The Talmud refers to the Hebrew word for the sky, ("Shamaim") as built from fire and water ("Esh Umaim"), since the sky is the source of the inexplicable mixture of "fire" and water that come together, during rainstorms. Pazuzu (Babylonian origin) means 'evil spirit'. Other examples: Extra recitings for 2nd day of Passover, and many more. One of the most important gods in Vedic religion, Indra is the god of thunder and storms. 434. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. 26. It may also fly about as a ball of lightning or fire (in fact, the demon may be an attempt to explain the phenomenon of ball lightning). ISBN: 9781782976363. Media related to Raijin at Wikimedia Commons, "Narukami" redirects here. 84. The female demon that once risen from her grave seduces men and dooms them. 474. Satanael (Australian origin) means 'dark'. Wendigo (Native American Origin) is a type of monster. 257. He was a prince of hell. 106. Meaning and Healing Properties. Kotoha Hashibira (Japanese origin) is a typical, attractive young person who was abused by her family. The Philippines: A Unique Nation. Metztli was a deity of the night, the moon, and of farmers. 2: The Tiruray. He is typically depicted as a demon-looking spirit beating drums to create thunder, usually with the symbol tomoe drawn on the drums. Aana Marutha (Hindu origin) a bloodthirsty, malicious ghost that plays lustful practical jokes on people. 294. 25. Hantu Kopek (Malaysian origin) is referred to as the ghost of the kopek. 203. Hannya (Japanese origin) are women who have been overtaken by envy and changed into demons typically having horns. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. Nimue (Celtic origin) is a queen who outgrew the mighty wizard and later became mad without any guidance. The form of a white and blue wolf (or even a wolf wrapped in lightning) is also common. 274. Aynaet (Ethiopian origin) is a demoness known for her wicked gaze. This is one of the most feared deities of Japanese culture. Kiwanuka starts wild fires, strikes trees and other high buildings, and a number of shrines are established in the hills, mountains and plains to stay in his favor. In addition, demonic lightning is capable of inflicting excruciating pain; both physically and spiritually tormenting the victim, has the potential to corrupt one's soul, and is very effective against the holiest of supernatural's, such as angels. While generally harmless, the cat becomes agitated during thunderstorms, leaping in trees, fields, and between buildings. It was the name of the protagonist, played by Johnny Depp. 223. 139. Hes been working in the field for years and has amassed a great deal of knowledge on Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Mesoamerican, Japanese mythology, and others. Raiju is the companion of Raijin, the Shinto god of lightning. Akuji (African origin) signifying 'Dead and Awake'. 241. 107. 463. Albedo (Japanese origin) She dresses in all-black amour to protect herself while also alluring others. 209. 290. 420. In the prayer for rain, The angel that fought Jacob was a rainstorm "minister angel, mixed of fire and water". Dialen Dialen is female demons that have goat feet from Graubuenden. November 2019 333. Set (Hebrew Origin) In Egyptian theology, a Set is a form of the devil who lives in the underworld. 167. Kutilanak (Indonesian origin) A woman who lost her life giving pregnancy takes vengeance by causing miscarriages to other women. 436. In Ancient Greece, the King of the gods was Zeus, who was often depicted with lightning bolts as a weapon. The Baganda specifically attribute the lightning phenomenon to the god Kiwanuka, one of the main trio in the Lubaale gods of the sea or lake. There are different local traditions and beliefs about these thunder and lightning gods, but they were generally seen as protectors from the forces of nature, givers of bountiful harvests, and the ones who fought alongside warriors during times of war. He was worshipped in North Syria, along the Euphrates River and Phoenician coast. Sauda (African origin) meaning 'dark beauty'. 179. 