hammer and gone missing shortly before the murders. Gamberg thinks that at the same time, Sue was counseling Marilyn to leave Marty. A person matching the description Justin gave became a primary suspect in the investigation Justins stepfather, Martin Smartt, also known as Marty. Marty, his wife Marilyn, and Marilyns two sons lived in Cabin 26 near the Sharps house just across the lane. There were some bloodstains on her bedding, which suggested that she might have been kidnapped from her bed after the murders. Marilyn also provided a letter she received from Marty, in which she said he confessed to the Keddie cabin murders. The night before the murders, Sheila had slept over a friends house down the street. Detectives tell ABC10 they believe more people have a guilty conscience. "I believe in one-way shape or form we are going to pull this together," Detective Gamberg said. Keddie Murders Revisited Part 1: New Evidence Discovered Links Living Suspect to Grisly Scene, November 15, 2019.Whelan, Micheal. Near her bones in the woods, detectives also discovered a pair of jeans with a missing back pocket, a blue jacket, a blanket, and an empty surgical tape dispenser. She also worked a part-time job at the Quincy Elks Lodge, and with the little money she brought in, Sue rented Keddie Cabin 28 in the fall of 1981. In 2016, a hammer, which could have been the one Smartt reportedly said he lost, was found in a pond near where the Keddie cabin once stood. As reported by ABC10, John Boubede died in 1988, and Martin Smartt died in 2006. The neighbor Sheila had been staying with called police, but before they arrived Sheila discovered that her brother were alive. Accept Read More, The Disappearance of the Five Sodder Children, Brutal Murders on Germanys Hinterkaifeck Farm, The Mystery of Germanys Hinterkaifeck Farmhouse Murders, Long Island Serial Killer Case Remains Unsolved. Recently one of the missing murder weapons has been found, a hammer. She was not born and raised in the small town of Keddie; Sue had been an outsider, a leech, a bad mother so she and her babies deserved what they got? "I've paid the price of your love & now I've bought it with four people's lives," ABC10 reports the letter said. This was out of character for her, but it would be out of the ordinary for anyone, wouldnt it? This case upsets or disturbs me like none other. On April 11, 1981, 36-year-old Glenna "Sue" Sharp, her 15-year-old son John, and his 17-year-old friend Dana Wingate were murdered in Cabin 28 at the Keddie Resort, in Keddie, California. Photo: Plumas County Sheriffs Department. (Whelan). Which is never good because I get lost in it. Boubede told authorities he was a former Chicago police officer and that Marilyn was his niece, which were both later revealed to be untrue. This call wasn't investigated initially as it was left in evidence for Detective Mike Gamberg to find. Sue's two younger sons, Rick and Greg, as well as their friend Justin Smartt, were also in the house but were unharmed. Wasnt the rude bitch next door Mama Meeks? What else do you want? Although the room was covered in blood, it was all traced back to the victims, as reported by Historic Mysteries. Shortly after news broke of the discovery, a mysterious phone call came into the Butte County Sheriff's Office. However, this turned out to be untrue. Had she fallen prey to a sex ring? However, she forgot to bring the clothes she planned to wear to church. The Keddie Cabin murders was a case that involved a triple-slaying as well as a missing child whose It is labeled "Keddie Resort.". The surviving family members have been severely impacted by this case. In 1979, Glenna "Sue" Sharp left her abusive husband and moved herself and her five children from Connecticut to Quincy, California. It is believed that the boys, especially Justin, witnessed everything but were and still are too afraid to tell of what occurred that night. I researched this case for several years, read everything I could get my hands on. We know that it was a group of attackers, at least 3; police who are investigating the case today are saying they have evidence that 6 were involved. John Boubede left Keddie after the murders and returned to Chicago, where he died in 1988. When Sheila returned home early the next morning to find her mother, brother, and his friend bloodied on the living room floor, she bolted back to her neighbors house. Plumas County Sheriffs DepartmentA back view of cabin 28 where the family had lived for a year. Spanning the investigation, investigators named two primary suspects, Martin Smartt, a neighbor to the Sharps, and his friend John "Bo" Boubede. In press releases accompanying the sketches, the suspects were described as being in their late 20s to early 30s; one stood between 5feet 11inches (1.80m) to 6feet 2inches (1.88m) tall with dark-blonde hair, and the other between 5feet 6inches (1.68m) and 5feet 10inches (1.78m) with black, greased hair. Then, on April 22, 1984, a little more than three years after the murders, someone collecting bottles in the woods in rural Butte County, about 100 miles from Keddie, found human remains. Around a month after the Keddie murders took place, the neighborhood friend, Justin, who was one of the survivors, told his therapist that he was having dreams about the murder. The remains belonged to Tina Sharp. On