339. essay, Oxbow Books. Sable (Slavic origin) means 'black'. Ubuyashiki Amane (Japanese origin) She is eccentric and part of Demon Slayer Corps who showed loyalty till the end. Akeno Himejima (Japanese origin) Akeno is a stunning young demoness with longblack hair andviolet eyes. 350. In Norse mythology, rr is the god of thunder and the sound of thunder comes from the chariot he rides across the sky. 132. Capiznon. 98. He was able to enter people's body and objects too. Raijin, also known as Kaminari-sama and Raiden-sama, is the Japanese god of thunder, light and storms. Achlys, (Greek Origin) this evil name comes from Greek mythology. While sanctuaries built for him are rare, some people still honor him, in hopes that the god will take revenge on their enemies. Gaspare (Italian origin) meaning 'treasurer'. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Juhainah (Arabic origin) meaning 'darkness at the end of the night'. Orazio (Latinn origin) meaning 'persuade'. Focalor was a powerful Duke of Hell. Kalevala (Finnish origin) meaning 'mystical land'. Deber (Hebrew origin) meaning 'pestilence'. 240. 2. Andras (Hebrew origin) is a demon who is tenacious in her pursuit of her love. Incubus (Latin Origin) this demon name also comes from Christian demonology. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Juiblex (Unknown Origin) is the name of the monsters in the role-playing game 'Dungeon And Dragons,' who act as villains. Kiyohime (Japanese origin) a human who, after being rejected by a monk, transforms into a spiteful demon. In Japan, the Shinto god Raijin is considered the god of lightning and thunder. Bdnica (Slavic origin) This spirit resides in the woods and misleadspeople into going into the deep woods. Hashihime (Japanese origin) primarily associated with bridges, depicts a demoness who is lonely and waits for her lover. 174. Carman (Hebrew origin) meaning vineyard. Attempts were made to debunk this myth. In Inca religion, Illapa was the thunder god who had control over the weather. He is one of the Kings of Hell who controls 72 legions of demons. Darcy (Irish origin) meaning descendant of the dark. In the other hand, he holds another weapon. According to "Mythological Swords," Tyrfing sometimes spelled Tirfing or Tyrving was created when King Svafrlami, the grandson of the god Odin, trapped the dwarves Dulin and Dvalin and forced them to make him a sword. Its often depicted on the totem poles of the Pacific Northwest, as well as in art of the Sioux and Navajo. Drude (German origin) This spirt is known to cauase nightmares. 29. Zaide, S. M. (1999). However, different tribes have their own stories about the thunderbird. 161. Egyptologist Jan Assmann has also suggested that Greek Elysion may have instead been derived from the Egyptian term ialu (older iaru), meaning "reeds," with specific reference to the "Reed fields" (Egyptian: sekhet iaru / ialu), a paradisiacal land of plenty where the dead hoped to spend eternity. Mina Ashido (Japanese origin) Mina's combat skills aren't very strong, but she uses acid as her weapon to combat. Haures (Japanese origin) If he is not confined in a black triangle, he will also attempt to mislead and trick his summoner. Draconcopedes (Greek origin) is a demoness from the tale of Eden, that was a serpent with a female face. Alastair (Gaelic Origin) was the name of one of the demons in the popular TV show 'Supernatural'. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Dead animals were found from under trees after a stormy night in Japan. The Deities of the Animistic Religion of Mayaoyao, Ifugao. Abezethibou, (Jewish Origin) this name has a rich history in Jewish demonology. according to Greek mythology. Ruby (Latin Origin) was the name of a female demon in the TV series 'Supernatural'. Chesma Iyesi (Turkish origin) This cat-shaped ghost lured young people to their demise by hiding in wells or fountains. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. [1] Recent theory suggests that Raijus are essentially a small tree-dwelling creature called hakubishin (Paguma larvata) found in East Asian countries such as China and Taiwan. 308. Xaphan (Christian origin) meaning someone who starts fire. 340. He was regarded as the king of the Olympian gods, and the most powerful of the Greek pantheon of gods. For thousands of years, thunder and lightning were mysterious events, personified as gods to be worshipped or considered the acts of certain angry gods. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Sugaru then tied him up in a sack and took him to the Emperor. Scathach (Gaelic origin) means 'the one in shadows'. Akeldama (Greek origin) means 'field of blood'. According to legend, Watanabe severed the arm of the wicked ogre with the blade after an epic battle. Ghoulies (Arabic Origin) derived from the word ghoul, is the name of demons featured in' Ghoulies' movie series. Raijin with drums on an earthenware vase. 62. 127. Patasola (South American origin) a jungle spirit that kills men after seducing them with its beauty. 315. 37. Raij (,"thunder animal" or "thunder beast") is a legendary demon from Raiju Japanese mythology. Rusalka (Slavic origin) is a female spirits who is against the mankind. Eligos (Christian Origin) this demon name comes from Christian demonology, where it is mentioned in Ars Goetia. Balthazar (Greek Origin) this name was seen in the 2005 horror film' Constantine'. 398. Durukti (Hindu origin) was demoness in Hindu mythology she was the wife of demon Kali. Eulalie (French origin) meaning 'sweet talk'. 60. References. During the Neolithic Period, thunder cults became prominent in Western Europe. Some traditions even transformed him into a mythological figure, especially in Jain and Buddhist mythologies of India. 353. Kikimora (Russian origin) meaning 'female house spirit'. Agrat-bat- mahlaht (Jewish origin) who, according to Jewish folklore, appears to men in their dreams as a stunning woman and tempts them. Xa-Mul (Filipino origin) refers to an evil spirit. 63. Jigarkhvar (Hindu origin) She makes people faints with her looks before devouring their liver. He is the patron of thunder and lightning and used to be invoked in order to maintain peace between enemies. 313. 99. 103. Raijin () is a god of lightning, thunder and storms in the Shinto religion and in Japanese mythology.His name is derived from the Japanese words rai (, "thunder") and "god" or "kami" ( shin). Its cry sounds like thunder. Some Japanese parents tell their children to hide their belly buttons during thunderstorms so that Raijin does not take them away and eat them. By the time of the rise of the Republic, he was established as the greatest of all the gods, and a temple dedicated to him was built at the Capitoline Hill in 509 BCE. Louhi (Finnish origin) meaning 'trance'. The demon's name is mentioned in demonological grimoires as a fair older person who rode a crocodile with a hawk. 200. Demogorgon (Christian Origin) is the name of a demon or a deity in Christian demonology. Aatrox (Latin Origin) this demon name comes from the famous online multiplayer game, 'League Of Legends'. ", In India, the Hindu god Indra is considered the god of rains and lightning and the king of the Devas.[5][6][7]. 320. Gualichu (Mapuche origin) is a demon who was known to cause diseases and calamities. 359. Kukudh (Albanian Origin) is a perfect name for a demon. 112. Barbatos, (Christian Origin) this demon name can be found in Christian demonology. Chemosh, (Christian Origin) this demonic name comes from Moabite mythology and is an apt name for a sinister character in your fiction. 450. Its body is composed of lightning and with the form of a white and blue wolf or dog (or even a wolf or dog wrapped in lightning) being the most common, although it can be represented with other forms such as tanuki, leopard, fox, weasel, marten, tiger, cat, bear, porcupine, tapir, elephant, rat, rabbit, bat, squirrel, boar, deer, badger, 283. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. 175. The mythological bird was believed to create lightning from its beak, and thunder from its wings. Inmai (Tamil origin) meaning 'deprivation'. Onyx (Arabic origin) means 'sadness'. In Inca mythology, Illapa was the god of lightning, the thunder, the rain and war. 27. All-Nations Publishing. Combined of both a natural wonder and scientific power that isnt yet able to be harnessed, its no wonder that lightning features heavily across time and history. 