the other hand, his reason for killing Tina was that she had seen everything. Tina is believed to have been present at the crime scene of the Keddie cabin murders. Sheila would spend the night at the Seabolts. The family had been living in relative poverty in a town of 66 people. Unsolved 1981 American quadruple homicide in Keddie, California, Victims, clockwise: Sue Sharp, John Sharp, Dana Wingate, and Tina Sharp, The house's front door and living room interior, Several news sources use the name "John Boubede", though Robert Scott claims in his book, "Keddie murders revisited part 2: Following the clues", "Inside the Search for the Keddie Cabin Killers 35 Years After a Family Was Slaughtered", "A Daughter's 35-Year Fight For Justice: Sheila Sharp Longs to Know Who Murdered Her Family in Their Cabin", "5 Things to Know about the Keddie Cabin Murders and the New Hunt for the Killers", "Plumas County Sheriff seeks pair in Keddie tripple slaying", "13-year-old Keddie murders still plague sheriff", "Investigator closer to solving Keddie murders", "Plumas County's Keddie murders revisited Part III", "Keddie murders revisited part 1: New evidence discovered links living suspect to grisly scene", "Plumas triple murder investigation continues", "The Keddie Murders: 20 years have passed since four lives were taken in a brutal slaying", "Sheriff seeks pair for questioning in Keddie murder investigation", "New evidence revives Plumas County quadruple murder case",, Deaths by strangulation in the United States, Unsolved mass murders in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Tina Sharp (remains recovered April 1984), This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 21:19. WebMurder Victim of Cabin 28 at Keddie Resort. The victims were Glenna Susan "Sue" Sharp (ne Davis; born March 29, 1945); daughter Tina Louise Sharp (born July 22, 1968); son, John Steven Sharp (born November 16, 1965); and John's friend, Dana Hall Wingate (born February 8, 1964). Police felt the hammer had been intentionally placed there. To Gamberg, it is clear that the DOJ and Thomas-run Sherriffs Dept. Log In When the boys were found, they had barricaded themselves in the bedroom. until 2013 when the case was reopened with new investigators Plumas Sheriff Greg Hagwood and Special Investigator Mike Gamberg. A few years later, Martys wife, Marilyn, said that she had found Tinas bloody jacket in their basement and had given it to the police during the earlier investigation. Their throats were slashed, and they both had multiple stabbings and blunt force trauma to the head. Both Gamberg and Hagwood said they believe authorities are getting closer to solving the case. Yes, it got me thinking about the case again. Nevertheless, authorities were determined to follow any possible leads. 28 of the Keddie Resort. [24], According to a 2016 article published by The Sacramento Bee, Martin had left Keddie and driven to Reno, Nevada, shortly after the murders; from there, he sent a letter to Marilyn ruminating on personal struggles in their marriage, which he concluded with: "I've paid the price of your love & now I've bought it with four people's lives. I think there was something about Tina that could not be left there to be discovered. Moreover, it appears that Marty had actually confessed to the murders to two different people. You May Also Like: The Servant Girl Annihilators of Texas. So very sad. Further, the home did not indicate forced entry, though detectives did recover an unidentified fingerprint from a handrail on the back stairs. [19] John and Dana suffered blunt-force trauma to their heads caused by a hammer or hammers. The prevalence of blood suggested to investigators that the victims had been moved and rearranged from the positions in which they were murdered. Investigators theorized that someone might have interrupted the murders taking place before the culprits had a chance to kill the younger children in their bedrooms. One reportedly had a mustache and long hair and the other was clean-shaven with short hair but both in glasses. Sheriff Thomas called the Sacramento Department of Justice which then sent in two special agents from their organized crime unit not homicide, which struck many as odd. Near the remains detectives also found a childs blanket, a blue nylon jacket, a pair of jeans with a missing back pocket, and an empty surgical tape dispenser. The furthest away covered with a blanket. SMH. WebThe murders took place in house No. Composite sketch of the Keddie murder suspects. His handling of the case in retrospect would be considered disastrous at best and corrupt at worst. [27], On April 22, 1984, three years and eleven days after the murders, a bottle collector discovered the cranium portion of a human skull and part of a mandible at Camp Eighteen[17] near Feather Falls in neighboring Butte County,[28] roughly 100 miles (160km) from Keddie. This letter was not treated as a confession nor was it followed up on at the time. [29], On March 24, 2016, a hammer matching the description of the hammer Martin claimed to have lost was discovered in a local pond[19] and taken into evidence by Plumas County Special Investigator Mike Gamberg. That wall panel was among those taken into evidence. Had Justin not been a witness, how in the world would he know this? Were convinced that there are a