133. In Slavic mythology, Perun was the supreme god, the god of thunder and lightning, who owned the sky and acted as the patron saint of ruling army units. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Thyone (Greek origin) is an alternative name for Semele. Ancient, sharpened stone axes were also worn on the clothing, as they were believed to be the symbol of the god and could supposedly cure illnesses. Philippine Sociological Society. 448. It has repeatedly featured in popular fiction as it is a very common name for the devil. 11. 409. University of California Publications in American Archaeology, 227353. 198. Raijin also has a son named Raitaro.[5]. 396. In paintings, hes commonly depicted holding a thunderbolt, a chisel, and a sword, while riding his white elephant Airvata. 467. 296. Alastor, (Christian Origin) this demon name too comes from Christian demonology. 143. Mikaribaba (Japanese origin) The greedy one-eyed creature used to put anentire town in peril by their greedy pursuits. Yohaulticetl was the lunar goddess known as the Lady of the Night. Lightning Demons, also known as Gray Demons were a Demon variant enemy encountered by Raziel in the Post-Blood Omen and Early History eras of Soul Reaver 2. 319. Melanthaha (Greek origin) meaning 'dark flower'. 160. Botis (Christian origin) is a demon who appeared as a viper before turning into a human. 114. 31. April 2020 Philippine Short Stories. 280. Carabia (Hebrew origin) is a demon who can transform any species. 86. Philippine Mythology. Gello (Mesopotamian origin) This demon interferes with reproduction cycles and makes people infertile. Illapa was considered as the third most important god within the Inca pantheon, after Viracocha and Inti. 129. 193. Qanel (Malaysian origin) meaning 'dark canal'. 394. 216. It may also fly about as a ball of lightning (in fact, the creature may be an attempt to explain the phenomenon of lightning). 285. 73. 70. However, most people know it from 'Marvel Cinematic Universe' as it was the name of a Greek God. 79. Most of the names for demons, demonesses, fallen angels, and devils come from various demonologies. Pandora (Greek origin) is the first human created by Olympians for holding Pandora box which would bring sickness to men. The Raijin and Fujin sculptures in Sanjusangendo are considered national treasures. Botis, (Christian Origin) the name Botisis found in Christian demonology. 410. creative tips and more. Hala (Arabic origin) meaning 'halo around the Moon'. Mami Wata (African origin) a water spirit that bestows prosperity and riches on those who follows it. Her skills, yet she can develop a strategy based on information and has foresight. Raijin frightens the Russians out of Tokuriji, during the Battle of Nanshan. 368. 382. Nabaloi Tales. Itzcoliuhqui (Aztec origin) meaning 'curved obsidian blade'. Chaaya (Hindu origin) meaning shadow. [4], Another story describes Raijin as a mischief-maker, causing the destruction leading the Emperor to order Sugaru (the God Catcher) to imprison Raijin and deliver him to the in order to stop a storm. Paimon (Hebrew origin) is a king who was obedient to lucifer. The Finnish word for thunder is ukkonen, derived from the god's name.[3]. Cain (Hebrew Origin) was the name of a supernatural being in the TV series 'Supernatural'. Its cry sounds like thunder. 156. 181. 338. These include creatures such as the Centaur (Horse-Man . 108. 281. 69. Chedipe (Hindu origin) is a demon from Hindu mythology that enters homes to bring impurity and ridestiger at midnight. The Aztec god of lightning, sunset, and death, Xolotl was a dog-headed god who was believed to be responsible for the creation of humans. Legion (Latin Origin) in Christian demonology means a 'group of demons.' Irina Shidou (Japanese origin) She draws her strength from the sun and possesses exorcist-like abilities. Anthony (Roman Origin) is a demon name from the TV show 'Supernatural'. The Lightning Monster is a creature with origins in African mythology, legend and folklore, especially in the South African country of Zambia. It may also fly about as a ball of lightning (in fact, the creature may be an attempt to explain the phenomenon of lightning, such as ball lightning). Philotanus (Irish origin) means 'demon'. 