handful of people that fit those roles who are still alive.. . Keddie Murders Revisited Following the Clues, May 3, 2018.Metcalf, Victoria. The statement from Martys letter, What else do you want?, sounds like Marty is asking,In addition to what you already asked for, what more do you want me to do? Martin Smartt died in 2006. Some investigators who picked up the case when it reopened in 2013 tie the slayings into an even larger plot. Martys counselor at the Veterans Administration in Reno told police that Marty confessed to killing Sue and Tina but not the two boys. It was later confirmed that Martin was close with this Sheriff. The strangest thing is that there is no apparent motive. From the front door, their small wooden cabin opened to the living room. By such a cruel heinous act. The former Sharp home was condemned and demolished in 2004. Always busy trying to better her situation, Sue took a typing class with financial aid. "[24] In addition to interviewing the Smartts, detectives interviewed numerous other locals and neighbors; several, including members of the Seabolt family, recalled seeing a green van parked at the Sharps' house around 9:00 pm. But maybe thats how the townspeople justified keeping this horrible secret? There, they visited their friends and watched TV. With that, the remains of Tina Sharp had been found, which made the crimes committed on April 11 or 12, 1981, a quadruple homicide. Also, the murderers must have been aware of the three remaining boys in the cabin. Marilyn later said in a 2008 documentary that she believed Marty was the perpetrator and that he had even confessed in writing to her. The back side of cabin 28 We know that it was a group of On the morning of April 11, 14-year-old Sheila Sharp stepped into Cabin 28 to a horrific scene. A recording of this call was found at the bottom of an evidence box at some point after 2013 by a deputy who was assigned the case. John and his 17-year-old friend Dana had hitchhiked to a nearby town of Quincy for a party and returned sometime later that evening. When I searched to find my most recent article about Keddie, I found that I it already mentioned she had died. Nevertheless, Gamberg says that six people may have been involved. [24], Based on Justin's descriptions, composite sketches of the two unknown men were produced by Harlan Embry, a man with no artistic ability and no training in forensic sketching. Justin also claimed that Tina came out shortly after, and one of the men abducted her out the back door. Sues 2 youngest boys, 5 year old Greg and 10 year old Rick, along with their 13 year old neighbor buddy, Justin Eason, who had been staying over for the night were all in a bedroom at the back of the cabin. [11], That same evening, Tina had plans to spend the night with the Seabolt family, who lived in adjacent #27, while Sue remained at home with Rick, Greg, and the boys' young friend, Justin Smartt. All three returned home later, but Marty and Bo went out again. I thought she just died in the past month. It would not have been accidentally misplaced." Sadly, many of the suspected killers are long gone: Marty, John Bo Boubede, and Marilyn have all passed away. Sue urged them not to hitchhike, but passersby spotted John and Dana on a street corner trying to flag a ride home around 9:30-10:00 that evening. She remarried and is still alive. When she opened the door, Sharp was horrified to find the bodies of her mother, brother John, and her brother's friend, Dana Wingate, covered in blood on the floor of the front room. In 1984 police received an anonymous tip telling them where to look for Tinas remains; a few pieces of her skull were found near a place called Feather Falls approximately 60 miles away from Keddie. I was told the suspects were told to get out of town, so to me, that means it was covered up, Sheila Sharp told CBS Sacramento in 2016. The three youngsters were hanging out at the house since the afternoon. What else do you want?. Was he planted there? Still hard to believe that as close as the cabins were, nobody heard anything. Blood patterns indicated that her legs were initially splayed apart, but someone moved her and covered her body with a yellow blanket after the murder. [12] Tina's jacket, shoes and a toolbox containing various tools were missing from the house,[6] which showed no indication of forced entry. Smartt fled Keddie after the murders. [15] Tina was absent from the home, while the three younger childrenRick, Greg, and Justinwere found physically unharmed in an adjacent bedroom. And if I am remembering correctly the Meeks son and Shelia had screwed around, and that son was thought to be involved? Had she been waiting for someone, ready with her tennis shoes and red jacket on, her special shoe box project ready to go when she allowed them to come in? Keddie28reported Sue Sharp began dating a man named Dareyl approximately one week before she was killed. KEDDIE, Calif. It has been 40 years since what is known as the Keddie Murders took place in rural Plumas County. Great! Although the identity of the murderer is still a mystery, new information has surfaced in the last decade and could help to solve the Keddie cabin murders. Resort town, with opportunities for camping, hiking, and Justi think there was plenty of left... 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