52. Cruz-Lucero, R., Pototanon, R. M. (2018). Makio (Japanese origin) a young, headstrong woman and a demon slayer with scars from battles. 213. The thunder hymneth His praise and (so do) the angels for awe of Him. 471. Corrupt Lightning/Electricity Manipulation, Cursed Lightning/Electricity Manipulation, Hellish Lightning/Electricity Manipulation, Malevolent Lightning/Electricity Manipulation, Sinful Lightning/Electricity Manipulation, Unholy Lightning/Electricity Manipulation. It is one of the more underrated demon names on the list. Dimme (Sumerian origin) is a demoness causing fever and sickness of newborn babies. 147. Verin (Christian origin) signifies 'demon lord'. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. Vuall (Christian origin) is a demon of Hell who knows past, present and the future. Ahpuch (Mayan Origin) was the name of one of the Mayan death demon and is also known as the Mayan Devil. Hecate (Greek Origin) was the name of the Greek Demon of the underworld. Meiji period, 19th century. Netsuke depicting Raijin, by Kaigyokusai Masatsugu (1813-1892). Troian (Slavic origin) meaning 'Trinity'. 265. Okiku (Japanese origin) Okkiku was a woman who suffered horribly and then transformed into a furious demoness. 282. (1913). 81. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. It has been popularized by DC Comics and also a Netflix series, 'Lucifer'. Raum (Egyptian origin) is a demon who destroy cities and men. Its body is composed of either lightning or fire and may be in the shape of a cat, tanuki, monkey, or weasel. One of the best names for demons. Gorgon (Greek origin) These demons has hair full of venomous serpents associated with the underworld. The thunder god is usually depicted as a fearsome creature with a blue body, bat wings, and claws. Mastema (Hebrew origin) meaning 'hatred'. Raum (Scandinavian origin) means 'big'. This prompts Raiden to shoot arrows at Raiju to wake the creature up, and thus harms the person in whose belly the demon is resting. 316. 46. 217. Variation of Demonic Element Manipulation. Philippine Sociological Review Vol. 233. Daki (Japanese origin) is a strong demoness who has murdered numerous Hashira. Rakshasa (Hindi Origin) refers to 'devil' or 'monster.'. He was a mighty demon in the form of Sun. And interestingly enough, the tales of the Akhekh drake might have inspired the legends of the Griffins in Europe. He is a Great Marquis of Hell and is supposed to be a fantasy creature of the sea. Mansafe and Fall Arrest Tests and Inspections, Lightning in History, Mythology and Science. Loki (Old Norse Origin) is the name of a Teutonic devil. 75. 407. In the traditional religion of the African Bantu tribes, such as the Baganda and Banyoro of Uganda, lightning is a sign of the ire of the gods. 456. His name was Typhon, the storm demon. Yamaraja (Sanskrit origin) signifies 'God of Death'. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Borda (Italian origin) a witch who kills anyone who comes incontact with her and isseen blindfolded. 269. Another of Raiju's peculiar behaviors is sleeping in human navels. Daruka (Hindu origin) was a demoness who was blessed and later became godess. 311. Flauros is a half cat demon. Nephilim (Hebrew origin) meaning 'the fallen ones'. Shabriri (Hebrew origin) 'demon of blindness'. He had drums he would beat (similar to the Yoruba Thunder God Shango) that would create thunder. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Baize (French origin) meaning something that is 'dark brown'. This is mentioned in various prayers,[4] Psalm 29, and discussed in writings of Kabbalah. The poem Enuma Elish, dating from the reign of Nebuchadrezzar I, says that he was a god of 50 names. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. 168. Mahishi (Hindu origin) After her brother's murder, the shape-shifting buffalo demonesswanted to get revenge on the gods. 298. He was quite a powerful figure, and this demon name has very powerful connotations. From various demonologies to entertain and educate your children develop a strategy based information... Indra is the name of a white and blue wolf ( or a. 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